View Full Version : Doggy destruction...why?

07-07-2007, 08:45 AM
I have always thought that Roscoe has some degree of seperation anxiety, but he has been soo GOOD lately. For the past 6 months at least (maybe longer), we have been closing him in our bedroom when we are not home, and it's been working really well. I leave the tv and fan on, give him food and water, and he seems to be happy. But then yesterday, out of nowhere, he shredded the bedroom door (having read Marley and Me I know I will be able to laugh about it). A couple things....he is usually not in there longer than 6 hours (although there have been times when he was there longer) but this time he was in there a few hours longer. Also, he was completely out of water when we got home. Then I found a strange thing, he had a small pile of our dirty clothes in 'his' closet (that's where he likes to sleep). I am thinking this was a one time thing, something spooked him for some reason, and we should just replace the door and give him another shot (but make sure he has lots of water and not leave him for longer than he's used to from now on). Opinions? I feel like a bad mommy :(

07-07-2007, 06:26 PM
One word comes to mind.....boredom. Does he have toys in there? How
old is Roscoe? The sooner he can safely stay outside the room, the better.

07-07-2007, 08:30 PM
Poor Roscoe, Poor Jen!

He possibly could have been bored. Have you tried leaving stuffed kongs in there for him? Maybe a food ball?

07-09-2007, 08:22 AM
I keep lots of toys in the room for him. I have a kong and food ball that I sometimes try, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in them. The only thing I think he would have interest in would be a rawhide, but I can't let him have those when I'm not there. As of right now he has the run of the house, we'll see how that goes. We are also considering doggy day care one or two days a week (there's a new one up the street from us, so I'll have to check it out). I have heard that that can help with boredom? I think you are right though, I think he must be bored. I feel so bad - believe me I so wish I could quit my job and be home with him all day.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-09-2007, 09:26 AM
There is a way to cure this Jen - invest in an Archie!

You're not a bad Mommy - a bad Mommy wouldn't be looking into ways of helping Roscoe