View Full Version : Miraculous Mali !!!

Daisy and Delilah
06-24-2007, 07:24 AM
Another big WOOOOHOOOO from us too pretty girl!!! We're so happy to hear you've beaten that old cancer and are now in remission!!! We have another beautiful pup named Raven on this board. She looks something like you. Both of you conquered the cancer and both are living proof that miracles are possible. Congratulations Sweetheart!!! You have such a gorgeous facie and coat. We just love you. We send big congrats over to you for being honored as our fabulous DOTD!! You really deserve it!! Celebrate all day and night and enjoy!!! Also....will you please tell Mom to kiss that pretty, shiny, black head for us? We wish you happiness always!!!

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

06-24-2007, 08:10 AM
Oh Mali.....What a beautiful baby you are. ;) You brought tears to my eyes
when I read about your cancer. What a wonderful, brave girl your are. :p
I am soooo Happy that you are in remission. I have always wanted a black
Lab. But I have never had one. I have always had small dogs. Labs are so loving. Congratulations on DOTD You deserve it. I will pray that you will continue to do good. May God be with you and your family.
A Dog Lover ;) ;) ;)

06-24-2007, 10:31 AM
Good morning to you, beautiful, brave Mali!!! You truly are a miracle pup, sweetheart! You've battled that most feared and dreaded of disagnosis' so courageously and miraculously, have beaten the odds! I had tears in my eyes reading your devoted Mom's loving words; got goosebumps when I learned that your happy Christmas homecoming was marked by the first New Orleans Christmas snowfall in history, the harbinger of an even greater Christmas miracle yet to come, no doubt!:) What a heartwarming, inspirational tale of triumph over adversity is yours, Mali, a testament to the healing powers of love and the belief that in life, miracles can and do happen!:) I hope and pray this day, your much deserved day of honor, finds you well and fit beautiful girl, living every moment of life to its fullest as only a Labbie can!;) Congratulations to you miraculous Mali, our EXTRA special, Sunday Dog of the Day! Much love, lots of hugs and kisses and happy, Labbie butt wiggles to you from me and my girl, Star! Have a very happy day of celebration with your proud family, sweetheart!:)

06-24-2007, 02:22 PM
Hi, Mali! You are a beautiful and a brave girl. For all you have been through, you look stunning. I'm so happy for you that you are in remission. May you continue to enjoy a healthy and happy life! Enjoy your special day today. Congrats on DOTD! :)

06-24-2007, 03:58 PM
Hello Mali,

You are one beautiful pup sweetheart. I am so happy to hear your story
and how hard you fought to live. You are a very brave girl & I'm thrilled you
are still with your loving family today. :) Big congratulations going out to
you on being honored as our very special DOG OF THE DAY. :) Sending hugs
and kisses for you pretty girl. :)

06-24-2007, 06:45 PM
Mali, what a brave pretty girl you are. I hope your cancer remission lasts forever and you
have lots more time to spend with your loving family. Big hugs and treats for you today sweet
girl. Congratulations on being our DOTD.

06-24-2007, 08:13 PM
Mali, you are beautiful and I hope your remission lasts and lasts! Happy Dog of the Day!