View Full Version : I am Throughly and Utterly Disgusted!!!!!!!!

critter crazy
07-02-2007, 10:18 PM
I belong to a chicken forum, and was looking at new posts and came across this!! I cannot believe that a fellow chicken lover could do something like this!!! I am just Disgusted!!!

Long story short........I live on 50 rural acres. Everyone knows I give 1 WARNING ONLY about nuisance pets on my property. Well the lady who has a horse on 1 acre up the road feels she can ride on everyone else's land because she lives in the country. I have told her on many occasions to stay off my fenced property. She believes she is entitled to ride anywhere as long as she sticks to the fence line.

Well today I found her horse, not saddled in my vegetable patch enjoying a salad. So I dispatched it with my shotgun humanely. About an hour later the cops show up. They know me very well, due to another neighbours dogs continuely harassing my chickens.

1st COP..."Was the horse going after your chickens?"

LCRT...."NO, It was eating my vegetables"

2nd COP..."Then why did you shoot it?"

LCRT..."Cause it was on my property, & I've advised the owner to stay off it, & posted the NO TRESPASSING signs like I was told by the POLICE"

The cop's took my statement & left. Shortly after that, the lady's hubby shows up & tells me I'm going to be charged with animal cruelty & they are going to sue me.

My question is, don't you think the cop's would have done that if they thought I had commited a crime?

I'm wondering if any others out there have dispatched a horse on there property, & had any legal problems.

here is the link to the thread Click Here (http://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=10085)

07-02-2007, 10:21 PM
OMG..........it's Calamity Jane !!!!! :eek:

07-02-2007, 10:25 PM
HAH !!!! And I love your reply to her on that forum CC :D

07-02-2007, 10:41 PM
I'd like to go and humanely dispatch the PERSON that's being so cavalier about this. (Thanks for the response, I'll sleep on it ?!) If I had a yard and garden big enough for my neighbor's horse to have a feast, I'd be like, "Hi, horse, want some water to drink with your lunch?" And just plant another row in the garden. It's a horse, for heaven's sake! Not a possum or a raccoon, but a horse. Aaaaugh!

07-02-2007, 10:53 PM
i read the thread on the chicken forum.......the ONLY word I can think of is "wow"

07-02-2007, 11:39 PM
In my opinion both him and the horse owner were in the wrong. Jeeze though... couldn't he have just swatted it with a branch or something? (not that I'd be for that either... but this crotchety coot reminds me of my father. ...and a swat with a branch would have been relatively kind.)

07-02-2007, 11:45 PM
I'm speechless..not really.. I'm BITING my tongue since this is a G rated site. Now I have a headache from the stress and tension. :mad: :mad:

07-03-2007, 12:41 AM
I'm speechless..not really.. I'm BITING my tongue since this is a G rated site. Now I have a headache from the stress and tension. :mad: :mad:
ditto! I'm glad she isn't my neighbor!

07-03-2007, 02:21 AM
The moderator closed the thread and said:

"No matter what we might feel here, we don't allow flaming.

LCRT, you know better than to post crap like this without expecting feedback."

(LCRT being the original poster. I hope he gets his a** sued off!) :mad:

07-03-2007, 03:18 AM
YIKES!!! I hope she's dispatched some day for something equally innocent.

07-03-2007, 04:07 AM
This guy must be bonkers!!!

On later posts he said that he used to live in Tahiland.....so horses and dogs are ONLY food to him!

In this case I believe he did not kill for food but for sports! In my country we tend to have like restaurants (.....I wouldn't call them really that but! ) who serve rabbit and horse meat. Personally I don't eat horse meat but I do eat rabbits.....sorry for anyone who has rabbits as pets! I did have a rabbit pet and I used to feel sorry eating it when Mum used to cook it. But its culture, a way of life! Like the bull fight in Spain I presume........actually not as bad, since bull fight is a sport and the other is for food!!
What I want to say is that although I was brought up in a country where horses and rabbits are food ....still you appreciate the beauty of a horse and the sweetness of a rabbit.....!

Btw does he also fry crickets, worms and cockroaches he finds on his property just because he lived in Thailand!!!! What a waste of resorces! I killed a cockrach this morning.......would have sent is to him if only I knew!

07-03-2007, 08:34 AM
HAH !!!! And I love your reply to her on that forum CC :D
Agreed..... :eek: And how could anyone do such a thing?!?!/!?!?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-03-2007, 08:36 AM
This guy must be bonkers!!!

On later posts he said that he used to live in Tahiland.....so horses and dogs are ONLY food to him!

