View Full Version : Someone tried to break into my house!

06-20-2007, 08:20 AM
Last week someone rummaged through our cars (we never had to lock them in the driveway before this) the only thing stolen was a loaf of bread out of my car!! LOL!
So we figured it was kids being stupid. So we blew it off.
Then yesterday Rick (hubby) came home from work and found a screen had been pushed open!! :eek:
(our windows can stay open a few inches and still be locked and the screens just push up)
So we called the Sheriff and they came out yesterday and took a look at the dogs and said "Boy... whoever is doing this is pretty stupid with those dogs in the house
It happened somewhere between Sunday 11:00pm and Monday 4:00 when Rick came home from work.

When Rick was out of town working I always left the dogs loose in the house when I was at work, but they destroyed my couches.. Recliner.. Clothes... blankets... you name it they tore into it! I left the TV on, the radio on.. Left without making a scene..Kongs, hidden treats in the house, chew toys in every room, the calming plug in thingie... all the things you're supposed to do. Then Rick made me put them back in crates. Well not anymore!! :D
They're going to be loose in the house all the time!
He only works 10 minutes from work now, so I told him to go home for lunch every day. I hope he does!
I'm going to buy bottles of Apple bitter after work to spray my couches with every morning!

06-20-2007, 08:29 AM
Wow. Talk about feeling totally violated. That just plain sucks. I hope they catch whoever did this.

06-20-2007, 08:32 AM
The dogs would totally beat the person up. Sierra looks like a wolf to me in some pics, so to a person who doesn't know dog breeds they probably think shes a wolf. :eek: That would definately scare someone! :D

06-20-2007, 09:50 AM
oh Angie, how scarey! I'm really glad everyone is alright.

"Boy... whoever is doing this is pretty stupid with those dogs in the house !" I agree with the sheriff! Good luck with the bitter apple - it never seemed to deter my chewer :rolleyes: , but I guess it works with some dogs.

Ginger's Mom
06-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Good work Sierra and Buddy. I think you kids earned an extra biscuit or two this week, and some free time around the house. Glad to hear that nothing worse happened.

06-20-2007, 12:29 PM
How scary! I hope the next time someone comes around Sierra and Buddy will tell them they mean business!

06-20-2007, 12:32 PM
Ugh.. people suck! :mad:

Hope Buddy and Sierra deter furture idiots from trying to get in.

06-21-2007, 07:18 AM
Good luck with the bitter apple - it never seemed to deter my chewer :rolleyes: , but I guess it works with some dogs.

It does okay, as long as I spray it everyday. Ugh... I have to find some way to order it in a 55 gallon drum! :D

Well... the first day of free roam of the house went off without anyone getting into trouble.
Paws crossed for today... day #2!

06-21-2007, 07:40 AM
WOW! That is scary! Buddy and Sierrra, listen up! :) You are on guard duty now and need to watch over your home. Be good doggies and no chewing or being nawtee while you are on duty. :p If you behave yourselves you might just get a nice reward at the end of the day. :) Angie, I hope it was just kids and they won't try it again.