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View Full Version : I'm shaking right now *scary*

07-03-2007, 02:56 AM
Tonight I was startled awake to the sound of someone breaking into my neighbor's house (they are on vacation this week). I called 911 and hubby called up the steps telling me to cancel the call: he actually went outside to see if he could see anything (is he STUPID?) and realized it was our neighbor's 17 year old son breaking in. At 3:30?!?!? He can't be up to any good at this time of night. We told him to go back home to his mom. I tried calling my neighbor on his cell phone. No answer.

The kid was not there to sleep like he said. He first broke into the garage. Ummmm... you don't need to go through the garage when its separate from the house! Obviously up to NO GOOD. and certainly NOT looking for a place to sleep.

I honestly, completely feel HE was the one who robbed us last year. So it shook me to the core to catch him and his buddy breaking into HIS OWN FATHER'S HOUSE. I have the feeling dad will give a worse punishment than the cops will :mad: I don't know if I would have prefered to continue talking to 911 or not. The cops would have probably sent him on his way like we did.

I haven't been looking forward to this week for a while -- I was robbed last July 4th and as the date looms nearer I've been more and more paranoid. If I ever had bad feelings about the approach of my robbery "anniversary", I am now madder than ever because I caught the kid red-handed repeating his stunt. Surprisingly, I no longer feel helpless. I know more than ever who did this to me: that kid! I felt it in my bones last summer and feel it even more now.

And the way he was entering the house floored me: through the second story balcony. We could never figure out how he entered my house; I'm wondering if he got in that way!!!

Well I don't think Ill be getting any more sleep tonight!

07-03-2007, 03:35 AM

Rob his Father's........why? This is completely insane! This kid was always like this?

Are you sure?? :confused:

07-03-2007, 07:11 AM

Rob his Father's........why? This is completely insane! This kid was always like this?

Are you sure?? :confused:
Yup. He's already done a couple stints in juvie. My husband taught him in 6th grade. I could tell ya stories about that year.

As for robbing his own father? Why NOT? He knows the house, knows what to take, and he'd get a thrill over it. I hear the fights father and son have. No love lost between them. He's a lazy, arrogant thug... and dad tells him that. I've heard dad telling him to clean up his act soon or he'll be doing hard time now that he's almost 18.


I laid in bed again last night. I had Abby on my stomach, the windows were open. The ceiling fan was on. It was cool in the room. Everything felt right. And for the first time in a year, I actually felt safe in my own home. It was a wonderful feeling.

07-03-2007, 07:51 AM
Well at least now you know who the criminal most likely is and will be able to watch out for him, I think its good that you caught him, now you will know how he might try to get into your house and when.

Kids these days.

Edwina's Secretary
07-03-2007, 08:58 AM
I am surprised you were allowed to cancel a 911 call. In my experience once you have made the call they must come and check things out....(else the "bad guy" could hold a gun to your head and insist you make the call!)

07-03-2007, 09:42 AM
OMG, This is awful. Why would a kid rob his own fathers house??? I just dont get it. :mad: :( :eek: :confused:

07-03-2007, 10:09 AM
*Sigh* that sounds just like my brother who has robbed us plenty of times.. I never understood why he was allowed to live with us for so long. Luckily he's in jail now for God knows how long, I really don't care. Personally I think the sooner that kid gets caught and taken in, the better.

07-03-2007, 10:12 AM
I would have still called 911. The kid needs a swift kick in the a$$.

07-03-2007, 10:29 AM
OMG, This is awful. Why would a kid rob his own fathers house??? I just dont get it. :mad: :( :eek: :confused:

Unfortunately, I know someone who robbed their family's house to get things to sell in order to buy drugs. Some people will do anything for a fix.

Catnapper, I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope someday this young man will learn his lesson, before he has to learn it the "hard" way.

07-03-2007, 11:29 AM
That would shake me up badly too, especially after what happened to you last year.

We have some new neighbors who moved in last fall. They keep to themselves (like we do) but he came over this winter to tell us that someone has tried to break into his house several times since Christmas. He asked if we've heard anything but we didn't. He told me a few weeks ago that they tried to break into his truck again. He thinks he knows who it is so I'm praying it's just someone wanting something only he has and not someone who is going to hit us next. My biggest fear is they will break out a window and the cats will get out. Scares me to death!

07-03-2007, 11:39 AM
What a scary thing to hear and happen at that time of the morning!! I would still be shaking, too. Did the dispatcher call back to at least check on you?? Will you guys let the father know what happened?

A few months ago, a neighbor told us he had chased off a man sleeping in our driveway :eek: I think he had probably been drinking, but it still freaks me out! I rather wish the neighbor had called the police instead.

