View Full Version : To those with more than one dog

06-28-2007, 08:04 AM
How many dogs can you comfortably take to the vet's at one time? When I take my two I make my appointments in the evening so hubby can come with me. I find it too hard to keep track of two dogs and two leashes in the waiting room when there are other critters in there that need sniffing. :p When I had my two toy poodles years ago I took them both by myself as I could hold one in each hand or on my lap. Not so with Bella girl! LOL!

06-28-2007, 08:13 AM
I take Duke and Champ together. I have not tried all three yet as the older two are not due again until November. But if it works out that Chopper is due around the same time, I will give it a shot. Duke thinks everyone in the vet is his best friend and Champ is scared to death and sits right next to me shaking. If I have to take Chopper to then he can sit in my lap. Neither one of them are barkers at the vet, Duke just does the boxer-wiggle trying to get everyone to pay attention to him :) But I almost always go alone-never a problem.

06-28-2007, 08:48 AM
One or two ;). My Mum and i have been in with 5 dogs before, it was a nightmare :o.

06-28-2007, 09:05 AM
I have taken in 2 at once. Grant and Maggie and I have to wait outside since Grant likes to bark the entire time. I prefer just one but Grant and Maggie are due at the same time.

finn's mom
06-28-2007, 09:14 AM
Haven't tried with all three. Freckles and Dudley go to their vet, Finn to his. I'm sure I could take the three of them, though. Little ones in one hand, Finn in the other. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
06-28-2007, 09:16 AM
I take mine in one at a time unless hubby is with me

06-28-2007, 09:50 AM
One at a time for me, Pam. Katie does just fine, but Tori doesn't like going to the vet. She does what she is supposed to do but is also always trying to hide under the chairs and constantly has to be pulled back out. Once we pull her out she will lay there like a good girl and get her shot or whatever the doc needs to do but then it is right back under the chairs. She is such a goof.

06-28-2007, 10:39 AM
I have taken both dogs before & it wasn't too bad, but I really prefer
taking them one at a time. Smokey & Maggie are both wildly happy to
go inside the Vets office, but that wears off after the first 5 mins. :D

06-28-2007, 10:56 AM
We take all five at the same time, we get loads of discounts that way :p

One time I had to do it by myself and had to cram all five in my TINY car, it was a sight in itself, lol. But my mom and I usually go. I don't take them all in the waiting room, I'll sit there and when they're ready for us I go out in the car and usually make a couple trips and lead them straight to the room. And then the techs help us take them all out.

Cinder & Smoke
06-28-2007, 11:03 AM
While Bowser was with us, we did THREE at a time!! :D

Cinder "liked" Doc Mike from Day 1; when we "added" Smokey; he was at first
terrified of :eek: MEN!
Cinder went along for company, and Doc worked with Smokey on the first couple of visits.
Soon Doc was moved onto to Smokey's "Favorite Folks" list, but Cinder & Smoke continued to
have combined Vet visits on a Y-Thingy.

Along came Bowser :) ... why change a good thing?
I remember a few eyeballs got kinda BIG :eek: when ALL THREE of the Amigos
dashed in the Clinic door hooked up on their Three-way Y-Thingy the first time ...
But White Coat visits always went pretty well.
There was often a <GASP> in the waiting room if someone had come in while we were
all in the exam room ... THREE Dawgs dancing out, all tied together, must not be a
super-common sight in Vet waiting rooms. :p

The only "problems" we ever had were Cinder-related. :rolleyes:
"The Girls" sometimes "fumbled" the hook-up between the Y-Thingy and the exam-table tether ...
Cinder never misses an opportunity ... turned loose, she'll go see the sights.
She's managed to find her way into the Recovery Room more than once ...
Lil Miss Sunshine sayin "HI" to all the surgical recovery patients. Doc always knew where to look!

Last visit she got seperated from the other two and found a NEW place ...
Doc stores the Prescription Food up on the scond floor of the remodeled "house" that's the Clinic.
"HEY ... where's Cinder??"
"Oh ... ya know, I think I heard her goin UPstairs! ... CINDER!"
Doc suggested she might wanna go up and CHECK a lil harder ...
Sure 'nuff ... "Here she is ... *sniffin* the cat food!"

I guess now that we're back to only Two ... :( :( ... it won't be so hard to
keep track of 'em ...

Miss ya, Bowz!! :(

06-28-2007, 11:07 AM
I tried to take the 2 goldens together and it was horrible!!! Gracey wouldnt sit still and was running to everyone and Chance is afraid of the vet so I have to drag him and try to carry him (he is 80 pounds). The only good dog at the Vets is Sandy my husky/shepard mix. I see some people at the vets with 3 dogs at a time, I wish my dogs would listen enough at the vets so I could take them all at once it would save alot of time :rolleyes:

06-28-2007, 11:14 AM
I can handle both of my two at once, but that might be because they're relatively small, and very well behaved around other people and animals.

06-28-2007, 11:35 AM
I take them together.
Buddy doesn't pull at all and sits right down next to me but will bark once in a while when a new dog walks in the door. :o
Sierra tries to pull me towards all the dogs in the waiting room and when I tell her "No" she howls at me and everyone in the office gets a good laugh. :p
I can get them on the scale one at a time too! For that I'm pretty proud of myself and them!

