View Full Version : Ecco's Official Intro thread

06-28-2007, 05:10 PM
I would like everyone to welcome my new addition, Ecco, to my little fin family. I feel it's only right because when I first got him I didn't even know if he was going to live, but I have a good feeling he's going to be OK. I "rescued" him from a local church fair and my parents let me get one. I felt bad for them because they were all living in bags under a dark counter. Most of them had fin rot, which my boy does and he's being treated for. Something I can't fix is the bit off tail fin he has, it's not completely gone but some fish probably bit him up pretty good.

He's a young goldfish and me and my Dad are going to go to Petco this weekend and get the right diet for him and such. He should do well in his new home.

I may have mentioned his name is Ecco, it's pronounced Echo, just spelled differently.

Some new pics:

06-28-2007, 07:31 PM
Welcome to PetTalk Ecco! You are a sweet looking goldfish, and by the sounds of it you are in very good hands and going to be healthy in no time:D I'm so glad that you and Maltese Love found each other and I hope you will be around for a long time:)

I'm sorry you had to be put into one of those awful exhibition games, tis a terrible fate and you were very lucky:)

06-29-2007, 10:05 AM
Welcome to PetTalk Ecco! You are a sweet looking goldfish, and by the sounds of it you are in very good hands and going to be healthy in no time:D I'm so glad that you and Maltese Love found each other and I hope you will be around for a long time:)

I'm sorry you had to be put into one of those awful exhibition games, tis a terrible fate and you were very lucky:)

Exactly what i was going to say!