View Full Version : They deserve a chance.

07-07-2007, 08:34 AM
I read this article about a married couple who started a haven for animals that other people had given up on. They met in a park while she was walking her dog and she learned that he had 6 cats. (Definitely a plus in my book.) They got married, quit their corporate jobs , used up all their savings to purchase 160 acres in Montana where they started Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary. They started by taking in a blind horse that wouldn't even lift her had because her spirit had been broken. They eventually got the horse to trust and soon more animals came to them. Now they have 40 dogs, 30 horses and 10 cats. They adopt the animals out, if possible; if not, they stay there forever. Their main objective is to keep the animals safe. I think these people are incredible and, if you already know about this ranch, I apologize for the repeat. For those of you who aren't familiar w/this place, check out their website at: www.rollingdogranch.org.

07-07-2007, 09:19 AM
:rolleyes: I believe that i will start somthin' like that when i get enough moolah.

07-07-2007, 09:54 AM
God bless that couple. What a wonderful story.

07-07-2007, 11:23 PM
I would LOVE to do something like that too! [Someday.. when I have land and time and money..]
That is so wonderful! Some people are just totally awesome.