View Full Version : Need advice about a blind dog

06-23-2007, 10:11 AM
There is a blind German Shepard up for adoption in our area. I am thinking about getting her. We raised GS when I was growing up and my dad helped train them for the sheriff's office. Does anyone have any experience with blind dogs? I am going to think long and hard before I do this. There are actually two sisters both blind up for adoption. I work three days a week and am very patient and of course had dogs almost all my life.

06-23-2007, 01:08 PM
My Preacher was blind. He passed away in December 2006 from issues completely unrelated to eyesight. He was 14.

Have these dogs always been blind or did they have sight at one time?

If I didn't point out to people that Preacher was blind, you couldn't tell. He got around just fine.

We couldn't rearrange our furniture. He knew where everything was and moving anything confused him. He used his ears and whiskers to navigate. He would walk close to walls with his ear touching the wall to guide him.

Do you have a sighted dog? Two of my other dogs would often act as guide dogs for Preacher. He would follow the sound of Sleet's tags jingling when on a walk. Franklin used to herd him away from holes. Eventually he got his own space where nothing was moved and no new holes were dug, except the ones he dug. He did love to dig!

Preacher was a sled dog and knew directional commands. I used those to guide him when we were someplace unfamiliar to him. Blind dogs can be trained just like any other dog. Teach commands like "Stop", and directions. I used gee and haw, but left and right would be just as easy.

Always make noise when approaching a blind dog; make sure they know you are there before you touch them. A startled blind dog might nip. "It's just me buddy" was what I used to say to Preacher as I walked through the porch where he liked to sleep. Still find myself saying it some nights out of habit.

There is a really good group on Yahoo groups for blind dogs and their owners. I'm not on it anymore, but I got lots of information there when Preacher first lost his sight.

06-24-2007, 04:56 AM
Jack our black toy poodle only had one eye (some rotton breeder poked his other out) and when he lost his sight in the other i think i was more bothered than he was!
its right,just letting them know you are around or approaching them and i think they take it all in their stride,and we also had a sighted poodle (first Frankie then Christie) and like the previous reply the sighted dog does lend a hand and help their pal.
Its always a big desision to take a 'dig dog' into your home and if you have got the love and paitence to start off with then your nearly home dry!...
Please let us know what you decide,and remember it has to feel 'right' for you.

06-24-2007, 07:14 AM
You can go to http://www.handicappedpets.net/ and post on the deaf/blind bb; Karen is an expert on such things. I agree with the others, though, that this baby is highly unlikely to be as bothered by such things as you are. :) You sound like an excellent choice to help him.

06-25-2007, 01:14 AM
In addition to what Glacier said scent is very important.

Some people use essential oils and have a different smell in each room. (just like one drop of the oil every other week or so. Even if we can't smell it, they can.) (though each room will usually have it's own smell anyhow based on what we use each for. The oils would help if you're going to be moving to a new house. You could start using them about a month or two before you move.)

There is a blind German Shepard up for adoption in our area. I am thinking about getting her. We raised GS when I was growing up and my dad helped train them for the sheriff's office. Does anyone have any experience with blind dogs? I am going to think long and hard before I do this. There are actually two sisters both blind up for adoption. I work three days a week and am very patient and of course had dogs almost all my life.

06-25-2007, 08:10 AM
What they said.

If you decide to take on one of these dogs, be sure you understand that it will take longer for the dog to feel comfortable in her new home. Although you will need to make some accomodations, don't expect less than you would from another dog. It's amazing what they can do. This will be a learning experience for both of you.

Blind dogs see with their hearts.

06-26-2007, 11:23 PM
Speaking of blind dogs I ran across this one up for adoption...

CO - Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie Corgi Mix

It's far away from me, but she is such a cutie. I hope she finds her forever home soon.

There is a blind German Shepard up for adoption in our area. I am thinking about getting her. We raised GS when I was growing up and my dad helped train them for the sheriff's office. Does anyone have any experience with blind dogs? I am going to think long and hard before I do this. There are actually two sisters both blind up for adoption. I work three days a week and am very patient and of course had dogs almost all my life.

06-30-2007, 10:28 AM
Are you talking about Ellie and Julie that are on PetFinder?