View Full Version : Getting wisdom teeth removed

06-17-2007, 08:13 PM
So I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. This is something I just found out about on Friday. I'm absolutely scared to death and really I want to cry(although lately any little thing can set me off). Mostly I'm pissed off because I was suppose to be going to stay at my friend's house Tues.-Thurs. and now I don't think this is possible. I was going to see a friend I haven't seen in months and stay at her house. Can I still go or no? Will it be painful? Has anything bad happened to you or anyone you know while doing this? Please help calm me down, I'm freaked out.

06-17-2007, 08:27 PM
I had mine out last July (the 20th). I didn't have any problems, and it wasn't really that painful. Just uncomfortable. It did hurt pretty badly when I first got up in the mornings, but it wasn't bad throughout the day. After 3 days I was completely back to normal. Make sure you use ice often though. Only you will know whether you're up to going to see your friend or not, as everyone is different and it affects people differently. Good luck!

06-17-2007, 08:29 PM
You will still be able to go to your friend's house. You may be a bit swollen Tuesday, and will have to be careful what you eat, but the swelling goes down pretty rapidly usually. I had them out years ago - they were sideways and aiming for the roots of my molars instead of aiming up. I actually didn't have any sweiing to speak of, where my sister got "chipmonk cheeks" and I had teased her for days five years earlier.

It sounds scarier than it is, honest! Your cheeks will be kind of sore, but it's not like blinding, tear-inducing pain, just annoying for the most part, and they will give you Tylenol or something you can take for the pain, too. Just follow doctor's orders about icing it if you should, and it'll be fine.

Like I said, it may be swollen a bit on Tuesday, but that's no reason not to visit with your friend!

06-17-2007, 08:34 PM
I was told to have at least one days bed rest when I got mine out. But I took a week off cause I didn't want to go to school. I personally was really swollen. It was only uncomfortable in the morning and only hurt for the first day. I agree though just keep iceing it.

06-17-2007, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys, I also did some internet research and saw that other people said it wasn't that bad either. I'm feeling better. I guess I'll just see tomorrow if I'm up to visiting Britt. I really hope so!

Scooter's Mom
06-17-2007, 08:56 PM
I only had one taken out (so far). It was impacted (as are my other 3) and hurt like the dickens when it was removed. Mine are unable to be pulled, they have to be surgically removed. My oral surgeon told me "This is more difficult the older you get" and I'm 35 as of next week. So, part of my problem recovering was also the age factor (according to him).

Be careful not to get anything into the pocket where your tooth was at. No drinking with straws, either. If you need your medication - take it!

That's all my advice. :)

06-17-2007, 09:05 PM
To clarify, all mine were surgically removed as well. But I was 18, I think, so the "age factor" was in my favor. The doc who was my oral surgeon had been the one who removed my sister's wisdom teeth, and had done work on my Dad, too, so he was used to our messed-up mouths. My sister actually had one tooth whose root was involved in the jaw bone, so hers were a bigger problem than mine, which were simply sideways. My orthodontist said "Get them out now, or redo 2 years and three months of braces." "Yank 'em," said I!

06-17-2007, 11:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth. They're such a pain in the butt! Mine were removed when I was about 24 or 25 years old. All 4 of mine were impacted, they grew sideways instead of down. With mine I had IV sedation, as they had to cut them out. All of mine were done at one time, and honestly, I am a HUGE wimp and the worst part of it was the IV, which the surgeon tried 5 times to insert before he finally got it in my vain...so I was poked quite a few times. That was the worst part for me! It really wasn't so bad. Make sure you follow the instructions they give you and you'll be fine.

I was actually allergic to the pain meds they gave me, so I ended up just taking extra strength tylenol after the first day and I don't remember much pain at all. There's swelling, but as long as you ice it, it should be fine. Just make sure you ice it and it'll prevent you from getting puffy.

Good luck and you'll be fine. It really isn't as bad as people let up, at least it wasn't for me, and I'm a HUGE wimp.

06-17-2007, 11:36 PM
I had all four of mine out when I was 17. None of them had broke through the skin. I have a bad reaction to being put under so I was sick the first day.
But I know many people who had no problems at all. In fact, one person went out and had a steak dinner the next night. (not that I suggest something like that, just making a point:))
So it is something you'll just have to play by ear. I hope you are well enough to visit your friend. :)

06-18-2007, 01:30 AM
Something else that is really soothing, and a good antiseptic, is good old warm salt water!

