View Full Version : CH Kitty Thread (You Tube videos)

Laura's Babies
06-17-2007, 08:36 AM
How many CH kitties do we have here all together? Lets' put them all in one place. For the new people who do not know what this is ...

Cerebellar Hypoplasia
The cerebellum is the portion of the brain responsible for the control of motion. When a puppy or kitten is born with an underdeveloped cerebellum, the condition is known as congenital cerebellar hypoplasia. There are infectious causes of this condition in both cats (panleukopenia infection prior to birth) and dogs (herpes virus infection prior to birth). Improper development of the cerebellum may occur due to injury, poisoning or just from an accident in development in the uterus. It is generally possible to see signs of this condition almost as soon as the puppy or kitten is born. Affected animals have tremors and unusual jerky movements or may fall down when they try to move. The symptoms do not get worse as they age. As the kitten or puppy grows it will learn to compensate for its condition but there are usually lifelong signs of a decreased ability to coordinate movement. Almost all dogs and cats with congenital cerebellar hypoplasia can live happily as pets with a little special care to compensate for their disabilities. This condition can be confused with cerebellar abiotrophy, a different disorder in dogs in which the puppy has a normal cerebellum at birth but it gradually dies. Signs of disease identical to cerebellar hypoplasia occur but the timing is different. Puppies with this condition seem normal at birth but usually start to show signs of problems after they are 2 months or more of age.

It effects each cat to different degrees. You can see how it effects my sweet little Amy by clicking the link in my siggy. These are some that are on You Tube..




Don't let these videos make you sad for them, They are healthy, happy normal kitties, they are just so much more special than a regular kitty and leave far bigger imprints on your heart. The first time some people have met Amy, it brought tears to their eyes and they felt sorry for her until they got to know her and saw what a little wonder cat she is, now she is everybody's favorite. I have been Amy student for going on about 5 years now and the lessons she has taught me have been amazing. I have long been past the feeling sorry for her stage and am just in AWE of her now. WHAT A AMAZING little girl she is!

Post you CH kitties and their stories here, pictures and video's if you have them!

06-17-2007, 08:50 AM
Boy, you're so right about not feeling sorry for the CH or VH cat. When people would first see Creamsicle, some of them would even cry. I mean, I did, too, in the beginning. I thought she was doomed or at least doomed to a life of helplessness. Um, no way. Nothing stops this cat. Nothing. She knows no fear. If she stumbles, she gets up snorting like a little bull, as if she's indignant that it happened. :p If you can find room in your heart to give a home to one of these babies, you'll be blessed a jillion times over. My little Cgirl is the most lovable cat in this house and even avowed cat haters love her. (Yes, I do have some "acquaintances" who hate cats, which is ok as long as they don't harm them in any way. They never would; they just plain do not like cats.) She makes you love her. She truly is an angel and you'll see that as well if you decide to make a CH or VH baby a member of your family. Great idea to put this in one spot for easy reference. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-17-2007, 09:29 AM
OMG, these videos DO make me feel very sad.... :( . My sweety Inka has CH too. Luckily she has a mild version. She can walk without falling, but as soon as she starts running, her she makes one salto after another. She cannot guess distances and has almost no balance, poor cat. She is also very insecure and gets startled by the slightest movement or noise :( . I don't have videos showing this, I will try to make them in the future. Inka is now 4 1/2 years old. She loves to jump on my bed and rest on my shoulder or tummy; but when she jumps she only uses her hint legs (looks like a kangaroo then), and doesn't know where and how she will touch down... . Mostly she jumps too far, slides to the edge of the bed, and falls down on the floor :eek:
Here she is, my gorgeous cat Inka:
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/mooi3.jpg http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/yoga6.jpg

http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/janma2.jpg http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/inlief6.jpg

http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/crazy%20inka7.jpg http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/august7inka.jpg

I love her immensely, she is very special little princess :)

06-17-2007, 10:24 AM
1 here, Ari, who's quite severe (dunno how to post pics here).

06-17-2007, 11:20 AM
and phesina's elmer too!

when I first saw your amy video last year, I was in tears, not sad ones.. but JOY ones!! I always get so touched when seeing any little or big survivors!

and then met this sweet little elmer, I couldn't more than wanting one! :D he's just as wonderful as a special cat too. although my cat, gus has a very very little of celebellar moves, it can't be compared to those little troopers.

god bless you all with ch/vh cats!

06-17-2007, 02:46 PM
There Are None Here At The Hotel. I Cannot Express My Admiration For Those Who Go To Help These Very Special Cats.
You Are Our Heroes.

Laura's Babies
06-17-2007, 04:16 PM
Gary, you are OUR hero too! We all do what we can, rather we know going into it what it involves, or it comes as a surprise. I didn't have a clue what I was getting the day I picked Amy up out of that cage in that pet store but it was one of the nicest surprises I ever choose! I WISH I could have as many as you do and rescue as many as you do but I can't. It just isn't possiable due to how I work and the limitted space I have. You are a HERO TOO! (never doubt that!)

06-17-2007, 06:12 PM
And Great News. I Took Some Steak Bits With Cheese Down And When I Came Back An Hour Later They Had Vanished Along With The Rest Of The Dry Food.
So Rossalnos Alive Well Ad Hungreeee!!!!!!!!!!!
If Only I Could Actually See Her And Get Her To Use The Litter Box.

