View Full Version : (price) Sticker SHOCK!!!

06-30-2007, 01:13 PM
Ok, so I never claimed to be a "girly-girl". I don't wear makeup. #1 because it is too much trouble. But #2 because everytime I would try, it would irritate my face. (AND I would get people kidding me...."OOOOOO, Jen is wearing makeup").

Well, I have a family wedding later this afternoon (and another next Saturday) and I decided to actually go to a makeup counter at a depaertment store. In my 44 years, this is something I have never done. :o

I liked the results and bought 4 products. A powder/foundation, a blush, a lip color and a lip color/shine.

$72 :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well, the good news is, for the number of times I will use this stuff, it will last until I die of old age. :p (LOL)

06-30-2007, 01:17 PM
I know exactly what you mean. A friend of mine took me to buy make up and I spent about that same amount (honestly, I can't even remember how much). But it's all in a ziplock baggie and I've probably only used it about three times. I bought it a couple years ago. So I should NEVER have to buy anymore of it ever!! I only wear eyeliner and mascara on a daily basis.
My friend says, that's the price you pay to be a woman. Umm....ok.....NO!!
She also wears high heels and says the pain is the price you pay to be female. I do not, and never will wear heels. (Partly because it will make me taller than Bruce and they HURT!!!) :)

06-30-2007, 01:53 PM
I did the EXACT same thing when I went to my grandparents' 50th anniversary...$80 for eyeshadow, bronzer, and mascara. I still have the eyeshadow and bronzer, five years later.

06-30-2007, 02:30 PM
I'm a girlie-girl and I have no idea how much I have spent (nor do I want to know) as I'm sure it would be quite embarassing! :o

I don't wear alot of make up but I do like the "good stuff."

06-30-2007, 04:15 PM
Good for you Jen :) Yes I understand the sticker shock but now sounds like you have some good quality products that will last you. Maybe you will even add a dab of this and that "just because!", even if it just a bit of lipcolor/gloss. I have gone through so many makeup colors because I never let the ladies at the counter help me! Again, GOOD FOR YOU!!

Aspen and Misty
06-30-2007, 06:01 PM
I'm not overly girly, however I do like to look cute, have my hair down and feel like I look my best. I always wear mascara and eye liner and feel that I look plainer without it on. I also wear it because I'm in love with my eyes, lol.


smokey the elder
07-01-2007, 07:54 AM
This is a case of you get what you pay for. I rarely wear makeup but would pay extra for stuff that doesn't bug my skin.

07-01-2007, 08:01 AM
Awww, wasn't it FUN though?!?!

I still have a Christian Dior eyeshadow set from many years ago. I was going to a "Bridemaids Ball" where women all get a chance to wear their useless bridesmaids gowns, and the ugliest wins a trip to some gorgeous island (I won second place.... soooo close!) Anyway, I wanted to look pretty despite my horrendous gown. The lady did such a great job with her purple eyeshadow that I HAD to buy it. I still love the purples, but I feel like I'm wasting expensive shadows by using them too often! :D :p

07-01-2007, 09:07 AM
Go ahead and wear the makeup as often as you can. You might find that you like it. Never hurts to look extra pretty, it's good for the soul as well knowing you are looking nice, even if it's just to run errends. Plus this way you get your money worth. Have fun.

07-02-2007, 10:40 AM
I only WISH I left the makeup counter with a $72 purchase. :o

I like nice makeup. I like wearing it. I have yet to meet anyone that doesn't look a little more "pulled together" with some makeup on. Maybe just a nice moisturizer and some blush and gloss. Maybe more!

A couple of weeks ago, Jonah dropped some Lancome moisturizer, the glass container broke, and I could feel/hear the sound of grit when I went to open it to see what I could salvage. Into the trash it went. That, alone, was prolly $35. :o

My guy likes smooth skin! Good practice for his older age, I suppose. :D

07-02-2007, 11:29 AM
Its good to feel good when wearing make-up but be warned those of you who have it for a long time like perfume good or bad it goes off and can cause really bad irritations so if it is over a couple of years old its time to chuck it and invest in new ones so for those of you who have purchased recently wear it and renew it. I only ever wear No7 Intelligent foundation (its like I am not wearing anything but brings some life to my skin) some lippy and some mascara and all of it ever comes to over here is about 40 euro so I use it every day and buy new stuff when it runs out. I would never spend money on make-up and not wear it. Even when its a Saturday and I am slobbing around in casual pants and t-shirts doing grocery shopping and filling the car etc I wear my make up and I feel good and it shows when I go out.

07-02-2007, 11:45 AM
The last time I wore makeup was for Halloweenie years ago. I do have some old makeup that's about 30 yrs old in a makeup bag that I used to use as a doorstop.

...and I ain't no girly-girl either....Gini and a few others can attest to that. :rolleyes:

Does that makeup make you feel any girlier???

07-02-2007, 12:31 PM
Doesn't make me feel more 'girly'. But I hate to scare people so I always put on eyeshadow, brows and lipstick. Maybeline and Cover Girl are expensive enough for me.

07-02-2007, 01:50 PM
It's nice that you've found a makeup you can wear, even if it's only a special times here and there.
Sometimes it's just nice to spoil yourself with something expensive.

I never really wore a foundation until I bought the bare minerals and now hardly a day goes by that I don't put some on. It makes me feel good:)

07-02-2007, 02:58 PM
I have GOT to have my mascara (even if it is Cover Girl, which it usually is) and lipstick. I have to. I use foundation, blush and powder most of the year, but in summer, when I tan, I might bypass the foundation and blush.

I admire women who don't care, but frankly, I feel naked without at least my mascara, which I forgot to put on yesterday, before church, and I had someone ask me if I was feeling ok! LOL!!! It is all in the eyelashes!!!
