View Full Version : What Digital Camera used for Cats of the Day?

07-06-2007, 01:19 AM
What beautiful photos on the Pet Talk Site, especially on the Cats of The Day! I haven't had the time to view the photos prior to June but I plan to! I have a house hold full of cats both mine and also foster cats for a non-kill feline animal shelter. For the many years I have been fostering I have loved, cared for and nursed back to health an estimated 200+ kittens and cats! I am writing this post because I would LOVE to know what cameras these photos are taken with. I have a digital camera but the kitty's eyes always look "red-eye," "yellow eye," just disappointing. If you all out there have great photos like the ones shown on the Cat of the Day can you please post what type of camera you use and are pleased with. Also my digital camera has a long flash delay so the cute pose that the kitten is in gets lost by the time the shutter snaps the picture! THANK YOU!!! You can post it here or e-mail me directly at [email protected]

Killearn Kitties
07-06-2007, 04:19 AM
Welcome! That is a beautiful kitten photo you have attached. :D

I don't have any photography advice to share, I just take snaps of my cats, but there are some very good photographers here.

Whether or not you submit photos for "cat of the day" you can share more photos with us on Pet Talk. We are always ready to look at more photos. :)

07-06-2007, 01:25 PM
Welcome to PT! :) - and what an adorable kitten.

One way to avoid getting red eyes, is to take the photo in day light. Good luck! Hope to see more pictures and hear the stories.

07-06-2007, 06:16 PM
Hi and welcome to PT!! Your kitten is so cute tell us more about him / her?

I just bought my first digital camera; it is a Canon A560; I LOVE it!

You can get good info on cameras from dpreview.com

You can compare Canon models on their web site; up to 3 models at a time.

Good luck!

Russian Blue
07-06-2007, 06:41 PM
I love Canon and would highly recommend that brand since there seems to be a model for each price range. But almost any brand (Nikon, Olympus etc) will produce a good picture as long as you have the right lighting and have some skill (or practice to get to know your camera). ;)

Also, stay away from using the flash on most camera since it really affects the photo quality and you do end up with not so desirable eye effects! Use natural light or turn on as many lights as you can in the room.

Don Juan's mom
07-06-2007, 06:49 PM
I have a very cheap and very simple digital camera, but Don Juan's Cat of the Day photo (July 14, 2003) was taken with a 1960s SLR that I inherited from my grandfather. Most photo processing places now offer the option of putting your film photos on digital media, either online or on a CD-ROM.

Other advice: No flash, if you can manage it. That's what causes the "evil eyes" look in our kitty pictures. And be patient. Sit with your cat with the camera at hand, ready to take the picture when he/she does something gosh-darn cute. :cool:


07-06-2007, 07:17 PM
BJMackay, as you might have guessed, all the COTD pics are taken by the individual owners.

I have yet to submit any - but now I am more skilled with my camera, and have pics taken in daylight - so the real eyes show up!

CUTE kitten pic! How many cats and fosters do you have right now?

07-07-2007, 06:02 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! and I love your picture of that little ball of fluff.
I have a very simple digital camera, and am not much of an artist.
There are lots of people on here that taken beautiful artistic shots and then you have your candid shots which are always adorable. Basically I think it's down to a good light and probably luck in getting that special picture!
I hope you have success in finding the camera for you if you buy a new one, and other than that I would say just keep snapping away.

We always love to see pictures on PT that's one of the best parts! Sharing your own pictures and seeing others beautiful cats, moggy or otherwise.