View Full Version : Help name our kitty!

06-16-2007, 06:31 PM
So, we have decided to keep one of the kitties who we got here as a foster. She is our first official foster failure - and I knew we would be failing miserably as soon as I saw her picture. I think she's gorgeous.

I posted some of these pictures already, but figured I would post some new ones of her along with these, to help aide in suggesting names for this little one.
She is about 6 and 1/2 weeks old, black and white as you can see, with pretty green eyes. One thing I think it really cute is that her front paws are white, but on her back legs, the white goes all the way up to her knees. I also love the little white line down the middle of her nose, and the 2 black spots on her pink nose.

Her personality is funny - she's a typical playful kitten, but she DEMANDS attention...demands as in, if you don't give it to her, she MAKES you give it to her! She love bite at my hands, fingers, the tip of my nose....anything she can to make me stop what I'm doing and pet her. She purrs constantly when being held. She meows a lot, especially when woken up. She loves to play with the dogs, and toys, and loves taking naps on our shoulders.

Here are the names we like so far - we would like to maybe stick with something Greek or Latin in origin, as we have with Maximus, Commodus (RIP) and Marcus Cheddar when he gets here.

We like the names that follow:

Maia, the Roman goddess of growth - her name is derived from the month of May, which is when our kitty would have been born. Maia would be nice, because all 3 kitties would have M names - Maximus, Marcus and Maia. Not essential though.

Nemesis, In Greek mythology, Nemesis was the goddess of divine justice and vengeance. Her anger was seen as directed chiefly toward those guilty of arrogance (Hubris), particularly human arrogance towards the gods and their laws. Nemesis pursued the insolent and the wicked with inflexible vengeance.

Nyx, In greek mythology, Nyx was the primordial goddess of the night.

Helen, the face that launched 1,000 ships in greek mythology.

Linea, (pronounced Lynn-ay-ah....we may spell it differently than Linea) this doesn't really fit our theme, but we like it. We both love the show stargate Sg-1, and there is a character on the show named Linea, who is known as "the destroyer of worlds" - I think it's a pretty name, and sort of funny!

Vala, is another Stargate character - it means "chosen one".

Harmony, or Harmonia, in greek mythology is the immortal goddess of harmony and concord.

Luna, is the roman goddess of the moon.

If anyone finds any other nice names, please feel free to suggest them. I keep calling her Hailey, and when I made her vet appointment today, I made it under the name Linea, but we're still very up in the air about it.

Here are her pictures -

I took these 2 just now



These are from yesterday or the day before









Any and all help/ideas are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

- Liz

Edit - I forgot to include the name Harmony in the poll, and I am unable to edit it. So, if you like that one, please just say so.

06-16-2007, 06:35 PM
Out of all those names, Maia sticks out to me the most, for some reason it just seems to suit the cute little kitty:D

06-16-2007, 06:37 PM
Thank Kalei - I apologize - I didn't mean to delete your reply to the other thread, I had posted the thread twice accidentally while trying to edit the poll :o Still new to this, I'm sorry! :confused:

I like the name Maia too. I just remembered though that a friend of ours has a kitty name Maia - I wonder if she would care if I copied her :(

06-16-2007, 06:45 PM
Oh, I like Maia very much.

I've always wanted to name a kitty Miu (or Miu-Miu) - Japanese, beautiful

I put "chosen" into the Behind the Name search tool and came up with two... Hera (Greek) and Elita (French). I don't have an opinion either way on Vala, and I don't know Stargate, but I just think the meaning is so sweet because you chose to keep her. She's a chosen one.

But I'm leaning toward Maia. I guess I like the alliteration! What a cute tuxie girl! She looks so little next to her big brother!

06-16-2007, 06:58 PM
OMG! I just passed out from all the cuteness! I can't stand it!!! I'm up now and will go & vote!!!