In this case I believe he did not kill for food but for sports! In my country we tend to have like restaurants (.....I wouldn't call them really that but! ) who serve rabbit and horse meat. Personally I don't eat horse meat but I do eat rabbits.....sorry for anyone who has rabbits as pets! I did have a rabbit pet and I used to feel sorry eating it when Mum used to cook it. But its culture, a way of life! Like the bull fight in Spain I presume........actually not as bad, since bull fight is a sport and the other is for food!!
What I want to say is that although I was brought up in a country where horses and rabbits are food ....still you appreciate the beauty of a horse and the sweetness of a rabbit.....!

Btw does he also fry crickets, worms and cockroaches he finds on his property just because he lived in Thailand!!!! What a waste of resorces! I killed a cockrach this morning.......would have sent is to him if only I knew!

I see what your saying

07-03-2007, 08:56 AM

Yeah this person may EAT horse meat but if I seen someones pet cow/pig eating my veggies NEVER in my life would I think of shooting the poor creature, that person should be freaken charged for animal crewlty, some countries are so lame with there dumb a** laws! :mad:

07-03-2007, 10:53 AM
He also had the gall to say he didn't really like the flavour of horse meat.

I think he was trying to rile people up also...his first post was enough, but he kept on 'prodding'....

Or was it a she?

Stupidity is an equal-opportunity employer.... :D

07-03-2007, 04:05 PM
:eek: Wow!
What an a$$ for SURE!!!

RIP horse.

07-03-2007, 07:04 PM
As a person who's favorite animal in the world is horses, I am absolutely horrified:( That poor horse, never even seen it coming and had so many more years to live in happiness, I can't believe anyone could have the heart to do such a thing. Makes me so angry!

If it was me I would have took the horse and loved him and rode and when the owner come back, I would be like, he's on my property so he's mine:p lol. A free horsey!

Anyway enough with my horse fantasy, reality sets in and its so sad:(

Gallop through the heavens Horsey.

07-03-2007, 07:56 PM
Wouldn't be such a bad thing is she choked on the precious veg.

Nasty piece of work, Its not like the horse was causing havoc. A simply phone call to the owners would of got the horse away.

I'm ashamed of humans sometimes.

07-03-2007, 10:21 PM
For a minute, I didn't believe the Crap!! UGH :mad: People cannot be for real. I really need to find out this SICKO'S name so if anyone in the country finds him on their property they can SHOOT him right back! What a total A$$! If he had shot my animal, OMG would there be a major problem. I would have..*insert any good punishment/torture for animal abusers* :mad: :mad:

07-04-2007, 12:23 AM
Maltese Love...not to worry.

This person is in Canada. Ontario, actually. First name is Kerry.

Participated in the Chicken Chariot Races in the Niagara town of Smithsville this year - June 23rd.

Just to be a REAL b****, when they post the current and previous winners of that event, I am going to peek! There is one chicken who is a good racer whose name will stand out.

Don't know what I am going to DO with the info...but somehow feel better just finding out about the creep!

And he's got a wife....

I am sure if I Googled some newspapers from there, I could read more about the horse and everything.

But I will leave it at this for now.

07-04-2007, 12:35 AM
I didn't know you could "humanely" shoot an animal.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-04-2007, 02:48 AM
For a minute, I didn't believe the Crap!! UGH :mad: People cannot be for real. I really need to find out this SICKO'S name so if anyone in the country finds him on their property they can SHOOT him right back! What a total A$$! If he had shot my animal, OMG would there be a major problem. I would have..*insert any good punishment/torture for animal abusers* :mad: :mad:

Wom takes note of Maltese Love's anger, and promises himself never to cross her !!!!

07-04-2007, 10:11 PM
Somebody(A) lets their dog run at large. It's running down some rarely used country back road and gets hit by a speeding vehicle(B). This happens near a residence(C) The dog is so badly injured that some of it's innards are hanging out and it is slowly loosing blood. The most it can do is move its head because so many other bones are broken. (C) doesn't return home for another three hours. It is 10PM. The nearest vet is about four hours away and out of town. It is a holiday weekend and any other clinic won't be open for another two days. (C) knows nothing of medical care. The dog is laying in it's own pile of blood and guts, but is still alive but clearly suffering.

...This is where i would say there is such a thing as humanely shooting an animal. Feel free to disagree with me, but that is my opinion.

I didn't know you could "humanely" shoot an animal.

07-04-2007, 10:43 PM
Poor horse. :(

What an A**hole! Hope he gets charged!

