View Full Version : What did you do on July 4th??

07-07-2007, 05:27 PM
I had the MOST fantastic 4th!! My friend Charles, the guy who adopted Coco, now known as Isis, invited me to a party on the rooftop of his NYC apartment building.

It was VERY last minute but I thought, what the heck. My daughter and I packed overnight bags, got a hotel room right around the corner from his place in the Theater District and took the train to NYC.

We had a marvelous time!! The scenery was the Empire State Building and Times Square. Definitely a night to remember.

I got to see Isis and I've gotta tell you, she is the QUEEN in that house!! He adores her.

We poured ourselves into our room at 3 a.m. on the 4th and spent the next day walking around NYC. I didn't have my camera cuz I didn't want to have to keep track of it, so sorry, no pictures. But it was definitely a night to remember!!!

We took the train back to New Haven and headed to my cousin's house for a family cookout.

How about you? Do anything exciting??

07-07-2007, 06:20 PM
That sounds like so much fun, Donna. I had a good 4th, too. We went to a party and BBQ at a friend's house and he had a gorgeous, big in-ground pool. We brought Quinn's little bikini bathing suit (OMG SO FREEKING CUTE) and I took my baby swimming for the first time. It was so much fun, and we were both enjoying it so much, that I kept swimming with Quinn while everyone ate. I spent about an hour in the pool with Quinn and she enjoyed every second of it. She paddled her little legs, it was the cutest thing EVER. She did both the breast stroke and she did the back stroke. I simply held her head above water (I was too nervous to see her swim under water) and she was so buoyant that she swam in big circles and I just needed to support her head. She had the best time and her little heart was beating a million little beats in her chest from the little baby workout :)

I have a water child for sure! It may not sound fun to some folks, but that was the most amazing experience I've ever had and I will cherish it always.

I then had myself a nice BBQ dinner and we popped fireworks for another hour before we went home. It was so much fun.

07-07-2007, 06:30 PM

What??? No cheesecake shots of Quinn in her bikini??? I'm sure it must've been magical for you. Quinn was born in February, right? She's an Aquarian all right. Just like me!! :D

07-07-2007, 06:49 PM
Nope she's a Pisces, and she's a water child threw and threw. She's never, ever fussed in the bath tub, even when she was just a few days old. When she was a newborn she'd cry when the bath was over with because she was cold and miserable, but during the bath she's always been the picture of happiness. I have cell phone photos of her swimming, and even a video taken from a cell phone but I have no idea how to get them to my PC. Do you?

07-07-2007, 06:59 PM
Not an Aquarian?? Bummer. :( Sounds like she's already taken to water like a fish. I was a swimmer throughout my childhood. Was on the swim team and everything.

I have no clue how to download from a cellphone camera. Maybe Phred can enlighten you.

07-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Donna ~ That sounds like a wonderful way to spend Independence Day.

Nothing exciting here. I worked. And since I work for British Petroleum, you can imagine that the 4th of July is not a big hit! :p The chefs tried, even though they're not real familiar with "traditional" July 4th foods.

When I walked into the caffeteria, the first thing I saw were egg rolls. Oooookay....... The next choice was jalepeno poppers. Hmmmmm........ Next pan contained brattwurst and sauerkraut. :eek: Finally, there was a mountain of fried chicken. :D

I asked about the choices and was informed that since America is a melting pot, they wanted to make sure that many different cultures were represented. :p

07-07-2007, 07:46 PM
quote...I asked about the choices and was informed that since America is a melting pot, they wanted to make sure that many different cultures were represented...end quote
i think that's nice. and was there potato salad to go with the chicken? :)

07-07-2007, 08:21 PM
Everyone invited to the party was asked to bring whatever they wanted to cook on the grill. I brought 2 packages of Brats with Cheese :p and a package of boneless chicken breasts. The cheese Brats were a big hit!!

07-07-2007, 08:31 PM
i think that's nice. and was there potato salad to go with the chicken? :)No! :( Of course, my mommy makes the best potato salad in the world, so I probably wouldn't have eaten theirs anyway. ;)

07-07-2007, 11:26 PM
No! :( Of course, my mommy makes the best potato salad in the world, so I probably wouldn't have eaten theirs anyway. ;)

I'm sure your Mommy's potato salad is good, but there are a few PTers here that may argue my mommy's potato salad is the best ;) :p I'm not sure if she makes more for the Dog Park gatherings, or for the take home containers to hand out at the gathering!

