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06-27-2007, 07:18 PM
I got a new fish tonight at a local church fair that our town has. I "rescued" it because they are basically all dying. Most of them have fin rot and don't even move, but luckily mine was swimming around alot. I really don't think they feed them either. Anyway to my surprise, my parents said I could have one. I don't know if he is going to survive. He's all bitten up and has fin rot I think. I don't even know what kind of fish he is, I'm looking it up now. But anyway, at least now he has a chance, hopefully he'll be OK.

He's still nameless too. :p

Pic attached, Maybe some can tell me what he is? I know it's a bad pic but I want to let him settle in.

ETA: I am treating him for Fin rot with some medicine we bought, just so you know.

06-27-2007, 07:38 PM
No idea what kind of fish but he's cute.. I think you should name him Bob! :p

06-27-2007, 07:50 PM
Aww he's cute.Name Ideas-Captain Jack,Moby Dick,Neptune,or Sonic :D

06-27-2007, 07:53 PM
Name Ideas-Captain Jack
Ooh! I like that one! :D

06-27-2007, 08:22 PM
Thanks for the ideas Nikki, I really like Sonic. Captain Jack would have been my first choice but that's my shrimps name lol. I don't want to name him yet because I don't know if he is going to survive(I'm praying) but I am looking for something really original.

I like:
Moose :p

06-28-2007, 08:46 AM
Well he survived the night but he's not eating..so I don't know if he's going to be ok yet.

06-28-2007, 10:34 AM
He's a goldfish, a goldfish that has not yet turned orange:) I've brought up goldfish all my life and gone to a pond all my life, and he is definatley a goldfish that still has its black baby color and he'll eventually turn orange if he is looked after properly and gets back to full health.

Thanks for saving him! My exhibition has goldfish like that too and I hate it, they are always so ill kept and they give them to just anyone. And seriously, is the goldfish suppose to stay in the bag the entire time that the people want to stay at the ex? Anyways, if I see some at my ex this year I will probably save one as well:D

Congrats on the new guy, he is some cute, and I hope the medicine starts working on him!

06-28-2007, 10:56 AM
I thaught he was a gold fish , yep he is like Kalei said :D

06-28-2007, 11:12 AM
I thaught he was a gold fish , yep he is like Kalei said :D

And he's a Common Goldfish to be exact:D He seems to have too short of a body and tail to be a Comet, so he's a Common:) What a cute little one, I really hope he will live, it would be awesome to see him turn orange:D

06-28-2007, 03:57 PM
Thank you, Kalei! I had no clue that goldfish start out black, so he's still young yet. I think that shall help alot in his recovery. I went out for awhile and when I came back he was moving around quite alot and he ate his food and medicine, so he should be OK. I've decided to name him Ecco, it's pronounced the same as Echo but just spelled differently. I really like the name.

I also have a few questions...

exactly what food do I need? All I have right now is special betta and tetra food and the edible medication. Is there special goldfish food?

06-28-2007, 05:17 PM
Hope you have 10 gallons of cycled water at least for this guy or he won't last long. You can give him betta food and peeled peas for now, but find some goldfish food with less protein after he survives a few days.

06-28-2007, 07:25 PM
Thank you, Kalei! I had no clue that goldfish start out black, so he's still young yet. I think that shall help alot in his recovery. I went out for awhile and when I came back he was moving around quite alot and he ate his food and medicine, so he should be OK. I've decided to name him Ecco, it's pronounced the same as Echo but just spelled differently. I really like the name.

I also have a few questions...

exactly what food do I need? All I have right now is special betta and tetra food and the edible medication. Is there special goldfish food?

No problem:D Yeah whenever you can get goldfish food it would be healthier for the fish, but IRescue is right by saying that peeled peas will help bring its health back up immensly. And even if you don't have 10 gallons of cycled water, believe me your goldfish has 100 times more chance of living happily in a 5 gallon with fresh water than it did at an ex in a bowl or bag.

Goldfish are the most tough fish alive!:D They survive almost anything and hang on for dear life til the very end!