View Full Version : World of Warcraft.. anyone play?

06-26-2007, 05:53 PM
My seriously WoW addicted boyfriend successfully got me hooked on WoW. Anyone else play? :p

06-26-2007, 06:01 PM
I did, both my hubby and I did but we both got burned out. I don't play video games anymore, I can't really since I have an infant, but hubby still plays games, just not WoW. It was really fun at first :)

06-26-2007, 06:05 PM
WoW has ruined too many of my relationships, I've vowed never to date anyone that plays ever again and never to get addicted myself. :p

06-26-2007, 06:13 PM
WoW has ruined too many of my relationships, I've vowed never to date anyone that plays ever again and never to get addicted myself. :p

LOL! Alan was really nervous when he told me.. cause apparently women hate the game :p

06-26-2007, 06:40 PM
My brother and his girlfriend play allll the time! They got addicted to it too! They stay up till all hours of the morning playing it.

I've never played it but I watch them play and it looks like so much fun! My computer wouldn't be able to handle it, but I do want to start playing so badly!

06-26-2007, 06:42 PM
My brothers make me play Runescape instead. :rolleyes: They said WoW sucks. :p

06-26-2007, 06:47 PM
I used to play ... but I have so much that I need to do on my free time, that I just can't commit to getting my character levels raised ;)

(i had a Lvl42 night elf when i quit, which i know isn't saying much, but i have friends with several chars that are maxed out on stats, and spend far too much time at it. I"ll just stick to playing Magic The Gathering instead on a sunday night)

06-26-2007, 06:55 PM
WoW has consumed so much of my life.. but I love it! :]
Donnie(my quaker) & Gir(tiel) have learned how to mimic a few of the sounds off the game. Teehee^^. Does that in itself tell you that I play it too much?

06-26-2007, 08:33 PM
My hubby plays, don't even get me started on World of Warcraft!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!

06-26-2007, 10:42 PM
WoW has ruined too many of my relationships, I've vowed never to date anyone that plays ever again and never to get addicted myself. :p
See, I think if a video game "ruins" a relationship, there were other problems to begin with. Of course I don't know everyone's stories but I just really think a lot of people are so quick to jump to placing blame on a video game when really the person, or persons, are to blame.

My hubby and I both play, he got me ADDICTED about a year ago. I have yet to ding 70, but I do have a 63 NE feral druid and a 58 NE beast mastery hunter (by far my favorite class), and am starting to turn to the "dark" side (horde) and am quickly lvling an undead affliction lock (just hit 32 with her lol). Among many other lower lvl toons I've started (among them a 36 human arcane/ice mage) those are pretty much all my "mains".

I LOVE that him and I can both play together. I LOVE going through instances and questing with him and helping him out. It's something we both like and both like to do together.

I'm on Hellscream if anyone else plays on that realm :)

06-26-2007, 10:52 PM
See, I think if a video game "ruins" a relationship, there were other problems to begin with. Of course I don't know everyone's stories but I just really think a lot of people are so quick to jump to placing blame on a video game when really the person, or persons, are to blame.

And that may be completely true, but my last ex it was because of the game that I broke up with him. Too many times he missed dinner with me because he was too busy playing, or didn't realize I had even left until a couple hours later...it finally came to the game -- or me. And guess what he chose, lol. I'm sure if I was more into video games it would have been different. :)

06-26-2007, 10:54 PM
Wuah! I want to play so badly now; knowing that other PTers play it!

My brother has a level 70 dark elf (or night elf, not sure which one) rogue I think. And his girlfriend has a level 70 Warrior umm...dwarf I believe.

Anyway, I love to watch them play all their quests and I guess they're called instances, where they go with like 30 other guild mates to defeat a really hard quest. I remember watching them beat this HUGE dragon. Gawd I forgot her name but it was so entertaining to watch.

Also, I love all the actions you can do. You can dance, cuddle, fart ( :o ) and do all sorts of things to the other people playing.

Sorry for making this so long, I don't even play! *runs out of thread*

06-26-2007, 10:58 PM
And that may be completely true, but my last ex it was because of the game that I broke up with him. Too many times he missed dinner with me because he was too busy playing, or didn't realize I had even left until a couple hours later...it finally came to the game -- or me. And guess what he chose, lol. I'm sure if I was more into video games it would have been different. :)
Yeah see but sometimes I also think, if video games are so much a part of someone's life, why can't SO's at least try to get into it too? I mean, in your situation, that's a bit extreme but so many GFs are so quick to blame a video game. I don't think it would hurt if they would at least try to maybe get into it with their SO. I'd hated playing video games -- didn't mind watching others play, but was never really into it myself -- until hubby sat down one day and made a toon for me and told me I had to play it while he was at work. Mainly because I just quit my job and had nothing to do all day and he was afraid I'd be bored.

Now he regrets it... because I was always on, he couldn't play. So eventually we got another account so we can play together lol.

But I also realize that, for some people, this game consumes their entire life to the point where they don't know where to draw the line between fantasy and reality. I can stop playing at any time; if HJ says he wants to spend more time with me, I don't even think about logging on. But, unfortunately, not everyone is like that :(

06-26-2007, 10:59 PM
My brother has a level 70 dark elf (or night elf, not sure which one) rogue I think. And his girlfriend has a level 70 Warrior umm...dwarf I believe.
Yup, night elves hehe

Now I really feel like the ultimate nerd.

