View Full Version : Only in Chicago...

07-05-2007, 04:34 PM
From the on line Chicago Tribune... She wasn't exactly able to remove the .38 from her handbag, but why would she not have said something to security? If one is approaching a metal detector and intentionally carrying a loaded gun ... uhmmm... those of you who live in states with different gun laws, please enlighten me.

Tourist with gun arrested at Sears Tower

By Alexa Aguilar
Tribune staff reporter

July 5, 2007, 1:16 PM CDT

A Tennessee woman was arrested at the Sears Tower this morning after she tried to visit the Skydeck with a loaded revolver in her purse, police said.

The woman, 56, was stopped by security after she went through a metal detector with a .38-caliber revolver in her purse, said Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond.

Tennessee allows its citizens to carry a handgun as long as they have a permit, and the woman was unaware that she wasn't allowed to carry a handgun in the state of Illinois, Bond said.

"It didn't dawn on her that our state did not have the same gun laws as hers did," Bond said.

The woman, who was traveling with her husband, had a state permit from Tennessee to carry the weapon, Bond said. Both Illinois and Chicago have laws prohibiting the carrying of a concealed weapon.

Police are recommending that she be charged with unlawful use of a weapon, a felony, Bond said.

There was no interruption of service for other Skydeck tourists and no one in the building was at risk, Bond said.

"There was never any danger to the occupants," Bond said.

About 1.3 million tourists visit the Skydeck each year.
Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune

07-05-2007, 04:47 PM
I had no clue of that law here, to be honest. Not that I need to know.. I don't ever plan on carrying a gun of any sort, but that's interesting.

I guess she should have got up to date on Illinois laws before she left here.

Suki Wingy
07-05-2007, 04:50 PM
Well doesn't that just make me feel safe! I've never been to the top but I've been below it many a time.

07-05-2007, 04:56 PM
Duh! Idiot, IMO. The laws vary state to state. And crossing state lines with a gun is a big no no to begin with

07-05-2007, 10:04 PM
If you have a concealed weapons permit one of the duties of that is to know that laws in each state you might travel to as they do vary. It's her responsibility to be aware of the laws.

07-05-2007, 10:15 PM
One question...
Why did it have to be loaded?? Was she expecting to off her husband or someone while up there?? I can understand having a permit to carry one, but why would you need to carry one loaded while traveling?? :confused: :confused:

07-05-2007, 10:33 PM
jenn_librarian, I have the same question. Maybe for protection?? But when carrying something like a gun, shouldn't you always be up to date on laws while travelling. It was a stupid mistake on her part..

07-06-2007, 12:52 AM
As others have stated it was her DUTY as a CCW holder to check first AND comply with other state/cities laws.

as to other peoples question... What is the point of carrying a loaded firearm? Are you going to ask a mugger/rapist/other terroist "Oh, hey can you hold on a second? I have to load my gun before i point it at you."

I don't know how the news interpreted it or misinterpreted it. By law "loaded" actually refers to a round(bullet) being chambered. Where as the general public usually refers to loaded as the magazine being in the gun. (Bullet is actually only a portion of the "round".) / Bah... just read again and seen that this is a revolver. I wanted to delete this paragraph, but it's useful for other instances.

07-06-2007, 12:57 AM
as to other peoples question... What is the point of carrying a loaded firearm? Are you going to ask a mugger/rapist/other terroist "Oh, hey can you hold on a second? I have to load my gun before i point it at you."

I understand that, but if you are on vacation, say, the beach, are you going to stick a glock in your bikini??

If you are in fear of your life where you are traveling, then why be there??? I mean, if I am really afraid of a certain city, I'd rather not go there rather than go there packing.

Heck, I stay out of south side Bethlehem because I'd rather not get shot by a gangbanger. I don't go there and make sure I have a gun on me just so I can feel somewhat safer.

07-06-2007, 01:15 AM
Well, when we were going to go to WI we chose to go through the U.P. rather than Chicago.

However some things are unavoidable or close to it.

S.O.'s best friend went down to Kettering in Flint and then was living there for a job (a REALLY good job.) Were we just not supposed to see the guy for ten years except for the rare occasions that he came to see his Mum?)

One time after we left an hour later someone got shot on the corner two houses down from where we were at.

As for a vacation to a beach... You better think of that before even leaving home. Either leave the gun at home or be willing to deal with the consequences if it gets stolen when you have it locked up where ever you put it (the hotel room or the trunk of your vehicle.) (Which if someone uses it as a murder weapon, you're held accountable for that murder.)

I understand that, but if you are on vacation, say, the beach, are you going to stick a glock in your bikini??

If you are in fear of your life where you are traveling, then why be there??? I mean, if I am really afraid of a certain city, I'd rather not go there rather than go there packing.

Heck, I stay out of south side Bethlehem because I'd rather not get shot by a gangbanger. I don't go there and make sure I have a gun on me just so I can feel somewhat safer.

