View Full Version : I Cried Today...

07-07-2007, 05:57 PM
I went out to do my recycling, and the new Humane Society is next door. I went in for a visit.

The two kitties below had just 'disappeared' from the website, and I asked the receptionist - very nice lady - "They didn't make it?" She shook her head gently. "We're so full," she said.

I know they are...they have advertised...and they are no kill whenever possible, but when kitten season happens, sad and hard decisions have to be made.... :(

Prayers please for these two that were sent to the Rainbow Bridge:



I went in the first cat room...a black fellow named Bear was out and about - a lovely guy! I looked at the furbabes that I had seen only on the website, and I just started crying. I told them I wished I had a place where I could foster a dozen of them...it would make a huge difference! :(

The second cat room had about 6 little black kittens - each with a collar with a name on it - running free in the room, terrorizing a long cat tunnel - just non stop psycho kittens! I could not help but cheer up, even though the flood of little guys endangers the older cats.

Mocha and Bailey were there - I opened Mocha's door and gave her chin and tummy rubs and lots of pats! What a lovey girl!

See them here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=129969&highlight=Bailey

Tears and love...and playing with kittens...what a mix life is, huh?

07-07-2007, 06:05 PM
OMG... what gorgeous kitties... what a shame that they euthanized them! They couldn't have them with the kittens??

07-07-2007, 06:10 PM
I can understand why you cried. I can't even walk in a SPCA without balling, actually I can't even think about this stuff without crying, you had me starting to cry already. It's so sad and I wish I could do something for all these poor animals, I wish I owned a big giant mansion that could be just for all the animals that need loving homes. But unfortunately I don't:(

Rest in Peace Susie and Gazoo, I am so sorry. :(

07-07-2007, 06:16 PM
Jenn...I know...these two had been there a long time, and when they run out of rooms, they run out of rooms. :(

There is a large cage, in addition to the glass walled condos, with a whole whack of kittens in it!

And there is a small write-on-wipe-off sign on the wall with the kitties' names and what time they were allowed the run of the room!

It is SO clean! There is a pet room where individuals are taken to be fed and coddled!

I am adding to my email signatures now. The two links to dog and cat adoptions, and the SPAY NEUTER dealie.

07-07-2007, 06:21 PM
Don't they do fostering at all??? Those poor babies! They both looked like the sweetest kitties. Ugh... I wouldn't be able to go there. Just like the Humane Society here... I can't stand it. It's clean enough, but it smells, and the dog cages just make me so sad. They just look so hard and cold and unfriendly.

07-07-2007, 06:31 PM
How heartbreaking... they were beauties... :(

07-07-2007, 06:35 PM
Yes, they have foster homes. They need more. Our town and Calgary are growing so fast it's hard to keep up.

I emailed them just now offering to draft a letter to housing developers - the ones that build new condos, etc. I asked the HS to mention to me some facts about how pet-friendly apartments etc had been successful.

You see, a lot of Boomers are moving into apartment condos. These often do not allow pets. I want to send a letter to these people encouraging them to change their policy. It would open up SO many homes. At the same time, telling them how other housing ops have handled pets successfully would hopefully help.

Here is my new signature on my email:


Please SPAY AND NEUTER your pet. Those who want to see the 'miracle of birth' should also see the 'miracle of euthanasia'.

"One can measure the greatness and the moral progress of a nation by how well it treats its animals."

- Mahatma Gandhi

07-07-2007, 06:38 PM
Oh Candace,

Such a tragedy that didn't have to happen if they only people would spay or neuter their cats. Why oh why they don't have a foster program is beyond me.

RIP sweet babies. You were loved. :( :(

07-07-2007, 06:47 PM

The province of Alberta is one of the richest in Canada moneywise - and one of the poorest in terms of volunteering.

Housing is SO sky-high that people are working two or three jobs to have a place to live. And these places are in short supply.

Sorry if that seems off-topic. Fostering is a volunteer position - and I don't know how I could do it where I am, in the building I am in.

It's officially a 'non-animal' place, but between the two buildings and 36 suites, I swear there are about 20 cats! ;)

Scooter's Mom
07-07-2007, 06:48 PM
Susie looks like my Charlie.
Oh how I wish I could take in more. :(

07-07-2007, 07:46 PM
OH that's so sad--they were both so beautiful. Ofcourse, I'll say a prayer for Susie and Gazoo..

07-07-2007, 08:35 PM
So sad.....my prays for those sweet babies....I wish I could help but I can't right now... I just hope that people will learn someday how important it is to spay and neuter their pets...


07-07-2007, 09:28 PM
So sad. I can't go into a shelter or the Humane Society. I just can't. So sad. RIP, sweet ones. To die if you were sick would be heartbreaking enough. But to die because there wasn't enough room for you on this big planet of ours. God.

07-07-2007, 09:43 PM
Here is an animation about Spaying and Neutering:http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb195/Hellow54321/95f74268.gif
Feel free to use it in your siggie or share it. :)

07-07-2007, 10:31 PM
This is so sad.:( The Humane Society near me has become a no-kill shelter and I haven't been there in years. I adopted Storm from there when it was a very high kill shelter and I hate to think of what may have happened to him if he hadn't been adopted by me. RIP Susie and Gazoo.:(

07-08-2007, 05:50 AM
Sadly With All The Idiots Out There Not Caring For Thier Pets There Are Going To Be Many More Suzies And Gazoos , Healthy Pets Who Will Be Pts As There Are Just Too Many Strays.
And You Cant Fine These Idiots As They Will Lie Thier Heads Off And Deny All. They Will Feed An Animal But Then Deny Responsibility For Them.
Suzie And Gazoo Are In Paris Now With The Pet Angels And The Lord Will See That Thier Lives Are Happier Now. But St Peter Will Have Words With This Fools Who Think That They Are Getting Away With Something.

07-08-2007, 06:04 AM
Oh, it's so sad they had to be put to sleep - two such wonderful kitties. :(

Rest in peace, Susie and Gazoo.

07-08-2007, 07:02 PM
I am so sorry. What beautiful cats. May they rest in peace.

Prayers for Suzie and Gazoo are being said here, too.


07-09-2007, 03:54 AM
:( I just find this all so sad when I read about these animals being put to sleep. This kind of thing just doesn't happen in the uk (although obviously we are a smaller country with less numbers) I don't know of any charity in the UK where they euthenize them if they're old and not wanted or over-run with cats. Animals are only put to sleep here if they have something wrong with them and it's kinder. Those poor cats, i will pray for them that they are happy now and they didn't suffer.

They weren't put to sleep by gassing were they? :( I can't think of anything more painful and humilating.

07-09-2007, 10:45 AM
They weren't put to sleep by gassing were they? I can't think of anything more painful and humilating.

No, no, no - at least it's injection. :( They will keep cats available for adoption for the longest time...I need to earn a living - and fostering is volunteer.

My mom and I are talking about getting a side-by-side duplex. Maybe she could look after them while I work...

I'll just have to pray and buy lottery tickets... :( I have a BF but we are a ways away from getting married, if ever...and I don't want to marry someone because of their tremendous income!

I'll email the HS again - maybe there is someone who has the house, but not all the time...maybe - I don't know!

07-09-2007, 03:34 PM
I read this post this morning before I left for work - and I still had tears in my eyes when I left my flat. :(

It's a shame that these beautiful precious creatures had to be euthanized only because there are not enough homes for all of them. It breaks my heart. :(

R.I.P. Susie and Gazoo! I know I will cry over you tonight when I go to bed!
