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View Full Version : Dog Rescue

06-30-2007, 09:02 AM
Dear My Friends!

Our dog rescue community (http://www.lelenc.hu) need a little help. We have participated to a voting, where the first three place get support from a beer company named "Brau Union Hungária Sörgyárak Nyrt". We are at place 4, so we need some help (vote), that is why we are ask for your help. The end of voting is at today midnight. If you would be so kind to vote our association we would be so grateful to you!

How you can vote for us? Here are the steps:
1. - Open http://www.asopronibudapestert.hu/
2. - There will be a picture with 4 guy. Click to the IGEN button at the left bottom of the pic.
3. - On the next screen, you will see the placement at the top right.
4. - You have to register to the site, but we hope that it isn't problem for you.
5. - Click to the REGISZTRÁCIÓ button at the top of the site (the third button from right with a little pencil icon).
6. - On the following screen, you have to fill a form with your datas.
Teljes név: this is your full name
Felhasználói név: this is your user name
Jelszó: your password
Jelszó meger?sítés: your password again
Email cím: your e-mail address

And also, you have to check the two checkbox at the bottom of the form.

If you are done, click on the Elküldés/Submit button.
7. - Soon You will get an e-mail from the site.
8. - Open the e-mail. In the e-mail, there is a link with the following text: Kérjük kattintson ide az e-mail cím hitelesítéshez. Click on it.
9. - The link will direct you back to the beer company's page.
10. - Click to the BELÉPÉS button (the second button from right with an arrow icon)
11. - Fill the form:
Azonosító: your username
Jelszó: your password
Then submit the form.
12. - If you are logged in, then you will get back to the main page. On the right side at the placement, click to the name of our association "Lelenc Kutyament? Egyesület".
13. - On the next page you can vote three times by clicking to the SZAVAZOK button (the button with pipe icon).

Thats all!
I hope you will help us with your votes.

If you have any question feel free to write us: [email protected]

Thank you very much: Zsolt Albert - Lelenc Dog Rescue Association
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