View Full Version : Missed his plane...TWICE!

06-25-2007, 03:13 PM
My brother is supposed to be coming home from Georgia and spending two weeks with us.

Yesterday he missed his plane, apparentely they changed gates and he didn't realize it...and then today he went and ate lunch and missed it. He said that he was one minute late and they wouldn't let him board.

*pulls hair*

This is incredibly difficult for my mother, she's been an emotional wreck since yesterday.

Hope he makes it home soon so she can strangle him ;) I guess he's leaving at 9:55 pm now.

Lets home he makes it...if he misses this one too I can bet that my mom will be on the next flight down to personally escort him :eek: :p

After spending almost two complete days at the airport you'd hope that he'd pay a little extra attention and actually get on the plane this time!! *crosses fingers*

06-25-2007, 03:19 PM
Your brother is HOW OLD? :confused: :confused:

Oh well. Here's hoping he make it home soon. I hate to travel. Very stressful.

06-25-2007, 03:19 PM
Your brother is HOW OLD? :confused: :confused:

Oh well. Here's hoping he makes it home soon. I hate to travel. Very stressful.

06-25-2007, 03:32 PM
22 :D

But most times he still acts like a 12 year old. This being on of them :rolleyes:

06-25-2007, 03:57 PM
:D Ah-huh. I see. :rolleyes: Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, eh?

Laura's Babies
06-25-2007, 04:09 PM
I have always had a fear of missing my flights so I always get there early and go find the gate I am suppose to be at and make sure that flight is still scheduled for that gate.

As for arriving after they close that door... I had a friend that happened to and learned then that once that door is closed... that is IT! So make sure you are there!!!

The only time I was sure I had missed my flight was at the Denver airport I think, and I had to change airlines. Everyone I asked sent me off in a different direction when they had no idea where it was.. I wandered around that airport lost as could be with no clue where I was suppose to go. I finally found a security guard that told me I had to go down to another level and where to go and again, I followed his directions and like to have never found it and just when I did, it was take off time so I was sure I had missed it.. They were late for some reason and I had to run like crazy, but I made it!

It just sounds like your brother likes to live on the edge to me.

06-25-2007, 04:24 PM
I expect the AIRLINE wants to escort him this time around as well! He is messing up their nice neat computer printouts.

Are you sure he isn't related to MY brother????