View Full Version : Had my Glucose test today

06-21-2007, 04:25 PM
Well I had my Gestational Diabetes test today.... the drink really wasn't that bad.

I thought it was going to be a thick syrupy drink but it wasn't that bad. It was slightly carbonated.... I even accidently burped while talking to the nurse lol. It had an orangey flavor to it. But it looked like water so I didn't realize it was THE drink.... I thought I had to drink a glass of water or something first so I was very surprised when I took the first sip lol.

then they took my blood.... I have had more blood drawn since I have been pregnant than I think I have in my whole life combined lol. But if there is anything to report I should hear back by next week or early the week after.... otherwise I won't hear anything until my next OB appt on July 2nd.

so to all those that haven't had the glucose test.... the drink really isn't that bad. :D

06-22-2007, 07:07 AM
It really isn't for the one hour test. However, my levels were slightly high on the one hour, and I had to do the 3 hour one. You have to drink a lot more of it on the 3 hour test, and on an empty stomach, that is no fun--doable, but not enjoyable.

06-22-2007, 07:30 AM
I did have Gestational Diabetes with both of my pregnancies. Failed the 1 hour both times and had to take the 3 hour.

So if for some reason, you do have GD, please feel free to PM me. I would love to be of any help. Hopefully your results come back normal!! I didn't know what "normal" meant in pregnancy, LOL! But I have 2 healthy, beautiful children and so it was all worth it, for sure!!

Anyway, good luck and feel free to PM if you need to. I am sure you'll be fine, though!!


06-22-2007, 08:19 AM
Yeah I was reading on the back of the lab form about the three hour test. It sounds like it sucks. I did not have to fast for this one but I took the test early enough that I hadn't had anything to eat yet.

I have heard that GD runs you at a higher risk for a very large baby.... did you have that problem at all? Other than that I haven't heard of any adverse affects for the baby.... it's just hard on the mom. And does the diabetes go away after you give birth or do you end up having diabetes forever?

06-22-2007, 08:31 AM
My first baby was 5 lbs. 4 ounces, and my second (who was a preemie) was 4lbs. 9 ounces. ( He would have probably been 5-6 lbs full term). So the large baby thing didn't happen for me :) I was little too, 5 1/2 pounds at birth and am a small person, so that could also be a reason for my small babies. My blood sugar was under control too. The baby may be born with low blood sugar and may need a sugar IV after delivery, but that isn't all that uncommon. ( Both of mine did).

If you have your blood sugar numbers under control, the baby shouldn't be large. It is kinda rough on the mom in the beginning, getting used to it, but it really isn't that bad. It is actually a very healthy diet that most pregnant woman should be on anyway. ( Most people in fact).

Unless you were a Type 2 diabetic going into the pregnancy, and didn't know it, then the GD will definately go away after you deliver. You are more prone to getting full blown diabetes as an older adult ( 50's and on or whatever), if you had GD, so it would be advisable to watch your sugar intake to try to prevent it from happening for real...this is what I had been told by my diabetes doctor. It went away, for me, after both pregnancies. But I really should watch what I eat now, to try to prevent it in the future for real.

I am sure you'll be fine though! But if not, it is controllable and lots of pregnant go thru it.

Yeah I was reading on the back of the lab form about the three hour test. It sounds like it sucks. I did not have to fast for this one but I took the test early enough that I hadn't had anything to eat yet.

I have heard that GD runs you at a higher risk for a very large baby.... did you have that problem at all? Other than that I haven't heard of any adverse affects for the baby.... it's just hard on the mom. And does the diabetes go away after you give birth or do you end up having diabetes forever?

06-22-2007, 09:09 AM
I have heard that GD runs you at a higher risk for a very large baby.... did you have that problem at all? Other than that I haven't heard of any adverse affects for the baby.... it's just hard on the mom. And does the diabetes go away after you give birth or do you end up having diabetes forever?

