View Full Version : New addition

07-05-2007, 06:56 AM
When my bunny died a while back I said I'd never have a bun bun again, then tuesday my SIL (sister in law) was getting herself a new bunny and I went with her and actually walked outta the store with nothing I was so proud of myself... Welllllllllllll I went back :eek: and now I have a new bunny. LOL her name is Clover well her or him they couldn't tell because they were so young. (is that true? or were they just dumb) She;s white with grey on her ears and around her eyes and grey spots down the middle of her back. She is rex/lop.

Pics coiming soon

07-05-2007, 08:51 AM
Congratulations. To tell if it's a he or a her it has to be at least 6 to 8 weeks of age. :)