06-17-2007, 08:42 PM
I just wrote quite a bit about my sweet little guy Elmer in the other Cerebellar hypoplasia thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=103971&page=1&pp=15). This is adapted from what I wrote there:

Last year I saw a thread Laura had posted about Amy and CH, with a video of Amy. I was alarmed and saddened at first but saw what a good life Laura was giving her (and she was giving Laura too). And I learned something about Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which I had never even heard of before.

That made all the difference a few months later when a tiny kitten came to our shelter who couldn't stand up long and wobbled and fell over when he tried to get anywhere. Because of Laura and Amy, I wasn't alarmed and didn't feel helpless with him, and I was able to help reassure other people there about him. Everyone fell in love with little Elmer, as he was named, and after a few weeks I wound up adopting him myself!

He is a bigger boy now, and he still wobbles and falls over a lot but doesn't let that stop him from doing what he wants to do. He is not bullied by the other cats. In fact, he and Poppy, who is a year older, often get into chasing and wrestling matches with each other, and Elmer gives as good as he gets. When Poppy has had enough, she jumps up on something to get away, and then he can't get her. He also likes to stalk and grab at moving objects like twitching tails (occasionally even getting the one attached to him!).

Recently he has mastered getting up on my bed! He leaps up high enough he can grab on to the top with his front claws and pull himself up the rest of the way.

He is able to get into and use any litter box handy, though it is a bit of a climb and fall process. He lies on his side to pee but can stand and wobble to poop.

Laura and Amy, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Elmer and I are both very grateful to you, and Elmer regards Amy as his beloved mentor. Because of you, Elmer has a home and he and I have both had our lives enriched.

AND... Elmer met his sweetie Taccoa, another adorable CH kitty who lives with LVPETS2002, here on Pet Talk!

Here are some pictures of him, the first from last October shortly after he came to live with me, the next in December, and the third one this past March. (These are different pictures from the ones in the other thread, though they are from the same time periods.)


Laura's Babies
06-18-2007, 09:10 AM
I am so stunned at how much Elmer looks like Chester! Except Chesters legs were not that long.

I am glad my posting about Amy has helped some become aware of this and helps people decide to adopt others and it makes Amy proud that she is able to help her fellow CH'ers find good homes. So little is out there about this condition that Elmer could also be use to help educate and make people aware of what a joy these kitties can bring to those who have them and the lessons they have to teach us.

06-18-2007, 05:52 PM
Laura, what other kinds of things do you do to spread the word about the joys of CH kitties besides introduce people online to Amy? Elmer would be proud to be a spokescat for his CH brothers and sisters.


Laura's Babies
06-18-2007, 06:34 PM
I tell everybody I can about Amy is what I do. I have went to cat shows and (am going to another in September) and told them about Amy...(anyone who will listen to me!) I am not surprised that few have heard about this. The Spay Baton Rouge poster cat is a CH kitty (Miss Tuxie) and she is suppose to be there and that gets the conversation going. She attracted many to her cage at the last cat show but no one was there to explaine correctly what it is or what causes it. I plan to print out stuff to hand out and possiably take my laptop with the video of Amy on it to show those who are interested. I just take advantage of ever chance I have to talk about it to anyone who will listen.. Many, many people have come to my house and asked what was wrong with her when they see her and I really go into it good with her here to back me up.

I talked about her a lot on the internet, other boards as well as here and I really feel like that reaches a lot more people.. When I posted the video, it touched people so much more than just trying to describe it in words. It gives them a tool to judge by when they come across one, who otherwise would have never had a clue and avoided a cat like this. We need to make use of every chance we have to spread the word about these wonderful kitties that bring so much joy into our lives...

I find "cat people" will talk about their babies with anyone who will listen... at the cat food isle in wal mart or at the grocery store, in the pet stores, doctors offices...anywhere there are people and the word "cat" comes up!

My vet took on a recent graduate from vet school and he saw Amy once and was asking me a LOT of questions because he has a friend with one that is worse than Amy. Like is she able to eat standing... then I told him about the feeding station Mike and I made for her... Does she lay down to play....YES! Does she use the litter box on her own and stuff like that. That feeding station has been a real BLESSING for Amy!

06-19-2007, 02:01 PM
Ari pic. http://www.handicappedpets.net/viewtopic.php?p=46036#46036

06-19-2007, 08:31 PM
Ari is just beautiful. Thank you.

Do all CH kitties have that same sweet face? Elmer has that same expression to some degree. He did much more so when he was a little kitten and I first met him.

06-19-2007, 08:34 PM
Thank you Laura for your detailed answer. That will give me lots of ideas.


Laura's Babies
06-19-2007, 08:45 PM
phesina, Amy always has the sweetiest look on her face and now and then she REALLY gives me a look that completely melts my heart. I always thought it was just her but maybe it isn't? I think that head tilt is adoreable but CH related as I have seen that and that "stance" in pictures of other CH kitties. I know one thing, she is VERY smart! She can spend hours studying something and figure it out to accomplish what she wants and I can almost see that little mind figuring it out.. What she lacks in motor skills, she makes up for in charm and smartness....

06-21-2007, 02:29 PM
Do all CH kitties have that same sweet face? Elmer has that same expression to some degree. He did much more so when he was a little kitten and I first met him. LOL. Ari's a brat of the highest order, taking potshots at most kitties in reach!! She's mellowed a little this week, and I hope it's here to stay! Even my dear, sweet ancient MamaCat couldn't stand her. :(