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View Full Version : When a plane crashed in your yard and you get arrested?

Laura's Babies
06-21-2007, 11:51 AM
No one was hurt when the plane crashed into someones yard but an arrest was made... What was the chances of this happening? Read on....

Police responding to downed Cessna find pot

Advocate staff writers
Published: Jun 21, 2007 - Page: 1B

Police investigating a plane crash Wednesday morning in the backyard of a north Baton Rouge home first found a nose-down single-engine plane and later 14 potted marijuana plants.

No one was injured in the plane crash, but a woman was arrested on a felony count of cultivation of marijuana.

Police found the plants Wednesday afternoon while they were working at the crash site at 3229 Canonicus St.

Betty McManus, 53, who lives in an apartment behind the house, was accused of growing the marijuana, police spokesman Cpl. L’Jean McKneely said. Darryl Jenkins, 51, who also lives in the apartment, was issued a misdemeanor summons on a possession of marijuana count.

The Cessna 206 crashed in the yard just after 10 a.m. after pilot Robin Tendolkar said the plane lost power, a Metro Airport official said Wednesday.

Tendolkar, an aerial photographer for Gulf Coast Aerial Mapping, had finished a 35-mile flight and had received clearance from the airport to land, said Bill Profita, an airport spokesman.

Soon after Tendolkar checked his landing gear, the plane lost power, Profita said. Why it lost power is under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board.

Tendolkar, who was not injured, declined comment. Although he wasn’t injured, he had to be pulled from the cockpit by a neighbor who saw the plane go down and ran to help.

Donald Ray Henry said he was standing in his backyard on Canonicus Street talking to a friend when he heard the sputtering engine of a plane overhead.

Henry’s friend, Clarence McGarner, a Baton Rouge police detective, glanced up and said out loud to himself: “That plane is kind of low.”

Seconds later, the southbound Cessna flew right over Henry’s roof, grazed the top of a towering pine tree and crashed into a live oak tree three houses down the street.

The oak spun the plane around and it came to rest at 10:19 a.m. atop a downed tree branch.

“It was an almost perfect crash,” McGarner said.

After he saw the plane hit the tree, McGarner jumped into his car to call police headquarters and report a plane had gone down, while Henry ran toward the plane to check on anyone inside.

He found an alert pilot who was able to talk and help push out a broken window.

Numerous agencies, including the Baton Rouge fire and police departments, EMS and State Police, arrived at the crash site.

Howard Ward with the Baton Rouge Fire Department said firefighters put a layer of protective foam on the ground near the plane in case of fuel leakage.

They also stayed around until the plane was carted off by Roadrunner Towing Co.

“It’s always unfortunate to have a plane go down, especially in a crowded city,” Ward said. “In this event, however, we were very lucky.”

Reginald McManus, 16, was asleep in his bedroom when the plane landed in his yard.

“I thought it was lightning at first,” he said, adding he didn’t know what to think when he looked outside and saw the plane. “It shook the whole house. I’m lucky it missed me.”

Jenkins said he had been sitting on a bench right where the plane hit only 10 minutes before the crash. He said his wife called him and told him what happened and he couldn’t believe it.

Later that afternoon, police found the marijuana plants 10 to 15 yards from the plane.

“You never know when you’re going to have a plane crash in your backyard,” McKneely said.


(This story amuses me to no end!)

06-21-2007, 12:30 PM
Shouldn't the pilot get a reward for assisting police? ;) :D

Glad no one was hurt!

06-21-2007, 01:44 PM
Not so fast Grasshopper! :rolleyes:

True story....

I was vistiing an a home where I spied a BRIGHT GREEN plant in the corner of the yard.

Looked like a plant that I had seen, in a dried state, before...

I walked over and saw the distinctive 7 leaves and the buds beginning to blossom....

I asked what the plant was and the woman answered, "I dunno, but it sure is pretty and I like the color....." :eek: :D :cool:

06-22-2007, 06:11 AM
My friend bought one at a market and was told it was a tomato plant...... The Gardai here have seen it and told her that so long as she does not cultivate it she cannot be charged with having it.

06-22-2007, 08:04 AM
Busted !!!!!!

06-22-2007, 10:54 AM
I've seen some nice examples of this PLANT at the Hash museum in Amsterdam.

At the flower market you can also buy a starter pack in a can :D


06-22-2007, 10:59 AM
I've seen some nice examples of this PLANT at the Hash museum in Amsterdam.

At the flower market you can also buy a starter pack in a can :D


LOL. In Amsterdam, people would smoke dead dogs if they could get high from it !!!! :eek:

06-23-2007, 03:07 AM
Not really the Dutch but the people who visit to get high! :D

I have heard that the locals do smoke but a more suble type. Well buying hash in Amsterdam is like going for a cup of coffee in Italy......you get the menu ;)