View Full Version : My Poor Baby!

06-28-2007, 03:29 PM
Maxi and I were walking, and he was on the lead etc, etc. When suddenly he tenses and starts to whimper, now, whenever Max gets like this, it suggests that a cat is around, so I walk past the gateway as usual, trying to make him feel less insecure by me paying no attention to the cat. As I pass, I see the hairs on the cat's back stand up as it arches it back and hisses. I keep walking, when suddenly, this monstrous black thing comes hurtling towards Max and I! Maxi an I are running whilst being pursued by a cat! As I run, the cat get faster, and claws and teeth flail from the cat, towards Max's back, i get my umbrella and put it under the cat to try and dislodge it from Max's back. Eventually it lets go, (though no without a few swipes at me). And Max seemed fine when we got home, and didn't bleed (Thank god!) And now, thanks to that demented black creature, Max only lets Buddha near him (Although he has never been close to any other cat...)

Anyone else been attacked by a rogue cat before?

06-28-2007, 08:34 PM
Wow! :eek: What an experience. Does this happen often? I'm glad your Max is ok.

07-05-2007, 03:32 PM
He is still shaky going past other cats but otherwise it's fine...

07-05-2007, 03:58 PM
I keep walking, when suddenly, this monstrous black thing comes hurtling towards Max and I! Maxi an I are running whilst being pursued by a cat!

I had to laugh at this, sorry. But I could just picture in my mind, a human and a dog running from a cat :D Of course my smile turned to a :/ when I saw it actually didn't back down! Bad kitty!!! Poor Max, not all kitties are bad guys. Glad both of you are alright. An no I must say I have never been attacked by a rogue kitty.

07-05-2007, 04:53 PM
"Attack Cat on Premises" sign needed on that fence!

Glad you are both OK. As long as he is fine with YOUR cat, I wouldn't worry too much.

07-05-2007, 11:36 PM
I wasn't but my Rat Terrier was. She used to love cats before that.

It was a neighborhood cat so we had to keep an eye out for it when we left the pooch in the back yard.

Anyone else been attacked by a rogue cat before?