View Full Version : Patches eyes

07-18-2002, 06:18 PM
:mad: :mad: his eyes are bad again, have been getting worse since we started the ointment...so I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow afternoon. I really am sick of the way they have treated Patches!:mad: this is going on TOO long:mad: :mad:
we have had him with us for 2 weeks tomorrow!!! it should be gone by now!:mad:

right? I don't think I am expecting too much, do you? Im also tired of part-time vets, it seems that they arent there when we need them. either one!:mad:

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-18-2002, 07:23 PM
I am sorry you are still having trouble with Patche's eyes... POOR KITTY :( .... hope you can get him well soon .... HE IS SUCH A CUTIE!!! .... keep us posted..

07-18-2002, 08:26 PM
eyes are bad again, have been getting worse since we started the ointment...so I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow afternoon. I really am sick of the way they have treated Patches! this is going on TOO long
we have had him with us for 2 weeks tomorrow!!! it should be gone by now!

right? I don't think I am expecting too much, do you? Im also tired of part-time vets, it seems that they arent there when we need them. either one!


:rolleyes: :p :eek:

07-21-2002, 12:39 AM
If I were you I'd take Patches to a different vet. Maybe a friend could recommend a good vet. I sure hope that Patches gets better soon.