I swear, I can go on talking about this game for hours...

06-26-2007, 11:03 PM
LOL haha don't feel like a nerd. I can talk for a long time too (not for hours of course! I don't know enough about it!) and I don't even play! My mom said if and when we get a new computer, she'll let me get WoW!

And I ALWAYS get mixed up between dark elves and night elves. I play Oblivion and I mix the two elves up. :p

Scooter's Mom
06-26-2007, 11:32 PM
I have a level 60 human priest and a 40 something NE druid type... on the hellscream realm. I haven't played in about a year. My hubby went back to playing EQ2, so I went back for a couple of months... have a Mystic there (lvl 62). I did buy the expansion (Burning Crusade) and play a week or two...

Maybe I'll renew sometime.

06-27-2007, 12:55 AM
I have a level 60 human priest and a 40 something NE druid type... on the hellscream realm. I haven't played in about a year. My hubby went back to playing EQ2, so I went back for a couple of months... have a Mystic there (lvl 62). I did buy the expansion (Burning Crusade) and play a week or two...

Maybe I'll renew sometime.
Hey I'm on Hellscream! :)

I have toons scattered across a number of servers (realms.... lol) but Hellscream is my "main".

06-27-2007, 02:07 AM
Nope, i see it as ridiculously expensive. Even *IF* i could afford it i wouldn't want to support it.

I'm much happier devoting my online time to helping rescue animals (and other animal related causes.)

My seriously WoW addicted boyfriend successfully got me hooked on WoW. Anyone else play?

06-27-2007, 02:17 AM
I used to play the real WoW, then got into private servers.
I love gaming, but I have so many other games (Dofus, Last Chaos, Dragon Fable, the PS2, my gameboy, D&D... though I need to find a new group >_<) that I normally don't play one certain more than once a week. I could not find ANY way to justify paying $15 a month to play a game once maybe twice a week. And not for very long, even, since I have a life outside of gaming (sadly).
So instead I went to private fun-servers that would level me up faster (faster flowing gaming experience, since I'm not on enough to do very much at a time, so I can keep my game moving instead of being stuck at this one spot forever) and I got to level 62 before my dad had me get rid of the game. Slowing down his computer. (T_T)

I was addicted, though, and I wanna get back, but I still can't justify paying $15...

06-27-2007, 08:23 AM
heh -- i used to play WoW with my ex -- last time I played was briefly years ago when if first came out (dark elf, night elf, I've started combining all the 'evil' elves in my head from too many games, and its been too long since i last played to really remember ;)). Really, I only played to collect cats and robotic squirrels and things, so my higher level friends would go to the auction houses and get me cats. I was never a really serious player anyway :)

Now, give me a Final Fantasy game, and I'm sucked in for days -- but at least theres an ending. Its these MMORPG* games that dont have an ending to them, that help to keep people playing.

The problem was that the ex was out of work almost for the entire 4 years we were together, so he stayed home and levelled up characters (and sometimes mine as well), as well as playing many many other games. I suspect sometimes that video games contributed to him not really looking for work, but it was only one of the problems i suppose.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing video games, and me and my current BF spend time playing different things together. However, if the video games become the entirety of someones life, then thats a problem.

Theres a term called "Gamer Widow" - refers to losing your sig.oth to the game -- http://www.gamerwidow.com/

* MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game for anyone that wasn't sure

06-27-2007, 11:25 AM
Nope.I play PS2,DS,game boy,and game cube.I love RPGs(role-playing games)

06-27-2007, 04:17 PM
Heck Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My boyfriend and I play all the time :D

I have a few toons on Shadow Council (the highest is a level 60 NE hunter)

But we both play on Hyjal now- I have a level 60 NE hunter on there too but I seriously love playing my Hordie!! :D ;) Right now she's a level 64 blood elf hunter- yes I'm additcted to hunters cause I love my kitties!!!
My boyfriend is a 64 blood elf warlock but also has a 60 NE priest to go along w/my NE.

We really don't play alliance anymore- having too much fun with the Horde!

So anyone on Hyjal- hit me up! Neka-alliance/Solessa-horde :D :D :D

06-28-2007, 03:13 PM
I personally don't play, but a kid in a few of my classes at school is obsessed! It's pretty much all he talks about! :p

06-29-2007, 01:10 AM
Heck Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My boyfriend and I play all the time :D

I have a few toons on Shadow Council (the highest is a level 60 NE hunter)

But we both play on Hyjal now- I have a level 60 NE hunter on there too but I seriously love playing my Hordie!! :D ;) Right now she's a level 64 blood elf hunter- yes I'm additcted to hunters cause I love my kitties!!!
My boyfriend is a 64 blood elf warlock but also has a 60 NE priest to go along w/my NE.

We really don't play alliance anymore- having too much fun with the Horde!

So anyone on Hyjal- hit me up! Neka-alliance/Solessa-horde :D :D :D

I want to know... why we can't go to Hyjal yet... well I mean there are "secret" ways to get into Mt. Hyjal but why it isn't an "opened" place yet... same with southern Silithus. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S SO SECRET, lol.

06-29-2007, 08:37 AM
yeah it's always made me mad too :mad: