View Full Version : So I Went to the SPCA...

07-03-2007, 12:49 PM
Big mistake, since I'm leaving for Reno next week. I initially went to see this cat named Frankie that I saw at PetSmart. Well he wasn't there. They had brought him back to PetSmart. But the SPCA had a ton of kittens and some really cool cats. One cat was 3-legged. It was adorable and it would jump on people's necks and just lay there. I don't know why it's 3-legged and I don't even remember its name! I was so smitten and there were so many other cats that I just spaced it. It was like I had died and gone to kitty heaven.

So I came back to work and sent and email to my sister asking her if I adopted a cat this week, would she go over next week and feed the cat (while I was in Reno). I have a feeling she's going to tell me it's not a good idea to get a cat and then leave it for 1 week. But I thought it might like that. It could roam around and get used to the apartment while both me & Fenway aren't there.

What do you think? Should I wait till I come back from Reno (on July 16th)? What if that 3-legged cat isn't there anymore?

On another note, this SPCA is so old and sad. The area the cats stay in is okay, but the dogs are in this sad, dark, lonely area. Of course I made the mistake of checking them out. They all looked so scared. Broke my heart.

07-03-2007, 01:42 PM
Can you reserve animals there?

07-03-2007, 01:57 PM
Can you reserve animals there?

I was wondering the same thing but a co-worker said they probably don't because what if I change my mind 2 weeks from now? It's not fair to the cat.

My sister just told me she would go over & feed him & keep him company while I was in Reno.

I'm getting sick to my tummy because I miss my kitties so bad. I feel like I'm betraying them by getting another cat. I want Maxie & Cosmo back. Okay, now I'm crying. :(

07-03-2007, 02:09 PM
Not only are you not betraying Maxie and Cosmo, they're probably the ones urging you to strongly to adopt "Tripod". Special needs cats, injured ones, sick ones, they're the only ones I've ever adopted, so I know how you felt when you saw this kitty. I say go to Reno, your sis will look after him while you're gone and while he's learning the lay of the land. I, for one, am ecstatic that you made this decision.

07-03-2007, 02:17 PM
I say go for it. Animals adjust very easily. Let us know what you decide! :)

07-03-2007, 02:27 PM
Not only are you not betraying Maxie and Cosmo, they're probably the ones urging you to strongly to adopt "Tripod". Special needs cats, injured ones, sick ones, they're the only ones I've ever adopted, so I know how you felt when you saw this kitty. I say go to Reno, your sis will look after him while you're gone and while he's learning the lay of the land. I, for one, am ecstatic that you made this decision.

TRIPOD!!! That is soooooooooooo cool! I like that name!!! I am going to go to the SPCA after work and see if Tripod is still available. I'm also going to inquire about a huge orange & white cat they had. I can't remember if the orange & white cat liked dogs or not. At least I can give the SPCA my application and they can put it on file. Fenway needs a sibling. He is getting very spoiled.

07-03-2007, 02:28 PM
Please don't think you are betraying them. They have a special place in your heart that will never be replaced by another cat but there is room for many there. Something pulled you to the SPCA so I think that means that your heart and mind are ready.

I think it would be best if you could be there with him while he adjusts especially if he is special needs. You may need some time to see what kind of adjustments you need to make in your house for him. He probably won't need any special things but I'd hate to find out the hard way. I would talk to the shelter, explain the situation and see if they would be willing to hold him for you (maybe you can go ahead with the adoption and payment).

On the other hand, if the shelter won't hold him and you know your sister will be taking good care of him then maybe you should go ahead. Not much help, am I?

07-03-2007, 02:36 PM
Love the name Tripod, glad you do, too. I tried to adopt a 3 legged cat years ago but I was too late; someone else got him. My son came up w/the name but I didn't claim him and he was gone. So be quick to get to the SPCA and get that boy! :p

07-03-2007, 04:08 PM
I think it's wonderful that you're now ready to adopt another cat.:) Like Lori said see if they can hold him and go ahead and pay his adoption fee and sign the paperwork. If not then I'm sure that he'll do just fine with your sister looking after him. I hope he's still available. Good luck.:)

07-03-2007, 04:52 PM
Betraying them? Oh no, you would be honoring the memory of your RB babies AND saving the life of a very needy cat/kitten. That would be a wonderful thing to do!

Go for it!!!

07-03-2007, 05:31 PM
If the shelter would hold him for you till you got back from Reno - that way he wouldn't have to adjust to a new person (you) and then another new person (sister / kitty sitter) and then you again, especially since he would not be the only kitty. I would hate for something to happen when your sister wasn't available.

07-03-2007, 05:35 PM
Adopting Tripod Would Be A Tribute To Your R B Cats And They Would Be The First Ones To Visit The New Arrival.
I Would Let Tripod Stay In The Apartment And She Will Be Acclimated By The Time You Come Home.
Thats Great Of You To Give That Cat A Furr Ever Home.

07-03-2007, 05:40 PM
I say go for it!!! A three legged cat is in need of a great loving home that will look after it so well:) If your sister will be there everyday to look after it, I think it would be fine. Cats like to take time to explore new homes anyway.

Man this cat would be such a great addition to your home and to the PT Family!:D

07-03-2007, 06:27 PM
I think it would be best if you could be there with him while he adjusts especially if he is special needs. You may need some time to see what kind of adjustments you need to make in your house for him. He probably won't need any special things but I'd hate to find out the hard way. I would talk to the shelter, explain the situation and see if they would be willing to hold him for you (maybe you can go ahead with the adoption and payment). I agree with Jazz cat. It's hard to bring a cat into a new environment and then have it's new meowmie go "poof" for a week - it's confusing enough being in a new place, but having the guardians change too, I'm afraid you might be asking for behavioral problems or a longer adjustment time than would be necessary.

Like others have said, explain your situation to the SPCA and perhaps they will work with you, hold Tripod and the orangie for you (I'm especially encouraging you to get the orangie ;) ) until you can return to be with them full-time until they get acclimated to their new digs.

07-04-2007, 08:20 AM
Well TRIPOD is on hold....but not for me. :(

Apparently a little girl has cancer and is having part of her leg removed. She told her parents when she gets out of the hospital, she wants a cat...with 3 legs.

So TRIPOD is on hold until she gets out. I am the "back up". Should things not work out for this little girl & her family, the SPCA will contact me.

I looked at the huge orange & white cat (who btw, has no tail) and it was hacking & coughing. Then I went to check out some of the other cats, and they were hacking & coughing as well. I felt so bad for them. They were obviously sick. There was a white & gray cat there that was at the shelter since April. But it looked like it was afraid of dogs. Everytime a dog walked by the window, its back went up. There was a snowflake cat there that reminded me of Maxie. But the card said it didn't like dogs.

So I will call the SPCA when I get back from Reno to see if TRIPOD has been adopted yet.

07-04-2007, 08:33 AM
Well, I can surely understand why the parents of that little girl would want her to have Tripod. I sure hope it isn't just a whim, though. You might tell them that, even though you're a backup should they decide against taking Tripod, that if they do indeed take him and decide that it isn't working out, that you'll take him then, too. Aw, this makes me so sad for all concerned but I guess I should be happy that Tripod is going to a home.