GD does tend to produce ((i didn't know what word to use lol)) larger babies. And if you just have GD, you will only have diabetes during your pregnancy((s))... Unless you already have diabetes ((Type one or two)).

06-29-2007, 09:37 AM
UGH well my test was high.

I have to go for the three hour test next week.

The cut off is 140 and I was 143.

but reading over all the things that put you at risk for GD.... I do have most of the risk factors so it wouldn't be overly surprising if I have it.

But we will see.

06-29-2007, 09:50 AM
I had GD and I had a big baby and I ended up being High risk. My baby was 8 pounds 11 oz when I had him. I know I didnt eat alot of food through my pregnancy and didnt gained an unhealthy amount so I think one reason he was so big was because of the GD.

06-29-2007, 10:11 AM
Sorry to hear that, but you'll be okay, really, if you do have it, so many pregnant woman get it, but i understand any concern, for sure.

You know I had it, as I mentioned it before. If you are concerned and want to try to eat a diet consistent with what a nutritionist will tell you, if you do have it, then I would suggest a sample of my GD diet. Try to have 3 small meals for breakfast/lunch and dinner and then have 3 snacks inbetween those meals. 6 small meals a day, are better for blood sugar levels than 3 large ones.

In the morning, they recommend no fruit, b/c that is when it can become the highest for whatever reason, I wasn't allowed fruit at breakfast for either of my pregnancies. I'd have like an egg/cheese/milk/ 1 pc. of toast.

Snacks I'd have peanut butter bread, cheese, crackers, cheez its, applesause, nuts, stuff like that, to portion sized ( I could have 15 grams of carbs at a snack and 30 grams of carbs at a meal).

Lunch, I'd have a sandwich, milk, veggies, fruit.

Then as late afternoon snack.

Dinner, normal food that you'd eat, but portion sized, so I wasn't taking in too many carbs.

Then a snack before bed.

My numbers had to be under 140 one hour after and under 120 two hours after eating. My second pregnancy, I had a more strict doctor and my numbers had to be under 120 one hour after eating. They are more strict with pregnant woman who become diabetic, then a regular person, not pregnant with diabetes. It is important to have your numbers under control, so baby isn't too big, and so baby doesn't have low blood sugar after being delivered, but sometimes that is inevitable.

ANyway, good luck, hope you don't have it, but if you do, and have questions, feel free to ask.


UGH well my test was high.

I have to go for the three hour test next week.

The cut off is 140 and I was 143.

but reading over all the things that put you at risk for GD.... I do have most of the risk factors so it wouldn't be overly surprising if I have it.

But we will see.

06-29-2007, 01:08 PM
Well I had my Gestational Diabetes test today.... the drink really wasn't that bad.

I thought it was going to be a thick syrupy drink but it wasn't that bad. It was slightly carbonated.... I even accidently burped while talking to the nurse lol. It had an orangey flavor to it. But it looked like water so I didn't realize it was THE drink.... I thought I had to drink a glass of water or something first so I was very surprised when I took the first sip lol.

then they took my blood.... I have had more blood drawn since I have been pregnant than I think I have in my whole life combined lol. But if there is anything to report I should hear back by next week or early the week after.... otherwise I won't hear anything until my next OB appt on July 2nd.

so to all those that haven't had the glucose test.... the drink really isn't that bad. :D
You're right, it isn't really that bad. I had the orange pop version. I liked the taste, too. That's how I found out I was a borderline diabetic.

06-29-2007, 05:29 PM
You're right, it isn't really that bad. I had the orange pop version. I liked the taste, too. That's how I found out I was a borderline diabetic.

It surprised me at first because it looked like water lol and they didn't say it was THE drink.... they just plopped it down in front of me so I thought maybe I had to drink a glass of water before the actual drink. Then i took a sip and was very surprised to taste orange lol. but it was actually pretty good.... I hope it is the same drink this time :D