06-16-2007, 07:04 PM
I really like Hailey - like the comet!!!! :D (and a comet has a tail! :) )

Laura's Babies
06-16-2007, 07:07 PM
Maia! BEFORE I read anything anybody else posted I loved that name. It fits her... I swear, she is just to cute for words!! I am so glad we eill be able to see her grow up!

06-16-2007, 07:21 PM
I know it just sounds so awful, but I am so freaked out about having a kitten this small after what happened to our dear little Commodus. I am treating her like she's made of glass, and have even yelled at the dogs a few times for playing with her, when they were doing just that - playing. I guess I'm just being overly cautious :(

I like the name Maia, too. It's really pretty :) That would make 3 kitties - Maximus, Maia and Marcus (when he arrives). I just want to make sure it's ok with my friend whose kitty has the same name :p

I just changed the litter in the litter boxes thinking maybe it was causing her sneezing - we will see I guess. She's still eating, drinking and acting like a ferocious little devil, stalking all over the place and pouncing on anything that moves, so I'm optimistic that she's feeling fine :)

06-16-2007, 07:22 PM
I like Vala, because the Stargate character of that name also has black hair, is beautiful but causes mischeif!

06-16-2007, 07:24 PM
How about " Absolutely Precious?" She is a real doll!

06-16-2007, 07:26 PM
out of the names listed I like Maia best. I just couldn't go with Linea cause I know what it means in Italian (linea = line) just not a name for me. But Maia is very cute.

06-16-2007, 07:28 PM
I like Vala, because the Stargate character of that name also has black hair, is beautiful but causes mischeif!

Another Stargate fan?! :eek: Yay!

That's what I thought of too - she sort of reminds me of her, except she's not a thief....at least I don't think so!

06-16-2007, 08:08 PM
Sure she is - a thief of hearts!

06-16-2007, 08:08 PM
She sure is adorable and I'm glad that you've become a foster failure.:) Out of the names on your list I also likes Maia the best. Here's a link to many other feminine greek names Feminine Greek Names (http://www.20000-names.com/female_greek_names.htm).

If you want her name to start with an "M" then these are my other favorites:

Melaina-meaning black,dark. This would fit since she has a lot of black fur.
Melantha-dark flower. Since she's has a lot of black fur.
Melina-derived from meli meaning honey. Since she's so sweet.
Melitta or Melita- meaning honey bee. Since she's a sweetheart.

06-16-2007, 09:12 PM
In keeping with your naming convention:

(from Behind the Name dot com)

I like Harmonia: She was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, given by Zeus to Cadmus to be his wife.

She is black and white and a blending of the two colors. Perhaps a word that represents the yin and yang?

Try the following link. Apologies if you have seen it already

Late Roman Names (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/rom-late.php)

a Latin translator gave caseus as a translation for cheese.

Another dictionary had these options also:

caseum, casei
cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment

caseus, casei N
cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment

calathus, calathi
wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl;

casearius, casearia, casearium
of/pertaining to cheese, cheese-;

tyrotarichos, tyrotarichi
dish of cheese and salt-fish;

caseolus, caseoli
small cheese;

Other latin dictionary and translator (http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wordes.exe)

Latin Dict Home (http://archives.nd.edu/latgramm.htm)


06-17-2007, 12:52 AM
Karen - you're right, I didn't even think of that! She certainly has stolen our hearts :)

krazyaboutkatz - thank you so much for the suggestions! I really like Melaina and Melantha - those are both really pretty.

mrspunkysmom - wow - you gave me so many great resources, thank you SO much!! :eek: I had been doing a lot of google searches for roman names and greek names, etc, but had not seen those particular links yet. I had actually considered the yin and yang thing because of her colors - I will have to look into that and see if there are any words representing the symbol that would work as a name for our little girl. Oh, and this -

"caseolus, caseoli
small cheese"

had me CRACKING up laughing. How funny of a name would that be for Cheddar when he arrives?! I think we have decided on Marcus for him though (as in Marcus Aurelius), who was the father of Commodus (which was the name of our kitten who we lost). I wanted a name to somehow memorialize him, and I think Marcus fits well. Or the other one we were thinking of for him was Lucius, which was actually Commodus's birth name - "Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus", and Lucius means "light" which I like a lot. However, I think we're planning on calling him Marcus Cheddar, or MC :) I guess we will have to see what his personality is like though, when we meet him.

