View Full Version : Is Brody happy??

Pawsitive Thinking
07-03-2007, 05:12 AM
Would like the advice of you lovely cat people as to whether I am being fair to my puss cat :(

She has free access to an upstairs room day and night and because of the dogs this is also where she eats and spends her time when she is not outside. She has fresh food and water twice a day and in the evening I spend some time with her either grooming her or just chatting :rolleyes: She has a few toys but doesn't really show any interest in playing with them.

Is there anyway that I can tell whether she is happy with her lot or am I being unkind to keep her in a home where she cannot be a real part of the family due to the danger of the dogs ripping her to shreds (which, being terriers, they would if they could). Much as I adore my Bro-Bro I would hate to think she is unhappy

07-03-2007, 06:55 AM
Oh boy, that's a toughie. I've not had the dog/cat situation, just cat/cat. My RB Peeka hated Pigeon and stalked her and beat her up every day! Poor Pidge lived most of her life under my bed. I felt so awful about it but they just could not occupy the same space. I worried that Pidge was terribly unhappy but considering the life she was rescued from, I figured she was better off w/me.

My friend Suzy and I just recently rehomed Kiara the cat from a home where the family had a vicious dog that attacked Kiara twice, both times to the point of needing surgery, the last of which required partial removal of her tail. Aside from the fact that the family allowed it to happen twice :mad: , we felt so bad for Kiara that she had to stay in one room, always on edge, wondering if/when she was going to be attacked again. Please understand that I'm not saying that's the case in your household. I'm merely stating the state of affairs at that time. Kiara now lives w/Suzy and 7 other cats. It took a while to acclimate her but now she's part of the family and Suzy has no intention of trying to rehome her again.

I'm sorry if it seems that I made this about Kiara and not Brody. I didn't mean to. I just thought that maybe telling you the story might help you make a decision. You know Brody and your dogs better than anyone and I know that you would never intentionally put Brody in harm's way. Hopefully, other PTers will offer suggestions and perhaps a solution.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-03-2007, 08:14 AM
Thanks Mary - you have made some valid points.

I don't think Brody lives her life in fear. I have a stairgate up in the doorway of "her" room and she doesn't seem too bothered when the dogs peer in (obviously this only happens when I am in the room with her). She also seems to take great delight in walking in front of the patio doors where they can see her but not reach her!

Maybe she is happy in her little world and I am worrying over nothing. My RB Cally was a real "people" cat whereas Brody has never been a great one for cuddles

07-03-2007, 09:21 AM
I have the same worry. I have 11 cats and two dogs. The cats have their own room where the dogs aren't supposed to go unless invited. Some of the cats come out to visit and some never do. They have a cat pen, but one of the cats never goes out either. The dogs won't harm the cats, but the cats aren't too sure of this. I close the door to their room when I leave the house and open it when I can supervise. The poor cats don't get much of my attention so I wonder if they're happy.

As long as Brody isn't showing any signs of being miserable (extreme lethargy, inappropriate peeing), I would guess he is as happy as he can be. Cats are very accepting of life as it is rather than what they might be missing. We should be more like them. :rolleyes:

07-03-2007, 10:38 AM
It's hard to say. Cats are independent but they like to have someone present, I see it all the time with my cats. Although they can manage being alone, they are much more relaxed, but also more active when we are here.
Your Brody is also spending some time outside, so she probably have tons of interesting things to do. It would be different if she would be completely indoor. This is probably also why she is not interested in toys. My previous cat was spending a lot of time outside and never played with a toy (only real mice and birdies interested him :rolleyes: ).

07-03-2007, 05:45 PM
I Would Say That You Are Being Fair To Brody , And Are Balancing Her Safety With Her Happiness. Shes Probably Used To Her Routine And Wouldnt Change It For The World.

07-03-2007, 06:07 PM
I Would Say That You Are Being Fair To Brody , And Are Balancing Her Safety With Her Happiness. Shes Probably Used To Her Routine And Wouldnt Change It For The World.

I agree, if she was unhappy then she would most likely show you signs. Unhappy cats sometimes stop eating or drinking and they start to not be interested in anything anymore, even treats, so if she still does all that stuff and likes treats and eats normally I would say she is just contently happy:)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-04-2007, 03:46 AM
Thanks guys :D

Miss Brody certainly had a lot to say for herself this morning - she was lying in the sun looking out of "her" window and seemed pretty content with her lot

07-04-2007, 05:27 AM
Seems to me that Brody seems pretty content! Cats aren't shy about making themselves heard, and if she was unhappy I'm sure she would let you know. Mine have absolutely no problem expressing their displeasure if something upsets them!

I wouldn't worry :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-05-2007, 05:13 AM
Don't you worry about Brody, I am sure she reigns as a queen in her own quarters :) ;) . She knows she is loved too!