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06-23-2007, 02:33 PM
I was reading my e-mail this morning and found that these dogs will be put to sleep by July 4 if they are not adopted. Please if you live near this area (or if your willing to travel there) will you give these pups a chance?
Here's the e-mail that was sent to me:
Please help we have dogs that will need to be out before the 4th of July. We still have injured dog who has been sitting in pound for about 2 weeks. I do not think it is fair to keep dog sitting when it is in pain. This dog either needs to be adopted or put down it is not hair to this dog.

Here's Huxley. Isn't he beautiful?

And here's their site:
Please visit and give one of these dogs a home if you can.
Thank you

06-23-2007, 08:05 PM
I wish I could help. :(
they have gorgeous dogs.

06-24-2007, 12:58 PM
Here's another message I received:

I am in Clayton County in Jonesboro in GA We are getting some many new dogs turned in that we need to get some of the dogs that we have had on petfinder for the longest out of there. I mean the front door and not the back. The 2 senior dogs that we have are both very nice well behaved and they appear to be house broken. One of the two did know some commands when he came in . Bandit is the one who knows some commands . He is sweet and he smiles. He loves for you to give him hugs. Please this dog is too nice to end up the the gas chamber. Ozzie is the other older dog we have in. He sits and waits for his turn to go out I have to walk by his run on the way out so I see his little face every time and it makes me sick to think he will not make it out . He hold his bathroom /tries to until he gets to go and and then he is a happy little man

Huxley has a broken / injured hip and sits in the pound on the hard cold cement floor. Even with his injuries he is a sweet dog that needs a chance. It makes me sad to say but if he does not get out this week he will be put down. He should not sit there in that condition. Some donations offers have come in but unless someone comes for him it will not matter.
I put dutch in this mail because I love him.

thank you for your time .. Claudia

06-26-2007, 12:41 PM
I am begging for someone to come in and pull these animals. We are having to plea, beg, cry to get them to let us keep the ones on petfinder out of the gas chamber. We have had some of them on the list for a few weeks and they keep asking which ones they can put down. They do try to work with the animal to give them a little extra time but we get more and more animals in and they are all so nice that we keep putting new ones on the site. This means that the shelter is full and decision have to be made. I cant do it I know each and everyone of these animals and I don't want to have any of them put down. I know this is a problem everywhere every day but it does not make it any easier. Please rescue one so one can stay safe. The ones who are the most in need are Dutch who is a big guy but he is so nice , he smiles when I walk by please help Dutch out he is a great dog and would make someone a wonderful family member. All it takes is for one person /group to step forward an pull this wonderful big hearted dog. Next is Bandit and Ozzie. They are older dogs about 8 years . I think these two dogs are house broken due to the fact they will hold it all day long. They are sweet and I hate to see a dog end up his life dying in the gas chamber . If you would come and look at these dogs you will fall in love with them and so will the people that adopt from you. Huxley is a dog that has been sitting here with a broken leg/or hip. He is a good boy and is very loving even if he is in pain. The thing is I was hoping someone would help him. There is some donations being offered to help but as you all know this shelter dose not vet their animals. So Huxley is just waiting for someone to save him.. It has come to the point a decision needs to be made if he is not rescued. We just do not want him to sit there in pain. We do not get to say anything to the people who work there we are just volunteers and only allowed to stay if we do not cause a fuss . So please someone come in an adopt any of these or other animals at this shelter. If you have a question about an animal here I will try my best to answer you. Thank You for your time. cl.......... ......... .

06-30-2007, 09:04 AM
Dear My Friends!

Our dog rescue community (http://www.lelenc.hu) need a little help. We have participated to a voting, where the first three place get support from a beer company named "Brau Union Hungária Sörgyárak Nyrt". We are at place 4, so we need some help (vote), that is why we are ask for your help. The end of voting is at today midnight. If you would be so kind to vote our association we would be so grateful to you!

How you can vote for us? Here are the steps:
1. - Open http://www.asopronibudapestert.hu/
2. - There will be a picture with 4 guy. Click to the IGEN button at the left bottom of the pic.
3. - On the next screen, you will see the placement at the top right.
4. - You have to register to the site, but we hope that it isn't problem for you.
5. - Click to the REGISZTRÁCIÓ button at the top of the site (the third button from right with a little pencil icon).
6. - On the following screen, you have to fill a form with your datas.
Teljes név: this is your full name
Felhasználói név: this is your user name
Jelszó: your password
Jelszó meger?sítés: your password again
Email cím: your e-mail address

And also, you have to check the two checkbox at the bottom of the form.

If you are done, click on the Elküldés/Submit button.
7. - Soon You will get an e-mail from the site.
8. - Open the e-mail. In the e-mail, there is a link with the following text: Kérjük kattintson ide az e-mail cím hitelesítéshez. Click on it.
9. - The link will direct you back to the beer company's page.
10. - Click to the BELÉPÉS button (the second button from right with an arrow icon)
11. - Fill the form:
Azonosító: your username
Jelszó: your password
Then submit the form.
12. - If you are logged in, then you will get back to the main page. On the right side at the placement, click to the name of our association "Lelenc Kutyament? Egyesület".
13. - On the next page you can vote three times by clicking to the SZAVAZOK button (the button with pipe icon).

Thats all!
I hope you will help us with your votes.

If you have any question feel free to write us: [email protected]

Thank you very much: Zsolt Albert - Lelenc Dog Rescue Association
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