07-04-2007, 10:47 PM
CRAZY!!! And what I assume they meant by humanely was quick so the horse didn't suffer!! :eek:
I can't even believe a person could do something like that to a perfectly healthly animal. But there are idiots out there. :(

07-04-2007, 11:43 PM
Somebody(A) lets their dog run at large. It's running down some rarely used country back road and gets hit by a speeding vehicle(B). This happens near a residence(C) The dog is so badly injured that some of it's innards are hanging out and it is slowly loosing blood. The most it can do is move its head because so many other bones are broken. (C) doesn't return home for another three hours. It is 10PM. The nearest vet is about four hours away and out of town. It is a holiday weekend and any other clinic won't be open for another two days. (C) knows nothing of medical care. The dog is laying in it's own pile of blood and guts, but is still alive but clearly suffering.

So you write short horror stories for a living ????
No ???
Well you should !!!! :D

07-05-2007, 12:18 AM
Gawd no... I could never live with myself if i made a profit off of such trash. I'm nauseous just thinking about it. (I don't know how some people can live with themselves for some of the movies that have been put out in the past year or so.) It's one sort of thing to read about this stuff in the news, but it's something else entirely to read it for entertainment or pleasure. :mad:

Sad thing is, once i had seen a dog like this, except it was still able to walk, but it's jaw was hanging by a couple tendons. (It was a Sunday and SOME how my friend's dad was able to get AC sent out to dispatch of the dog.) I felt so bad for it. The dad was being responsible and not letting my friend or I near it. I knew though that he wanted to be loved and comforted in his final moments. ... ... That was YEARS ago, but I'll never forget him and his sad fate.

I don't write horror stories, but i do find them. ;-/

(I did chuckle though at your joke.)

So you write short horror stories for a living ????
No ???
Well you should !!!! :D

07-06-2007, 09:24 AM
Wom takes note of Maltese Love's anger, and promises himself never to cross her !!!!

:D ;) If I ever met the A$$ who shot the horse let's just say I doubt he'd ever be heard from again.

07-06-2007, 12:41 PM
I really don't get why he shot the horse. He said he had a problem with the owner having a attitude, the owner riding the horse on his property. The actual horse did nothing wrong.
I'd sue this guy so bad. And if he seems to continue on with his stupid attitude of "whatever's on my land gets shot" he's going to have alot more legal issues to deal with or get himself shot.
I think him saying that he ate horse etc was just to get everyone going.
Maybe by him getting sued he'll be forced to move somewhere with no land..we can only hope.

Participated in the Chicken Chariot Races in the Niagara town of Smithsville this year - June 23rd Hmmm I live kind of near there..it disgust me that people like that live near me. And for him to say us Canadians like our animals or meat is rediculous.

07-06-2007, 02:22 PM
This is just sick! Who could do such a thing? Who cares if the horse was eating a few vegetables? Plant some more! Recently my neighbors two horses got into our yard. You know what I did? I led them down the road to my neighbors and explained what had happened and that I would appreciate it if they would keep them out of my yard (just because the dogs aren't really "horse friendly" and either the horses or the dogs could get hurt). That's the right thing to do. Don't shoot the poor animal! It didn't know it was doing anything wrong.
I would like to get a hold of that person... :mad:

R.I.P. poor horse.

07-06-2007, 06:26 PM
May he rot in hell.

07-06-2007, 07:36 PM
I have bookmarked the link to the place where the chicken races occur...he happened to mention in one of his posts that one of his chooks - who he named - placed very well last year.

On the new website for this fair, they are busy updating the winners of the last 7 years. I assume I will be able to find his name...and I will do a search to find out what happened to him.

AND I will let you know! ;)

07-06-2007, 08:39 PM
I'd be curious to know the laws in his area.

My neighbors can shoot my dog on sight if he were to enter their property. They have that right to protect their livestock, (horses and chickens, by the way). However, I have serious doubts as to my legal rights to shoot wandering livestock. The law views pets and livestock differently. I imagine I would get into a great deal of trouble for humanely dispatching the neighbors wandering steer and accidentally placing him in my freezer. Even if he was eating my prized petunias.

07-06-2007, 10:43 PM
Wahoo, I don't know the specific laws in Lincoln County - or at least the Niagara Peninsula in Ontario - but I lived there for a while, and my sense is that this guy is in a LOT of trouble!

07-06-2007, 10:45 PM
The thread there is closed now, but here is part of how he justifies his actions:

I've shot lots of animal's on my property. Skunks, raccoons, fox, coyotes, dogs,cats, & now a horse. The owner is guilty as far as I am concerned. She was told to keep off MY PROPERTY.

:eek: :eek:

07-07-2007, 12:26 AM
R.I.P. Poor Horse. Some people are just pure idiots. :mad: