View Full Version : Beautiful free Labrador Retriever puppy

07-21-2002, 07:35 AM
Cutefamilypets.com is featuring a handsome Labrador Retriever this week by the name of Pepe. We just received this email from Pepe's owner:

Hi there, I'm xxxxxxxxxx, pepe's owner, just want to thank you for featuring Pepe's in your website. I'm contacting you because we just had to make a very difficult decision, we have to find a new home for pepe. We have to move to a small apartment and unfortunately we can't have pepe anymore. I don't know if you can help me finding a good home for pepe using your website.
We are just giving him for free, he is 37 pounds now, 6 months and already neutered, all vaccines, etc.

Please let me know because we have to do that by next Thursday. Thank you.

He needs to let me know exactly where he lives, but it's in the South Miami area. If anyone can open their home to this beautiful puppy, please let us know. Pepe can been see from our main page and on his featured site:


07-21-2002, 08:39 AM
He is beautiful! I shouldn't be too hard to find a good home for such an adorable lab puppy! Good luck!

07-21-2002, 06:01 PM
That puppy is so cute, I liked Buffy too!

07-21-2002, 08:00 PM
I'll totally agree with you, but I'm bias, I'm Buffy's human-grandma :D

Pepe is cute, huh? Hopefully we'll find him a home.

07-21-2002, 08:19 PM
7/21/02 @ 9:16 pm:

Cutefamilypets just received an updated email from Pepe's owner. Pepe has a new home. The owner will post details in the CFP forum. Thanks to everyone who assisted in trying to find this pooch a home. ;)