View Full Version : Update on Life...

07-03-2007, 08:06 PM
I've been around some lately, but haven't posted much, so I thought I would let you know what is going on with us. Last month, we made a move from Georgia to Florida for hubby to take on a new church. Because of the size of the parsonage and the yard, and because of the even more extreme heat, we decided it would be best to rehome Max and Oscar (the bassets). They went to a wonderful, dog-loving family and have several new doggy siblings, as well as 3 kids to play with. We miss them terribly, but know they are better off. Thankfully, we are able to stay in touch with their new family via email. We still have all 3 cats, and they are doing well.

Mary Joyce is 18 months old now and growing like a weed. She is such a character of a little girl. I'm not quite 37 weeks pregnant, and am tired, but feeling good otherwise. According to the doctor, things seem to be progressing about right on schedule.

Now that the house is mostly set up, I should be around a little more...

07-03-2007, 09:00 PM
It's good to get an update on you. Sounds like you have been VERY busy. I'm glad to hear you, the baby and Mary Joyce are doing so well (of course hubby and the cats too ;) ).

Sorry to hear you had to rehome your pups but sounds like they went to a great new family. Hope you guys are enjoying your new home.

07-03-2007, 10:15 PM
I didn't know that you and your husband and Mary Grace had moved to Florida, Dusty. I hope that it was a good move for all of you. So sorry you had to decide to rehome your dogs. I am not sure I ever realized that you had dogs. I knew you had cats. Hopefully the dogs are doing great, as you said. :)

Take good care of yourself. Your baby is going to be there before you know it!

I met my little cousin, Reagan, last week. She was adopted by my cousin and his wife 4 years ago. She came from China and is a very, very special little girl, now 5 years old. We adored her!

Keep us posted on your pregnancy progress.


07-03-2007, 11:04 PM
Thanks for updating us. It must have been a very hard decision to rehome the dogs, but it sounds like you found the just-right place for them. Wow, a new state, a new church, a new parsonage, and even a new baby, as well as Mary Joyce growing and learning new things every day! Does she know she's gonna be a big sister yet?

07-04-2007, 07:02 AM
Does she know she's gonna be a big sister yet?

We tell her all the time, but I don't think she really grasps the idea yet.

07-04-2007, 07:11 AM
So good to read your update, Dusty! I have been wondering how you have been doing.

I hope you are settling in well, and getting your newest home all comfy and organized. Moves are very hard and with you so very pregnant, you must be extra tired.

Mary Joyce is 1 1/2!! Hard to believe how much your family has grown. I bet she is starting to chatter, play in a more deliberate way, and looking at books?

Rehoming the bassets must have been quite sad, but the new family sounds perfect. Hearing from them my e-mail will be comforting.

Again, good to hear from you!