View Full Version : Always check your bags after visiting the ZOO!

06-20-2007, 02:10 PM
especially if you have kids!!
Yesterday my sister and her family - my parents and my cousin and her husband went to the Columbus Zoo.
Had a great time.
My sister was telling a story of someone she knows who has a friend that lives in Cincinatti OH. Now I looked online for info for the story - and couldn't find anything- so suppose this could be heresay.
The people that live in Cinci went to the zoo. There 5-6 year old little girl came up missing for like an hour. She was no where to be found. They called an Amber Alert and closed down the zoo. No one in - no one out. About an hour later the little girl comes toddling up to her parents, with her backpack on her back. They asked where have you been and she said just looking.
The parents were so freaked out they gathered up the kids and took them home. When they got home the mom was unpacking their bags and had the little girls back pack and pulled out a
baby penguin!!!
She had somehow managed to get back into/behind the display without anyone seeing her and put it in her bag!!
The mom called the Zoo and told her they were on their way to bring it back and the Zoo said - No give us directions - we are coming to get it!
My sister said its a good thing it wasn't her kid that did it b/c she doesn't check backpacks for like a week! aacck!
I wonder if they'll ever go back to THAT zoo??? I wonder if they'll be allowed to? :p

Cinder & Smoke
06-20-2007, 05:41 PM
OMG! :p

When they got home the mom was unpacking their bags and
had the little girl's back pack and pulled out a
baby penguin!!!

Would put a new twist on the old Tail
"Cinder found a "stray" and wants to KEEP him ..."


06-20-2007, 08:08 PM
OMG! :p

Would put a new twist on the old Tail
"Cinder found a "stray" and wants to KEEP him ..."


Too funny Phred!!!

Wow! What a surprise to find at home!

06-20-2007, 08:44 PM
There are similar stories going around...

06-20-2007, 08:49 PM
There are similar stories going around...
as I said

it was a friend of my sister's
I didn't get this off the internet.
Nor did I say anything about a child that was dripping wet, but I suppose HE could have lied to my sister and all. :rolleyes:

Pawsitive Thinking
07-06-2007, 06:30 AM
Must remember to take my rucksack when I go to see the pandas in Beijing ;)

07-06-2007, 04:32 PM
Funny tale! :)