Check with your dentist on this...he may want a day or so of healing before you do this.

I had mine out when I was 16 - one every 2 weeks. One was slightly impacted. I felt a slight ache, and needed a nap when I got home (two block walk to my dentist!).


06-18-2007, 08:01 AM
I had all 4 of mine out when I was 18 or so. The way our insurance coverage worked a the time, I had to stay overnight in hospital for coverage. My doc agreed to let me stay the night AFTER the surgery. So my folks didn't have to deal with me; I tend to be a bad patient, I am a big baby to this day.

Icing helps plenty.

Think of it as an extra opportunity to eat all the ice cream you want! :D

You can put the cold stuff on the inside as well as the outside, ya know?

06-19-2007, 12:05 AM
Everyone feels differently about it... but don't plan on eating solid foods for a while. If you don't handle the pain well sleep will be your best friend.

The pain i felt from the extraction of one was like nothing I've felt before. I tried comparing it to "female" pain. Both are intense, but it's like comparing chocolate cake to tulips. Impossible.

My bad experience was due to an evil surgeon. Most surgeons let you take about a half hour to wake up out of the anesthetic. I was only given five minutes and they pretty much shoved me out the back door into an alley. (Besides him having the bedside manner of an angry mother wolverine anyhow.) I can't believe this guy is the "best" and most recommended in our area.

That was for my bottom.

When i had my top out it was extracted by a really nice dentist and i hardly felt a thing. Other than mouth pain for about two weeks.

Oh and that is the other thing... the bottom one removed by the evil surgeon ended up getting dry socket and i was in pain for other a month.

My wish for you is that the person doing your teeth is very nice and well educated! :)

06-19-2007, 12:27 AM
I haven't had my teeth removed, but I did have 7 teeth removed at the same time. That wasn't that painful for me. They gave me an IV anesthetic and I didn't feel any pain at all when I woke up. However, I did have a lot of bleeding and having all the gauze in my mouth was uncomfortable to me. It might be different for you.

Anyway, as soon as I got home I took a nap and by the time I woke up, I felt almost fine. The bleeding stopped so I didn't need the gauze in my mouth. I started to eat soup and I was able to chew the 'chunks' that were in there. It wasn't until a few days later I was able to actually eat anything completely solid, like waffles or chicken or anything.

I think you should be able to go to your friend's house tomorrow. Again, I didn't get my wisdom teeth removed, but having 7 teeth removed at the same time is close to that.

06-19-2007, 06:47 AM
I had my wisdom tooth taken las April at 33!! And my tooth just couldn't make it to break through the gums cos I had no space for it to grow.

So my dentist took it off, had stitches and was bruised and my face was swolen and did not feel like going to work at all for about a week but can't say I was really in pain!

The only thing that bugged me though was laughing, apart from being painful I kept spitting blood with laughter!!

06-19-2007, 07:38 AM
Luckily I don't have to get mine taken out soon... But I heard if you take an mp3 player to listen to, it's better, because you can't hear what's going on in your mouth ((all the grinding and such)) and you can also relax a bit more.

06-26-2007, 06:18 PM
So I got my wisdom teeth removed today.. It turned out last week was just X-rays. Anyways I really should be laying down, for some reason I'm extremely naucious. At first I thought it was from taking a pain killer on an empty stomach(I took it with milk though) but then 4-5 hours later I took an 800 motrin and still feel nasty. Worst part the Motrin doesn't work! My mouth is killing me and I don't know when I can take a painkiller again. My mouth keeps bleeding on and off and I can't eat either(stupid tv keeps having food on it too :mad: ) Sigh I hope I feel better later. Mom went to buy me some pudding and soup for tomorrow. I get my stitches out next week.

About the surgery they actually gave my laughing gas and while it took 45 min for the surgery I seriously felt like it was only 5! I was pretty out of it but I could hear them taking my teeth out. I didn't feel it though and wasn't really paying attention when they actually came out. They also gave me my teeth back but I don't think I'm up to looking at them yet. Ok I'm going to go back to bed now, I just thought I'd update!

06-26-2007, 06:40 PM
Awww your poor mouth!

Yep you better rest, maybe drink some warm tea or somthing.

I don't understand tho, why do people have to have those wisdoms removed?

I still have mine & I'm fine.