Lori Jordan
06-28-2007, 11:38 AM
Maggy and Lacy always got together,They do not like when they are seperated.

Storm goes on his own,As well as Molly.

Anna will be on her own,She got all her shots before she came home from her surgery.

I am fortunate all my guys are well behaved at the vets office,But they are attention seekers,Lacy always wiggles her little butt around and everyone loves it.

Same with my cats They are all seperate too,Summer is an expensive year for me all the animals are due between April through July for all there shots.

06-28-2007, 01:48 PM
I've taken the two in myself. They are small and I do believe tha is easier.

I have taken 5 cats in myself; :eek: boy, I never realized what a difference those carriers make until I started reading this thread and considering the situation and possibilities! :D

06-28-2007, 02:35 PM
2 dogs would be my limit for one person to bring to the vets at one time. That's from personal experience & from observing others (as I work in a vets office). Any more than that & it just gets way to hectic.

06-28-2007, 02:38 PM
Jenny has taken two at a time several times but the last time they all needed to go (updated rabies shots after the "incident") she and my son Kenneth took all four in at once (new puppy didn't need to go). They said no problem, everyone behaved just fine. They did get "looks" however when the herd of fairly large dogs all walked in together and started greating everyone :rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
06-28-2007, 02:44 PM
Nova is such a bad dog (gosh do I love her though!) that it would be impossible for me to take any other dog with her. It was funny with the new vet office we went to before I left I took Konnor first and everybody was amazed. He healed, layed down on the floor and was a perfect gentlmen. He was an amazing example of how dog's should be!

Then Nova had an apointment 2 hours later, I brought her in and shes slipping and slideing all over the floor, howling and pulling and doing circles around me. She was so bad that they instantly cleaned out a room and put us in it! Gosh was I embaressed. :o LOL.


06-28-2007, 04:09 PM
My dogs as well as my cats go one at a time. Their shot schedules are all at a different time of year anyways.

06-28-2007, 06:38 PM
The shelties go together. It's one of the only times they have collars and leashes on and I just put them on a coupler. I just make them lie down and stay in the waiting room.

06-28-2007, 06:43 PM
Simba and Kiara always go together - since they are both due at the same time.

Nala and Mufasa are both due at seperate times, so the both of them will go solo.

06-29-2007, 12:03 AM
I have taken all three by myself. The hardest part of that is that Spot does not like the vet's office. He is fine with the vet and the techs and everyone, but he goes stir crazy waiting. I don't know if the smell reminds him of the shelter, or what, but he paces like crazy. I prefer not to take all 3 unless Ralph comes also. I have no issues taking 2 alone.

06-29-2007, 12:32 AM
I guess now that we're back to only Two ... :( :( ... it won't be so hard to
keep track of 'em ...

Miss ya, Bowz!! :(

Phred *tears* ..... :(

Pam, I take my two together. Of course Captain is a social butterfly, and Ruby will go wherever he goes .... :D
They are pretty good together - of course if I get another one, I might have to ask Phred about the 3 way tie thingy!

06-29-2007, 12:41 AM
I have only one dog but I've wondered about taking Keegan and a cat - but I just don't think I could. Keegan is too big. Kloe gets carsick and Kylie just doesn't like being in the car. The other thing is I think I would pass out when it came time to pay!
I only have one carrier for the cats so they are separate too.
I guess I look @ it as "alone time" with each one. With the exception of Keegan - its the only time I get to be with each cat alone.
Its the only time that Kloe sits still and tolerates being on my lap. Kylie on the other hand is a social butterfly. Go figure!

06-29-2007, 01:32 AM
I can take all nine of mine ... but I cheat! I have a van equipped with many crates that I pick up and deliver dogs for the grooming shop in. So, all nine of mine go into the dog delivery crates, then come out into the vet's office in pairs ... so I suppose two is the real limit.

06-29-2007, 01:34 AM
Pam, I take my two together. Of course Captain is a social butterfly

That is part of my problem with Bella. She feels the need to sniff everyone hello. I am forever telling her to come back and sit. :rolleyes: Ripley pretty much lays on my lap but will stand up in my lap if a dog comes in who is a barker. I think the problem for me would be getting them inside with no tangled leashes and also keeping the leashes untangled as I write the check at the end while they both scope out the newcomers. :)

Congratulations to you who take two and more! WOW! I am impressed. :)

06-29-2007, 01:58 AM
My dogs all go to the vet at different times of the year, so they usually go separately. Sometimes if they need to go in for another reason (like when they had kennel cough), we'll take two at a time without a problem.

06-29-2007, 02:06 AM
We normally take all three dogs at a time. Molly and Astra are so attached that if we leave one, the other will cry until they see each other again. So they go together no matter what. Prince goes with us as well, seeing as he is small. He simply sits in my lap and occasionally barks at a new dog that comes in.

Astra is fairly easy to control, however she howls, or woos rather, at any new dog she sees. Molly listens and calmly lays down on the floor until our turn. Of course, her tail is moving at 100mph this entire time, but she listens, nonetheless!

06-29-2007, 02:02 PM
It depends on what's being done, but I usually take them in one at a time because their on different shot schedules.