View Full Version : What Happens When....

07-04-2007, 10:49 PM
...Both cats want the same toy at the same time?

07-05-2007, 02:58 PM
That's a perfect photo of your beautiful cats.
My cats are the same way.We really work hard(Me and my husband) at playtime,trying to please them all.It takes a lot out of us everyday.But great exercise for the whole family ;)

07-05-2007, 05:11 PM
Its Interesting To See Who The Alpha Cats Are At The Hotel.
I Would Say The Exporch Cat Scrappy 2 Is Easily The Most Aggressive And Gets More Than Her Share.
The Bigger Cats Are An Alphonse And Gaston.

07-05-2007, 05:28 PM
That's a perfect photo of your beautiful cats.
My cats are the same way.We really work hard(Me and my husband) at playtime,trying to please them all.It takes a lot out of us everyday.But great exercise for the whole family ;)

Thank you. I'm definitely a proud Meowme :D

What happened after this photo was taken was Luna (the little Siamese-looking cat) jumped up and stole the toy out of my hand and ran away to her favorite box with it. When Howard (the grey tabby) tried to go after it, Luna growled at him. She's all bark and no bite, but it still discouraged him. Guess he's learned by now not to mess with the Alpha Female....even when he outweighs that Alpha Female by a good 5-6 pounds. LOL :p