View Full Version : Risteek

06-23-2007, 01:45 PM
My betta fish and my first betta has passed away. I am not sure when exactly but today when I was feeding him he wouldn't come out and eat. So I waited a few minutes and began searching through the tank. I was still looking when the thought hit me...maybe he jumped. I looked around the tank and on the floor and in the tanks next to him and I didn't see him so I kept looking through his tank. I found him under river stones...stuck. He had gotten stuck and had drowned. For those who do not know betta fish breathe air from the surface and can drown if they don't get air.

Risteek was my very first betta fish. He was also my favourite. He always said hello and did his little feed me dance. I even wrote stories about him and his life. This fish touched me like no other fish ever has. And for the for the first time I cried for the death of one of my fish. He was also the longest living fish me or my family had ever had. I have had him for over a year so he was almost two years old my best guess. His colour changed greatly as well from when I first got him.

Rest In Peace little guy I will always miss you. :'(


06-23-2007, 03:43 PM
I am so sorry about Risteek and he had a very wonderful life and is loved.
Rest in Peace Risteek.

06-24-2007, 06:09 AM
I'm sorry about Risteek. :( May he Rest in Peace.

06-24-2007, 03:03 PM
Oh:( Poor Risteek. I'm so sorry that he passed away. It's also very good that you got to have such a great love for this fish, I know too many people outside PT that don't love their fish at all and don't care when they die. I always get upset when one of my loved fishies die and people think I'm weird.

I'm so glad that you loved your fish so much and now you know that someday you two will meet again and you'll be able to feed him again while he does his dance:)

Rest in Peace Risteek.

06-27-2007, 11:44 AM
Thanks guys I always feel better when I come here.