View Full Version : Muddy4Paws, any other Brits in London?

06-29-2007, 06:43 PM
Just wondering if any PTers have been affected by the scare in London today, two car bombs discovered. Dad has the news on just now, and it seems quite a bit of the city was closed off for the investigation.

Killearn Kitties
06-29-2007, 06:55 PM
As far as I am aware, it has not caused too much disruption. The first car was found at 3am this morning, and a few streets round about were blocked off. Of course, if you happen to work in one of those streets, or travel through them, it can be difficult!

I'm not sure if Muddy4paws has mentioned the exact area she works in before.

06-30-2007, 03:59 PM
Sorry I've just seen this.

I didnt even hear about yesterday until yesterday evening, we had quite a busy day at work and the radio wasnt on.

I do know that the terror threat is up to critical now.

Taken from BBC website.

The UK's national terrorism threat level has been raised to "critical" after attacks in Glasgow and London.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged the public to be vigilant and added: "I know the British people will stand together, united and resolute."

The announcement came after a meeting of the government emergencies committee Cobra, following a burning car being driven into a Glasgow airport terminal.

On Friday, two car bombs were found in central London.

Ministers, police and security service officials held their third meeting of Cobra in three days on Saturday evening, this time with a video link to ministers in Scotland.

In a televised statement, Mr Brown thanked the police, the security and emergency services for the "dedicated professionalism" that has been shown in London and Glasgow Airport.

"The first duty of the government is the security and safety of all the British people, so it is right to raise the level of security at airports and in crowded places in the light of the heightened threat," he said.

Both Mercedes were found to contain explosive materials

Car bomb leads
Blazing car crashes at airport

The critical threat level indicates terrorist attacks are imminent. It is the highest possible level and was also in place after the 7 July 2005 suicide bomb attacks on London.

Strathclyde Police have arrested two people in connection with the incident at Glasgow Airport.

Eyewitnesses described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the main doors of Glasgow airport's terminal building with flames coming out from underneath shortly after 1500 BST.

Downing Street has refused to comment on whether the events in Scotland and London are connected, saying it was a matter for the police.

Petrol and gas

The BBC's Andy Tighe said there were "worrying similarities" between the two incidents but no-one in authority had yet made any "firm linkage."

All flights to and from the airport have been suspended.

A Scottish government spokesperson said Scottish Ministers were in touch with their Whitehall opposite numbers and First Minister Alex Salmond and have spoken to Mr Brown.

Mr Salmond and Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill took part in the Cobra meeting.

Scottish Conservative justice spokesman Bill Aitken said details about the incident were still "scant" but added: "Once the full information is available from Strathclyde Police we will need to react.

Flights from Glasgow airport were suspended after the crash

"I am sure that there will be a calm and realistic assessment and in the meantime one can only feel desperately sorry for the thousands of passengers who will have been inconvenienced as a result of what is clearly a serious incident."

The leader of the Liberal Democrats in Scotland, Nicol Stephen, said the incident will have been "extremely distressing" for everyone at the airport.

"We have today seen once again an example of how much we owe to our emergency services," he said.

Earlier in the day, Cobra met to discuss the London car bomb attempts.

In the early hours of Friday, two Mercedes containing petrol, gas cylinders and nails were found left outside the Tiger Tiger club in Haymarket and a nearby street but the devices did not detonate.

Police in the capital are checking CCTV footage in their investigation into the planting of the two car bombs.

Unconfirmed reports suggest police may have an image of a suspect leaving the vehicle left outside the Tiger Tiger club.

Police increased patrols and security for events in London over the weekend, including the Gay Pride parade, the Concert for Diana at Wembley Stadium and the Wimbledon tennis championships.

I hate hearing about this kind of thing it makes me feel so sick, It scares the hell out of me that I work in quite a popular town too.

Im so glad no one has got hurt in this. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-01-2007, 06:37 AM
Oh NO :eek: , bombs in LONDON !?? :eek:
I am scared to death now; my hubby came home from Japan last night, and this evening he will be flying to London Heathrow...... :( . He says that his hotel is on Haymarket, one of the streets where a bomb-car was found :eek:
The security in England is on "level RED" now, so I hope everything goes fine for him! He will flying back home to Belgium on wednesday afternoon.

PLEASE pray with me there won't be another terrorist attack while Bernard is there...... :(

07-01-2007, 08:07 AM
For Bernard's sake, and for all the folks in England. Prayers.