We spent the 4th in Findlay ith my parents, sister and her kids, aunt and uncle and all 11 dogs. It was a fun day!

Toby's my baby
07-08-2007, 12:18 AM
Wow, sounds like everyone had a blast!!

I spent the day at my boyfriends house with his little brothers, my best friend Toni, and her boyfriend (whom is my boyfriends good friend). We watched a couple "Rocky" movies, and then headed down the road to the neighbors to ride horse. We met up with my boyfriends mom who was already riding horse, and rode for a bit. After that we headed back and took showers so we weren't all sweaty and dirty for dinner. After showers we all went over to "the horse shoe" which is a dug-out swimming pool right next to a family friend of my boyfriends. We had brats and corn on the cob off the grill. After dinner my boyfriend, 2 friends, and I went and started watching a movied called Turista (i think :o ) and after about an hour decided to go join everyone with the fireworks. There were about 25 people at the neighbors doing fireworks and watching. Josh and Matt (my boyfriend and good friend) decided a "fireworks war" was in order with his little brothers. They did that while me and my friend Toni stood behind the boys and let them do there thing! There were a few close calls, but none of us four got hit, but the younger boys sure did! :p After the fireworks all ran out it started to rain so we headed to the garage and said our goodbyes and headed home. :)

07-08-2007, 12:19 AM
Nope she's a Pisces, and she's a water child threw and threw. She's never, ever fussed in the bath tub, even when she was just a few days old. When she was a newborn she'd cry when the bath was over with because she was cold and miserable, but during the bath she's always been the picture of happiness. I have cell phone photos of her swimming, and even a video taken from a cell phone but I have no idea how to get them to my PC. Do you?

Leslie..that's too funny. Before I moved down to read your response to Donna, I thought, "Of course Quinn loves H2o, she's a widdle fishie (Pisces)! I know Quinn looked gorgeous!

07-08-2007, 12:57 AM
The BF and I were house sitting for his parents, and we had a friend over. We swam, drank a bit (I stuck to root beer), and lounged in the hot tub.

Not very exciting, I suppose, but it was lovely.

07-08-2007, 11:16 AM
Went up to Marin with a girlfriend (north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge) for a barbecue. They had a live band too which was fun. We danced for a little bit, but it was SO hot we ended up leaving early to get back to cooler San Francisco. As I could tell I was coming down with a cold, I took a nap with the cats, cooked a nice dinner and then watched the fireworks from the comfort of my bedroom - I have a view of the waterfront from my bedroom. It was a nice, serene 4th.

07-08-2007, 11:17 AM
Went up to Marin (north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge) with a girlfriend for a barbecue. They had a live band too which was fun. We danced for a little bit, but it was SO hot we ended up leaving early to get back to cooler San Francisco. As I could tell I was coming down with a cold, I took a nap with the cats, cooked a nice dinner and then watched the fireworks from the comfort of my bedroom - I have a view of the waterfront from my bedroom. It was a nice, serene 4th.

07-09-2007, 01:44 AM
i had more fun than on any other 4th of July...it was probably the best day of 2007 so far. The house I was at is on a sorta busy street directly across from a shopping center. all the neighbors were setting off bottle rockets and other assorted fireworks. not the wimpy sparkler stuff, but the BIG ones :) Then down at the bar a bunch of drunken folk were setting off fireworks...a recipe for disaster. It was a lot of fun and I am glad I have awesome friends to spend holidays with.

07-09-2007, 11:41 AM
I spent the day swimming at my grandmas with my sisters and cousins, and we had a BBQ. Then I went home, showered and me and my friends went out dancing because it was a friends birthday. It was a pretty good 4th.

Cinder & Smoke
07-09-2007, 12:30 PM
There are a few PTers here that may argue my mommy's potato salad is the best ;) :p

I'm not sure if she makes more for the Dog Park gatherings,
or for the take home containers to hand out at the gathering!

Ohhhhh, YEAH!!!!!

"Mom" makes SUPER YUMMIE 'Tater Salad!!!

(Wiff Brownies for desert, too!)


07-09-2007, 12:31 PM
We went to my parents house to do fireworks on Tuesday night and BBQ'd on Wednesday. All four dogs had a blast swimming in the pool. I have pictures that I'll post in Dog General hopefully later this week. :D

07-09-2007, 12:54 PM
In the morning/afternoon..

In the late afternoon/evening...
Comforted and cried with my mom due to the loss of her brother.