View Full Version : We are Finally Done *pics*

07-02-2007, 02:19 PM
Well we finished the living room and dining room.... HOORAY. I have some pics but they are kinda dark. Would someone be willing to lighten them for me? Thanks bunches.

The living room with our SLEEPY puppies
Dining room (haven't sorted out the table yet hehe)
Belle in her new living room
Beezers Butt in his new living room

You can sorta see on the parts of the hardwood that are showing that there are some messed up spots.... but all in all it wasn't TOO awful once we got all the staples out and cleaned it.

The furniture came from a home that also had doggies and of course when we brought Belle and Beezy back home they went NUTS sniffing all the new stuff hehe.

07-02-2007, 02:23 PM
Those pups worked SO hard all weekend fixing things up, no wonder they are now sleepy!

Looks good. What did you end up using on the floors, if I may ask?

I never understood why folks with expensive hardwood floors would put in staples all over the place. :rolleyes: When we bought this house 4.5 years ago, the realtor had made them take out the old SHAG carpetting. We spent WEEKS removing staples. :( Thank goodness none of the cats - or humans - got hurt during those weeks.

And getting furniture with SMELLS, oh my, your dogs are in HEAVEN, he he.

07-02-2007, 02:34 PM
Those pups worked SO hard all weekend fixing things up, no wonder they are now sleepy!

Looks good. What did you end up using on the floors, if I may ask?

I never understood why folks with expensive hardwood floors would put in staples all over the place. :rolleyes: When we bought this house 4.5 years ago, the realtor had made them take out the old SHAG carpetting. We spent WEEKS removing staples. :( Thank goodness none of the cats - or humans - got hurt during those weeks.

And getting furniture with SMELLS, oh my, your dogs are in HEAVEN, he he.

LOL we actually ended up taking them to the kennel for Saturday and picked them up Sunday so we didn't have to worry about them getting a staple in their foot or anything, since there were so many staples. So when they came home it was like a culture shock. they ran in the door and stopped as soon as they hit the first carpet and then walked around with noses to the ground until they hit the furniture and then it was :eek: DOG SMELLS!!!! But it didn't take them long to find out how comfortable those couches are lol.

We actually ended up just using Murphys oil soap. We mopped it several times. first Hubby did a soaking wet mop with me following behind with a slightly wet mop to pick up the excess water and soap.... then we did one with just water and then did another mop with the soap. It started out really dirty but came out pretty clean :D and the oil soap smells SO nice.

It's just so nice to not be afraid to walk around on your own carpeting with bare feet for fear of what might have been on that carpet lol. And the house doesn't stink anymore.... it smells like nice new carpet and Murphys oil soap haha. Yes the staples were frustrating.... it is a gorgeous hardwood floor underneath.... but at least they didn't do what they did in the dining room. They GLUED the pad to the hardwood floor.... so there was no getting that up.