View Full Version : Look What I Made Today!!!

07-05-2007, 08:51 PM
Hi, I've been able to trim all of my cats nails since I bought the Klaw Kontrol bag except for Sky and Storm's because they both try to bite me. I recently ordered another heavier duty cat bag from a vet's office and I was doing some searching last night and I came across a way to make your own cat muzzle. I had some extra plastic cups and some left over string so I made my own cat muzzle today. Here's the website that gave me the idea just scroll down to the bottom and you'll see how they made theirs homemade cat muzzle (http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/ClientED/cat_restraint.asp).

I tried it out on both Storm and Sky and it worked out great. Storm was very calm and quiet but Sky was growling, hissing, and I would've ended up in the ER without this homemade muzzle. The grooming place where I would take them now charges $10 per cat for nail trims and I'd be taking them in at least 6 times a year so now I'm saving $120 a year.:) This can also be used on cats that don't like grooming or if a cat has a matt in it's fur. I hope that you don't think that this is cruel. I'd never leave it on them for more than 5 minutes or so if that. Here are some pictures.

The homemade cat muzzle:

I also put them in the Klaw Kontrol bag first.

Here's Storm modeling the muzzle:

That's all. I bet it would also work well for small dogs too.:)

07-05-2007, 09:06 PM
Awwwe... Storm!! He's so calm and nice sitting there modeling for you! You'd never think he'd need the muzzle!

I sent the link to my mom... they have a few that this would work wonders on to trim nails and fur!

Maybe Richard wants to try this when clipping the Edster!

07-05-2007, 09:23 PM
That's a great invention! I love saving money as well. :D

07-05-2007, 09:31 PM
Excellent idea, thanks for sharing!

07-05-2007, 09:32 PM
Thank you for that great advice! I need to shave Penny soon, and she will tear me apart at the buzz of clippers! I WILL try this, and of course I will also post my pictures!

BY THE WAY- I about DIED laughing at your pictures :D :D :D

07-05-2007, 10:31 PM
Hey that is cool. I'll have to try that will Moxie. She doesn't bite me but she bites the nail trimmers. She also bites the brush - even when it's brushing another cat. :rolleyes:

Love the picture of Storm - oh the indignity, LOL!

07-05-2007, 11:55 PM
Thanks. I'm glad that you like it.:) I would've never thought of this on my own. I just used string and measured it around Storm's head so that I wouldn't need to tie it each time. I bet that if you used an elastic band or elastic string that this would also work well and then it could just stretch each time to fit different cats heads. I hope that I've helped people to avoid getting bitten in the future.:)

07-06-2007, 08:29 AM
Poor Storm. He looks so humiliated!!!

What a great idea for the cat muzzle. I will keep that in mind to tell the people looking to adopts cats and are afraid to clip nail for fear of being bit.

07-06-2007, 10:19 AM
Here's Storm modeling the muzzle:

Oh my! Poor storm doesn't look too pleased in this picture at all! (those ears pointed backward on his head!). But the cat muzzle is a good idea. I've got a biter as well. My Howard is usually a mellow cat....but if we try to clip his claws he's not above trying to take a munch out of our hand or arm.

07-06-2007, 10:29 AM
I just saw that KlawKontrolBag in Fosters and Smith Catalog last night.

That "improvised" muzzle is amazing, KAK. Ever think about patenting it? If so, do it before someone else takes the credit!!

I don't have any trouble clipping my cats nails. I just crouch down on the floor with the cat between my legs and my ankles crossed. Works everytime!!! :p

07-06-2007, 10:41 AM
;) Great Idea Tracey.. thanks.. My girls have always had their meowmom to do their nails & grooming.. Most of the time they like it..

07-06-2007, 01:28 PM
That's a great idea, Tracey! Give Storm a big "thank you" huggie for modeling it for us! ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-06-2007, 01:33 PM
Awwwww poor Storm :eek: :D

Great invention! I have never seen a cat muzzle before;neither did I ever see a claw control bag! Would be VERY handy for my Inka and also for Snoopy :)

07-06-2007, 03:37 PM
I Am Thinking That My Chances Of Putting This On A Found Cat Are Slim And None And Slim Just Left Town.
But I Love It When A Pet Talker Shows The Way To Make Thigs Simpler For Our Cat Companions.

07-06-2007, 03:49 PM
A cat muzzle?! Never saw one before, but it sure seems to work. LOL! Great job you did, making one yourself. :) I'm just amazed that Storm didn't wiggle himself out of it, I think Fister would have.

07-06-2007, 06:05 PM
Oh my what a hilarious photo; poor Storm, losing some kitty dignity again!

Laura's Babies
07-27-2007, 10:22 AM
Hummmmmm! I wonder if one of those bags would make it easier to put the soft paws on... How hard is it to get the cats in the bag? I'd be afraid after the first time, they would fight like a tiger when I got near them with it again..

07-27-2007, 01:13 PM
Pretty good deal, Tracey! And I like the idea of saving that much money. But can you really picture me trying to trim Butter's nails under any circumstances? :eek: Scott and I have to give him an injection later today and Scott said he's bringing home his welding gloves to hold him while I "shoot"! :eek:

07-27-2007, 11:26 PM
Hummmmmm! I wonder if one of those bags would make it easier to put the soft paws on... How hard is it to get the cats in the bag? I'd be afraid after the first time, they would fight like a tiger when I got near them with it again..
I haven't found it hard at all to get them into the bag. :) The trick is to fasten the velcro collar around their neck first and then get their paws, body, and tail inside and then velcro it and zip it up. After this is done they can't move or get away. You may also be able to order one of these through your vet or another vet's office. I've already ordered another heavy duty one from the eye specialist office where Ziggy was seen. They forgot to place the order the first time so I'm still waiting for it.:rolleyes:

07-27-2007, 11:28 PM
Pretty good deal, Tracey! And I like the idea of saving that much money. But can you really picture me trying to trim Butter's nails under any circumstances? :eek: Scott and I have to give him an injection later today and Scott said he's bringing home his welding gloves to hold him while I "shoot"! :eek:
I've also used this when I've been giving Starr his vitamin B-12 injections and it's helped a lot. The last time he tried to bite me so I also had to put the home made muzzle on him and it worked out very well. He can be as feisty as Butter.;)