View Full Version : Rabbit info and pics

Blue Dragonfly
07-03-2007, 07:50 AM
I am looking for people who have actually owned a rabbit. I was wondering if you could post any hints about looking after them, problems you have encountered, and any solutions you have found. Also if you have any pics, please post them too.

I am making a website to help people with their pet problems. i will use your posts as an article and post it on my website. along with any pics. This website is solely to help other animal lovers. If you have your own site, i will put up the link next to your article. If not, i will put your pet talk user name, and/or real first name.

If you want any other info included, or have any other questions please post on this thread.

07-05-2007, 06:05 AM
What a wonderful thread. I give my bunnies willow tree branches as they are good for stomach aches, not that they have one that was what I read they were good for. Also bunnies just love them for treats.

However their favorite treat which they really shouldn't have but love so much are ice cream cones, just the sugar cone. I found childrens cones in the store, they are super tiny and the bunnies just love them. They get them once a week and nothing is more liked.

I also get boxes from the wholesale club and the grocery store for them to play in, sleep in, hide it, and chew. It's their own little fort of boxes which I rearrange daily, they have so much fun exploring their new area and playing tag everyday.

Blue Dragonfly
07-05-2007, 08:45 AM
thanks for that monica. i will use that