View Full Version : Ever have a strange feeling?

07-05-2007, 10:18 PM
I have had this odd feeling all night. Its either I'm forgetting something or something is about to happen. I HATE this feeling!

I've been wandering around the house aimlessly looking for something I might have forgotten to do. I've done a lot of tidying up along the way ;) I can't focus on anything. Its really weird and unnerving!

Anyone else ever get these feelings?

07-05-2007, 10:27 PM
Usually I try to NOT think about what I should have done.

If you want to come wander around my house and tidy up while you're wondering what you should have done, or what I should be doing, you're more than welcome to do so!! :p ;)

07-05-2007, 10:33 PM
If you want to come wander around my house and tidy up while you're wondering what you should have done, or what I should be doing, you're more than welcome to do so!! :p ;)
Geee... thanks for the offer! :p

Maybe I'm worried.... Ashley left for the weekend down the shore with Cameron and her friends. My son turned 21 today so guess what he's doing tonight (take a real long hard guess!). The weather is HORRIBLE so maybe I'm just worried about them being safe out there?

07-06-2007, 01:48 AM
OOOOOHHH... yeah, I'd be worrying too. Well, let's hope and pray that your son makes some good choices and doesn't drive, and that your daughter puts a lot of sunscreen on herself and Cam... and watches him REALLY REALLY closely! Little ones are quick!

07-06-2007, 08:25 AM
There's a 100% chance he didn't drive: he doesn't have a license and is an AWFUL driver. He hasn't fought us on it because he knows its true! :p

Ashley is a good obsessive mo so the boy will have sunscreen lathered on him. You should have seen how much she packed for today and tomorrow. Looked like she was goiong away for a month :rolleyes: and it also looked a Vera Bradley store. Vera duffel bags, Vera nap sacks, Vera diaper bag, Vera Purse. and Cam's stroller, etc all coordinates with the latest series she's collecting. :rolleyes: Hey, she's making good money and actually saving a lot along the way, AND she hasn't asked us for any money in months. I'm happy she has the money and is so happy right now.

07-06-2007, 10:03 AM
I've had that feeling before...it feels like whatever I'm doing, it's not quite the right thing to be doing, and that I'm missing something important. I agree, it's not a pleasant feeling.

07-06-2007, 10:12 AM
I do that sometimes and when I finally remember what it is that I should have done I have to groan - because sometimes it is too late.

That's why I now write things down on a "to-do" list.

For example, I went to the drug store - came home with all of this stuff.........but, because I didn't write it down - I forgot about shampoo - and now I have to go back again.

Hope all the kids get home safely -

07-06-2007, 10:14 AM
Sometimes I have these weird feelings, but I try to pay not too much attention to them because I fear this self-fulfilling-prophecy-thing.


07-06-2007, 10:34 AM

It's called AGE. Since going through the "M" word, I've had a terrible time with my memory. I'll be in the middle of a conversation and whatever I'm talking about just slips out of my mind. That and the hotflashes are the worst.

07-06-2007, 10:49 AM
Thanks guys! I've been a whirlwhind around the house. I paid all the bills. I refilled my rescriptions. I cleaned and washed. I emailed some people I have been meaning to email for a long time. I wrote out a shoppping list for exciting things like hairspray and razors. Even though I know the kdis are all safe right now I STILL feel like I'm missing something today. Hmmm..... wonder what it is?

07-06-2007, 01:45 PM
I do that sometimes and when I finally remember what it is that I should have done I have to groan - because sometimes it is too late.

That's why I now write things down on a "to-do" list.

For example, I went to the drug store - came home with all of this stuff.........but, because I didn't write it down - I forgot about shampoo - and now I have to go back again.

I have a bunch of those to-do lists... except they are on my laptop and if I dont' print them out, I'm pretty much guessing what I did have down, lol. I'm always forgetting something, even when I'm making a list. Like, I'm out of Vanilla. I bake all the time.. I can't be out of Vanilla, but somehow, I have none! Same goes with walnuts... I always have nuts on hand, at least 4 bags of them in freezer. Now, I think I have 1/2 a bag in there! Not good. I need to make a new list and actually take it with me!

07-06-2007, 01:57 PM
Ok, this is going too far. I just cleaned out my car! :eek: I found my missing date book though. LOL

07-06-2007, 01:59 PM
Thanks guys! I've been a whirlwhind around the house. I paid all the bills. I refilled my rescriptions. I cleaned and washed. I emailed some people I have been meaning to email for a long time. I wrote out a shoppping list for exciting things like hairspray and razors. Even though I know the kdis are all safe right now I STILL feel like I'm missing something today. Hmmm..... wonder what it is?
After reading this post I had the sudden urge to pay the bills and refill my prescription, so I did. So far no urge to clean yet has hit me, though. It's too hot out I guess. :D

I hope you figure out what is bugging you soon!

07-06-2007, 02:03 PM
Kim, it's called ANXIETY ... nervous energy! It sounds like you have several good reasons to be anxious! Keeping busy will help some, and don't forget to exercise your Faith! ;)