View Full Version : Sheena's 8th week of Pregnancy (Pictures added)

06-26-2007, 10:37 AM
Well Sheena is starting her 8th week today. Here is what they say is going on during this week:


Week Eight (Days 50-57)

Fetal movement can be detected when bitch is at rest
Puppies can safely be born from now on

Milk may be squeezed from nipples
The bitch will be very large.

Add moderate lunch

Gather whelping kit
Prepare phone list for help/support. It should include your vet's phone number, the emergency clinic's phone number, the number of any friends who will be offering support during whelping, and anyone else you might need to contact before, during, or after whelping (like your office to let them know you won't be in!)
Make sure your car is gassed up and ready for a possible emergency trip to the vet's office.

Sheena is doing great. She is producing milk now and when she lays on her back you can see the pups moving just a little. The hair on her belly has really thinned out also. She is eating 3 meals a day all the same amount. She no longer runs or jogs. Her speed of choice is a waddle. :D She rarely gets up on the couch or even the bed. She is sleeping more and more in her whelping boxes. She is drinking more also and other then getting hot easily she is doing very well. Her favorite places outside is to lay in the shade of the table in our gazeboo or to lay or stand in the puppy pool. Only one week left to go now till her x-ray.

As for us we got the 2nd Whelping box finished in the bedroom. We have two because with me being pregnant also there is no way I am sleeping on the floor or couch in the livingroom. And I know Sheena well enough that if I sleep in the bedroom and she is in the Whelping box in the livingroom that she will move her pups into the bedroom anyway to be with me. So instead of risking an injury to Sheena or a pup we will have them all sleep in the Whelping box in our bedroom(which is on my side of the bed) at night and be in the large one in the Livingroom during the rest of the day.

We also have all the Whelping supplies now including our digital food scale so I can weigh the pups regularly. The puppy info pack is finished now too at 45 pages long. The seperate contract for the donated pup to my Service Dog trainer is now finished and ready as are the other contracts for the pet puppy adopters. We have fully Approved 5 families. We have more waiting but we only want to give full Approval to 5. Since we have no idea how large the litter will be and we want to keep one, maybe two. Being Approved though only means that if there are 7 or 8 pups then those families are garenteed to get a pup before anyone else is considered. Since I have no idea how many she will have I don't want to put anyone elses hopes up.

It is amazing how fast the time has flown. She only has 13 more days till she is due though I do know she could have them before that. Anyway that is the update for this week. I will be adding pictures later this morning. So yes pictures are coming. I promise. lol
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

06-26-2007, 10:47 AM
One more week to go! You'll have to post some pics of the puppies too! I can't wait! Keep us updated :)

06-26-2007, 10:54 AM
and the pics are.......??......... ;)

canīt wait!!...... just another week.....YAY!!!

06-26-2007, 11:05 AM
Thanks for being patient. lol Here are the pics. I didn't stack her this time, though that would have given you a better idea as to how big she actually is. Her sides stick out like mad. I should have take a picture with her standing but the camera pointing down at her back form above so you can see how much. lol With her size I figured stacking her would have been mean.


Here she is laying down so you get a little bit better of an idea but these pics really do not show her size properly.


I also wanted to add some pics to show you who feeds the dogs. My 2yr old son does. It is his favorite chore that he does and they listen to him very well. After he puts the dish in the tray he says "Go Eat." Even though Sheena is standing right there and you can't see it, she doesn't eat till he says so.





We like to make the kids be as envolved in the dogs, and other pets, care & training as possible. I find it not only teaches them the proper treatment and respect for animals but it also teaches the the pets to respect and listen to the children like they listen to us.
Hope you enjoyed the pics.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

06-26-2007, 11:39 AM
Those pictures are adorable! She is so cute :)

06-26-2007, 12:14 PM
Who feeds the dogs. My 2yr old son does. It is his favorite chore that he does and they listen to him very well. After he puts the dish in the tray he says "Go Eat." Even though Sheena is standing right there and you can't see it, she doesn't eat till he says so. -- NicoleLJ

YAY! Excellent job, son of Nicole! He's a blond haired cutie! Look at how Sheena stands alongside him as he sets her dish down for her. Are they buddies? I hope he is excited about the pups and about baby brother or sister! I have the same wish about the pups as I did last week - that they will be born healthy and ready to grow. Two thumbs up for Sheena and for the caring child who gave her food to her!

06-26-2007, 01:05 PM
Wow! Can't believe its already week 8!! She looks wonderful..and your son is absolutly adorable :)

06-26-2007, 05:16 PM
Thanks so much all.

cassiesmom - Yup they are buddies. lol He is also excited about being a big brother. And he can't wait to help with the puppies. Both my son and daughter can't wait for both events. :D
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)