06-26-2007, 07:34 PM
Argranade...I had all mine out when I was 16. They were crowding the rest of my teeth and making them crooked; one was slightly impacted (roots were digging into places they shouldn't) and one was a real pain - it would appear, disappear, appear, disappear.

Getting rid of these extra teeth was the plan - they were too far back to be used for chewing. And it was hoped my teeth would straighten out (they didn't, though they might be worse now if I hadn't had them out).

I had one done every two weeks. Felt pretty zonked each time, even though they used just normal freezing.

AR - rinse your mouth really gently with warm salty water. It feels gooood.

Hope you feel better soon!

06-26-2007, 10:49 PM
I was scared to DEATH to get any dental work done, so much in fact at the pre-exam table, I started crying in front of the nurse when they even so much as started talking about what needed to be done. But they sent me to an oral surgeon, they gave me an IV drip and apparently a shot of Novocaine afterwards (because, really, I wasn't afraid of the dental work... I was mostly afraid of getting a shot in my gum!!! and I am not afraid of shots!). I was out COLD. When I woke up, I had five less teeth, but didn't feel a thing.

I got it easy, I guess. I did not swell up, was never in any excruciating pain, a LITTLE bit of soreness, and my bleeding stopped the very next day. All my stitches came out by the end of the week. I was back at work the very next day!!

The thing that sucked THE MOST about the entire experience was the fact that I couldn't brush my back molars, and I had that DISGUSTING film on my teeth, and I got paranoid that I had really bad breath cause I could taste it... but I couldn't use mouthwash... so I could not waiiitttt for my clots to form completely and stitches to fall out then I was all over the toothbrush lol

I got all mine out at the same time. I figured, why go through the experience more than once?? Take them all out at once, save myself multiple trips. I can't imagine having to do it again, especially since getting 4 wisdom teeth and 1 molar out only took maybe... 35 minutes lol

06-26-2007, 11:00 PM
I felt really sick after I got mine out too...I actually threw up right after they finished and I woke up. My mouth hurt for a few days but then it got better. I think the pain/etc affects people in different ways. I know it killed for me...My friends came over to see me one day and kept making me laugh and it HURT but I couldn't stop laughing haha. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better tomorrow :)

06-26-2007, 11:11 PM
I had all four of mine done at once, when I was 24. Two of them were impacted. I was TERRIFIED. I had my mother drive 300 miles to stay with me for a week and watch my son, who was a baby at the time. I had heard horror stories, and I was expecting the worst.

However, I had no problems whatsoever. My jaws were sore for a week or so, but nothing major. In fact, my mom and I went shopping as soon as I left the dentist's office!

I put on headphones and listened to a couple songs. The dentist is tapping me on the shoulder then, I think he needs to ask me something before he really got started ... but he was telling me he was done already!

06-27-2007, 03:10 AM
You should have no problems, in a few days you will be back to normal.
One bit of advice tho, I have for you.........if you smoke cigarettes..... forget about them for a few days, because if you don't, you may get what dentists refer to as dry sockets (it's where the gum doesn't properly heal).
So.....no smoking....use ice.
Best of luck with that mate,

06-27-2007, 03:14 AM
They also gave me my teeth back but I don't think I'm up to looking at them yet.

Keep em........the tooth fairy is real !!!! :D

06-27-2007, 10:45 AM
Thankfully I feel better today!
Jessika-my sister got her wisdom teeth out on Monday and from what I heard she immediately started crying as soon as she set foot into the office and when she woke up after the surgery(even though she wasn't in pain). I really thought I would cry but surprisingly I didn't.

slleipnir-I felt really sick yesterday, I think it was the painkillers but luckily I feel so much better now, however my mouth is absolutely swollen now! It's hard to open and I'm starving, I can eat soup now though! Yay

Twisterdog-Everyone I know recommend headphones but I was asleep through practically the whole thing, it seriously felt like 5 minutes to me! Very thankful the surgery was pretty easy.

wombat2u2004-No worries Wom, I'm totally not a smoker! And yes I'm so giving my teeth to my mom errr I mean tooth fairy in exchange for a DVD I've been wanting. lol

Anyways I do feel better today, my mom is swollen though and I'm still bleeding off and on. I rinsed once with salt water already, it felt good!

06-27-2007, 08:01 PM
wombat2u2004- And yes I'm so giving my teeth to my mom errr I mean tooth fairy in exchange for a DVD I've been wanting. lol

HAH !!!!.......I knew there was a real reason why you had those teeth out !!! :D