View Full Version : Click training, also multiple dog training

06-28-2007, 09:50 AM
Hello All. I was just wondering who on here click trains? I am thinking about doing it with Chopper and maybe working some with Duke and Champ but they are a little older and are well behaved so I will only do it with them if they are willing participants. What age do you recommend starting your puppy. He is three months old now, for those who don't already know. He is doing well with sitting and laying down but he refuses to come, he thinks it is a game and wants you to chase him. I have been working with rewards of treats(usually his own food but don't tell him that :D ) He will come as long as he thinks he is getting something but want him to come regardless. A couple of times I have acted like I had something then grab him up when he comes and smoother him with kisses and pats and tell him good boy but I do not want him to think that it is just a trick and I really do not have anything to give him. Is click training easy, does anyone have site recommendations or training book for click training? I would appreciate any suggestions or help. Plus anyone that has multiple dogs, how do you train the newbie without the others thinking they needs all the treats too? I do not want to seclude them because I do not like them to feel like they are being left out. Thanks in advance.