07-06-2007, 01:43 AM
Well, when we were going to go to WI we chose to go through the U.P. rather than Chicago.
Have no idea what U.P. is....

S.O.'s best friend went down to Kettering in Flint and then was living there for a job (a REALLY good job.) Were we just not supposed to see the guy for ten years except for the rare occasions that he came to see his Mum?)
So, you're saying you wouldn't go to visit your boyfriend/girlfriend's friend without a firearm?? I mean, my one ex-boyfriend lived in W. Philly, which is not for the faint of heart, especially if you are a white girl (like me) and most of the families there are black, and your boyfriend lives right outside "The Bottoms" by the zoo. However, even though I didn't feel totally safe there, I got a lot of stares, and had issues with people harassing me for taking one of "their" men ( :rolleyes: :mad: ), I still went there all the time, and never once did I have a gun on me. Neither did he. In the house, yeah, he had a gun, but never once did we ever walk around West Philly, North Philly or South Philly with a gun, no matter that it was dangerous or not. You have a presence, that's the main thing. You have a presence and they are not going to mess with you. You go carrying a gun, you're expecting trouble, and looking for trouble more than avoiding it. That's my opinion anyway. Also, if you're carrying, and you're not comfortable using, there's more of a possibility of the gun being used against you, rather than you using it. That's been a proven statistic.

One time after we left an hour later someone got shot on the corner two houses down from where we were at.
I hear gunshots outside my house, in the blocks surrounding my house, on an almost daily occurrence. I still don't own a gun. I don't get involved in the mess outside my house. My neighborhood for the most part is a nice place, but you still have crap that goes on with some of the losers who live in the area. You have bad people no matter where you go... it doesn't matter if I live in Allentown, Philly, or NYC, or back on the farm where I grew up, I still won't carry a gun. You do things to stay safe. You stay in the right circles and you keep to yourself. You could probably live in the middle of the projects, and if you stay out of other peoples business, they'll stay out of yours and you're not going to need a firearm.

As for a vacation to a beach... You better think of that before even leaving home. Either leave the gun at home or be willing to deal with the consequences if it gets stolen when you have it locked up where ever you put it (the hotel room or the trunk of your vehicle.) (Which if someone uses it as a murder weapon, you're held accountable for that murder.)
As I said, there wouldn't be that opportunity, because I wouldn't be carrying to begin with. There are too many people carrying weapons and using them needlessly. We need stronger rules and regulation on firearms, and less people carrying them around in their handbags on the Sears Tower.

07-06-2007, 10:57 PM
Have no idea what U.P. is....
Oops... Sorry; Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

So, you're saying you wouldn't go to visit your boyfriend/girlfriend's friend without a firearm?? I mean, my one ex-boyfriend lived in W. Philly, which is not for the faint of heart, especially if you are a white girl (like me) and most of the families there are black, and your boyfriend lives right outside "The Bottoms" by the zoo. However, even though I didn't feel totally safe there, I got a lot of stares, and had issues with people harassing me for taking one of "their" men, I still went there all the time, and never once did I have a gun on me. Neither did he. In the house, yeah, he had a gun, but never once did we ever walk around West Philly, North Philly or South Philly with a gun, no matter that it was dangerous or not. You have a presence, that's the main thing. You have a presence and they are not going to mess with you. You go carrying a gun, you're expecting trouble, and looking for trouble more than avoiding it. That's my opinion anyway. Also, if you're carrying, and you're not comfortable using, there's more of a possibility of the gun being used against you, rather than you using it. That's been a proven statistic.
Yes, we would and we have. Given the choice though it's preferred to be armed. And i totally agree with you on the being comfortable with it. That's why I don't have one. I also don't trust myself with one; I *KNOW* that I'm the type that is likely to snap. ...I wish other people would be as discerning.

I hear gunshots outside my house, in the blocks surrounding my house, on an almost daily occurrence. I still don't own a gun. I don't get involved in the mess outside my house. My neighborhood for the most part is a nice place, but you still have crap that goes on with some of the losers who live in the area. You have bad people no matter where you go... it doesn't matter if I live in Allentown, Philly, or NYC, or back on the farm where I grew up, I still won't carry a gun. You do things to stay safe. You stay in the right circles and you keep to yourself. You could probably live in the middle of the projects, and if you stay out of other peoples business, they'll stay out of yours and you're not going to need a firearm.
Not all places are so nice. There's places around here where random kids were getting shot while just driving around with their parents. Shooter identified and anyone that knows either the victim or shooter said there were no known connections.

As I said, there wouldn't be that opportunity, because I wouldn't be carrying to begin with. There are too many people carrying weapons and using them needlessly. We need stronger rules and regulation on firearms, and less people carrying them around in their handbags on the Sears Tower
Rules won't do a darn thing for those who won't adhere to them. We NEED more consequences.