View Full Version : What does a size 13 mean?

06-20-2007, 01:23 AM
On my jeans it says I'm a size 13. I have no idea what that means.. I understand inches, but not.. ummm.. whatever 13 is lol

All I know is that a little over a year ago I was wearing a size 18 & now I'm a 13...

My goal in inches is a size 33... so I'm hoping I'm getting closer.. as I was wearing a tight 28 :eek:

06-20-2007, 01:35 AM
WOW - size 18 to 13 in a little over a year... AMAZING. :eek:

06-20-2007, 07:43 AM
WOW - size 18 to 13 in a little over a year... AMAZING. :eek:

Thanks.. but I still have no idea what a size 13 means lol
I just know that when I was a a 33 inch I was very healthy & far far happier

& I know I haven't worn these Jeans since High School. As they are my funky stretchy Jeans.... I just fit into them, so I'm prob a 13.5 lol BUT I'm in them daily hehehe... I like them semi tight, as it stops me from eatting as much/meal (I can pig out from time to time)

Pawsitive Thinking
06-20-2007, 07:50 AM
Have a look here


It means you have done brilliantly!!!!

06-20-2007, 07:58 AM
Have a look here


It means you have done brilliantly!!!!

Cool means I'm a 35.. not too bad :)
I know I put on a little weight as I'm eating healthier & more food (I was eatting very little & poopy food), so I put on weight due to not eating right (I knew this was going to happen, its how the body works, so I wasn't down, when I had to up my pant size).. But I knew I had lost again, BUT this time it was healthier weight I have lost!! I'm more active as well (quit baseball with work, long story), as my friends keep making me run hard during frisbee (we suck at throwing lol).

06-20-2007, 08:48 AM
Here in the US, a size 13 is a junior size (like a younger women's size, if I had to make an age range...maybe something from teen- twenties???) determination. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13....I think you get it, right?

The even numbers, 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., are the ladies sizing.....so, all my suits are in even sizes, my dress slacks, same thing.

For instance, at my ripe age, I prolly wouldn't be seeing any size 11 clothes in my closet anymore, since I tend to buy mostly from the ladie's dept. If I wanted some younger, hip, clothes, I might look in the junior's.

Does that make sense?

06-20-2007, 09:15 AM
Here in the US, a size 13 is a junior size (like a younger women's size, if I had to make an age range...maybe something from teen- twenties???) determination. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13....I think you get it, right?

The even numbers, 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., are the ladies sizing.....so, all my suits are in even sizes, my dress slacks, same thing.

For instance, at my ripe age, I prolly wouldn't be seeing any size 11 clothes in my closet anymore, since I tend to buy mostly from the ladie's dept. If I wanted some younger, hip, clothes, I might look in the junior's.

Does that make sense?

Now I understand how that works... its kinda cool... tee-hee I'm a bepopping teen lol :D

06-20-2007, 11:26 AM
I have no clue at convertions either, rith now I´m a 9 and I´m cool but I would like to loose the "center part".......LOL......

back to topic when conveting from 5,7,9 to a more formal outfit I never know which 2,4,6,8...... so confusing I always have to take one of each and see what fits....

here in Mexico I have another confusion to add "our" 2,4,6,8´s are used in this way......32, 34,36...... and sometimes they don´t match, ie the 32 with the 2.......

I´m better off buying 9´s and M´s.......LOL

06-20-2007, 11:34 AM
Here in the US, a size 13 is a junior size (like a younger women's size, if I had to make an age range...maybe something from teen- twenties???) determination. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13....I think you get it, right?

The even numbers, 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., are the ladies sizing.....so, all my suits are in even sizes, my dress slacks, same thing.

For instance, at my ripe age, I prolly wouldn't be seeing any size 11 clothes in my closet anymore, since I tend to buy mostly from the ladie's dept. If I wanted some younger, hip, clothes, I might look in the junior's.

Does that make sense?

That actually goes a very far way in explaning the numbering to me as well -- thanks! :)

A lot of the stores i shop in tend to do sizing in dual numbers -- so like 7/8 9/10 11/12 kind of thing, because I suspect they are trying to hit both the 20-something and older markets at the same time. And I know i can never trust the numbering, since I don't think its based on anything in particular -- i have clothes that i currently wear from all of those size groups, depending on the store. So I know what number range i wear, based on the particular chain im shopping in.

Also, you have to love the arbritary XS / S / M / L / XL / etc. sizing on things ... i can range in shirts from S to L depending on the store. I think that mens clothes have it a bit smarter -- since things are based on actual measurements in pants (like 30" wide, 32" long etc.)

06-20-2007, 12:02 PM
And I know i can never trust the numbering, since I don't think its based on anything in particular

That is so true! Each clothing manufacturer seems to have their own basis for size. I have to try on each and every thing I purchase and have even been known to walk out of a store with 3 different sizes of clothes. I have also noticed that over the years they downsize the numbers to appeal to people's vanity. For instance what 15-20 years ago was called a women's plus size 20, is now called a ladies size 16 or 18, when actually they are the same size. It's a way for them to make more money selling people clothes so they think they're slimmer. Which in my opinion just makes clothes shopping downright frustrating at times.

06-20-2007, 12:51 PM
Uneven numbers in the sizes are for body shapes that are shorter in the shoulder-to-waist or waist-to-crotch than the even numbered size. Sometimes and odd-number sized person can wear an even-number size, depending on style or manufacturer (and vise versa).

Of course, no two manufacturers use the same size chart!

I can wear a size 8 in pants if the manufacturer is a high class one and a 12 if I go to K-Mart. Same butt.

06-20-2007, 01:10 PM
Uneven numbers in the sizes are for body shapes that are shorter in the shoulder-to-waist or waist-to-crotch than the even numbered size. Sometimes and odd-number sized person can wear an even-number size, depending on style or manufacturer (and vise versa).

Of course, no two manufacturers use the same size chart!

I can wear a size 8 in pants if the manufacturer is a high class one and a 12 if I go to K-Mart. Same butt.

M- where did you get this from? I really have always thought it was a distinction in misses/mrs...(so to speak) types of clothes. Just curious, as I would want to change my opinion!!

I did just take a 'poll' in the office (four other women), and they all seemed to think it was the junior/misses(womens) distinction. Maybe it is an Ohio thing? LOL.

06-20-2007, 01:34 PM
I don't know where I learned it. I've always been short-waisted. If a normal person measures from the bottom of their neck to their waist, they usually measure about 14 inches (an even number). I measure 13 (an uneven number). Blouses have darts in the wrong place for short-waisted gals and are too long. The crotch on a size 12 pants hang too low for comfort so I really need an 11. Small, Medium and Large don't do very well on me, either. Tank tops need to be taken up at the shoulder seams to avoid a droopy cleavage.