07-03-2007, 12:12 PM
I would have called 911 too, and let them come & handle it, even though you know this kid. You don't know, he could have been on crack & hurt you guys, not even realizing what he was doing. It happens.

07-03-2007, 12:20 PM
I would have called 911 too, and let them come & handle it, even though you know this kid. You don't know, he could have been on crack & hurt you guys, not even realizing what he was doing. It happens.

I agree with this. Who knows if this kid isn't hanging out with other punks
who would think nothing of breaking into any other house too. Sorry you
had to experience this scary feeling.

07-03-2007, 04:55 PM
Hey catnapper,

Saw this video in tonight's news. Check out these guys caught in the act.

It's eerie.


07-03-2007, 05:23 PM
Hey catnapper,

Saw this video in tonight's news. Check out these guys caught in the act.

It's eerie.

Oh wow!!! I hope that catch that other guy soon.

Makes me want to lock up like Fort Knox!

07-03-2007, 06:50 PM
Oh wow!!! I hope that catch that other guy soon.

Makes me want to lock up like Fort Knox!

Isn't that weird? I had always pictured thieves as noiser with a lot of
commotion going on. They looked almost professional. :eek:

07-03-2007, 07:47 PM
Sorry I've taken so long to respond. I worked another 12 hour day (blah)

I myself was surprised they just let us drop the 911 call. I thought they didn't like false calls. I felt like a major goober for calling then saying "nevermind".

The father called us back today and said we should call the cops straight away next time. Will the kid be stupid enough to try it again tonight or tomorrow?

He was with a friend. I didn't like the looks of either boy last night - total gang-bangers! :eek: (I'm told by my kids that I am too dorky to use that phrase ;)) The friend even had a gang emblem tattooed on his arm.

I didn't ask hubby until this morning what he thought of last night and he said exactly what I thought: the son was there to rob his father blind. Apparently dad was floored by our call and hubby said he got the feeling dad knew his son was there to rob him. I'm sure we'll hear the fight of the century when the father and son get in the house together.

07-04-2007, 12:45 AM
My brother robbed me and I can tell you the kick in the gut was not only emotional but a physical feeling. It was drug induced but I didn't speak to him for years. Got calls to bail him out of jail on numerous occasions and just didn't pick up the phone. My mom did bail him out usually but I just had to remove myself from that situation. We are fine now as he's gotten his **it together but I have to admit it's always in the back of my mind and I wouldn't give him a key to my house :rolleyes:
Catnapper, Do NOT doubt your instinct. I read somewhere that it's the biggest mistake women make. If you think you are being followed, 9 out of 10 times you are. If you feel in your GUT the kid did it, I'm 99.9% sure he did. Don't second guess yourself for fear of being labeled paranoid or a "stupid woman" I felt your heartbreak loosing such personal things when you were robbed. Thankfully my brother only took cash and credit cards. I completely understand the violation and insecurity you feel. I say you nail the bastard one way or another...I bet you can find out who he pawned your stuff too.
Perhaps and attack kitty is in order?? LOL

07-04-2007, 10:09 PM
I was finally able to let Nicki outside tonight to do her potty --- she refused to go when the fireworks were booming. Anyway, my neighbor on the other side was doing the same with his dog. I told him about the attempted break-in and he told me that this kid is already in trouble for stealing a bunch of bikes from the playground a few blocks from here. He's got a court date in a few weeks regarding the bike thefts. This kid is starting out his adult life in a grand way. :rolleyes: Grand Theft that is!

Also, I had the WORST nightmare about robberies last night. So bad I jumped out of bed screaming. I woke the whole house and my heart was about to tear through my chest. It was so real. It took a while for my heart to stop beating. S-C-A-R-Y. My heart never beat like that before.

07-04-2007, 10:10 PM
I am glad you finally feel safer in your own home!

But I would have been scared as well!

07-05-2007, 09:32 AM
How about getting a Golden Retriever and a Rottwieler to guard your house? LOL! But, this is scarey. :eek:

07-05-2007, 12:03 PM
How about getting a Golden Retriever and a Rottwieler to guard your house? LOL! But, this is scarey. :eek:
I have guard cats! :p

I wanted to get another big dog but Miss Nicki really can't live with another dog. We'll have to wait, I don't want to hurt her by getting another dog. Most people see her and run though. They have no idea she's a gentle old soul. I have seen big-bad-guys cross to the other side of the street when they saw her. Only someone who knew Nicki would know she is harmless.

07-05-2007, 02:03 PM

You did the right thing by calling the cops. Regardless of whether it's the owner's son or not. I hope this kid AND his cohort catch the rath of God from his father.

You and Grant ever consider putting an alarm in your house??? It's worth the money and will allow you to get a good night's sleep.