View Full Version : Vinnie my beardie finally saying hi

06-25-2007, 09:50 PM
I realized I never posted any pics of Vinnie (aka 2 Spot Vincent), a beardie my mom rescued for me sometime last summer/fall. He's such a fun & cute lizard. He is about 5 years of age and came from a home who had him since he was a baby. They didn't know how to care for him though, he was not fed the proper foods or had the proper lights & temperatures, his cage was completely empty. He's a bit on the small side for a beardie his age but we think a lot of that is from malnutrition for most of his life. His spirits don't let that part of his life show through thuogh which is a good thing.
Here he is taking a bath


and doing his immitation of a chameleon (body posture wise anyways lol)

I'll have to show him off more in the future (once I get the size figured out on photobucket... or switch to a new hosting site. sorry for the size but I couldn't resist showing his pics)

06-26-2007, 04:55 AM
Vinnie is really cute. It's great that he has a good home with you now. :)

06-26-2007, 10:21 AM
He looks like such a happy little guy. Its so nice that your family was able to take him in.. he'll be eternally grateful! I do hope to see more of him in the future. He's got one of the cutest faces. :]

06-26-2007, 11:25 PM
Oh he is adorable! I love beardies! Vinnie looks like a happy guy, and don't worry about the size of the pics;) We all understand wanting to show him off:D:D

06-27-2007, 12:21 AM
CUTE! :D Keep posting pics.

When you coming back to Oregon? :p

06-27-2007, 09:53 AM
Aw he's so sweet looking, I've always wanted a little dragon like them, I bet they are fun pets:)

And you took awesome pics:D

06-27-2007, 06:59 PM
Vinnie & I say thanks for the wonderful comments. The pics came out a little blurry but I can never get that camera to take good close ups inside. I'll be sure to keep on trying though now that I know yous enjoyed them! ;)

Cass, I'd be back in Oregon 4 years ago if I could afford it!!! I keep on trying to save but I have been cursed with some serious bad luck the last few years. I can be there in about 2 years if no more bad luck occurs... sooner if I win the lottery. lol

06-27-2007, 10:33 PM
Cass, I'd be back in Oregon 4 years ago if I could afford it!!! I keep on trying to save but I have been cursed with some serious bad luck the last few years. I can be there in about 2 years if no more bad luck occurs... sooner if I win the lottery. lol

LOL! Wouldn't that be nice? I would love to win the lottery lol! :D :p

06-29-2007, 07:48 AM
What an adorable little dragon! :D I hope to have a beardie someday. :D