It would be so funny to name him something meaning "small cheese"...but it seems like we have bad luck when naming our animals something having to do with their small stature. We named our 5th ferret "Little Guy" and call him "LG". He was a tiny little baby boy when we got him. I had pointed out to the pet store that he was deaf (they know nothing about ferrets, it was ridiculous) and they assured me that "he will be taken off of display and returned to the breeder". I was horrified, and asked to speak to the manager. I told him that we owned one deaf ferret already and that she was just as good as any other ferret - just deaf, so we use hand signals with her. He said that "noone would want to buy a deaf ferret, but the breeders would take him back". I told him that the breeders would kill it, since they have no use for a deaf ferret either. He shrugged and said "probably". So I asked him if I could buy him, and he said that I could have him for free if a vet verified that he was deaf. So they brought him to a vet - sure enough, he was - and he called me to tell me to come pick up my "defective ferret" lol

Anyways, we named him LG, and he is now the biggest ferret I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen a LOT of ferrets. He's gigantic. I think he's mocking us by eating a lot so that his name doesn't fit him anymore.

This is LG when we got him




Pretty little, right??

Yeah...this is LG now.




He's bigger than our cat. I can't figure it out - he gets a lot of exercise :confused:

06-17-2007, 07:52 AM
I like Linea. It is original and very easy to say.

Maia, while the meaning seems perfect, I hear the name a lot (different spellings, but same pronunciation), so I would consider it too common. As with Luna, becoming common.

Nyx is too harsh sounding for that sweetie, and Nemesis is too many sylables.

Vala is OK and so is Helen, but Linea is just SUPERIOR. :)

(my opinion) :p

K & L
06-17-2007, 08:36 AM
She looks like a Shasta to me! SORRY! :D

06-17-2007, 10:20 AM
You could just combine the names: Marcus Cheddar Caseolus (Caseus)

I liked Caseolus myself.

Sam's full name is Samwise Rory Beauregard Gamgee, the Red.

He started out as Red due to my lack of imagination. Later I couldn't make up my mind, so I gave him all of the names that I liked. Sam Gamgee dosn't fit his personality, but he is 4 now, and answers to his name.


06-17-2007, 10:22 PM
This morning when I woke up, her right eye was swollen almost shut, and it was all goopy and runny and red :( I panicked, and brought her in to the emergency animal hospital right away. She was still eating and drinking and acting totally fine, and we had an appointment for 8:30am tomorrow, but I didn't want to wait and mess around with it, since it's her eyes and she's SO young.

The vet said she looks great, and it's conjunctivitis from a mild upper respiratory infection, he said it was probably brought on by the stress of changing environments. He said that he didn't think she needed oral antibiotics right now, since her lungs sound fine, but if her nose gets runny, or she starts coughing or anything, he will prescribe her some. So, I have medicine to put in her eyes twice per day, and hopefully this clears up soon! I keep having to hold her still and clean the goop out of her eyes so it doesn't accumulate - she hates it, and I feel so awful for her.

I hope the other kitties don't get this too. I've spoken to most of the adopters and none of them mentioned any sneezing or conjunctivitis or anything like that, which is a good sign.

I told the vet that she had received all of her vaccines almost 2 weeks ago, and he said this isn't something that can be vaccinated against - it's just a cold, and it happens often to young kittens when stress lowers their immunity to things. I hope she feels better soon.

I think we're going to call her Linea, but maybe spell it differently, so people don't pronounce it "Linnia", or think that we're naming her "line". Maybe "Linnayah" or "Linayah" - any other suggestions? We're still considering other ones, like Vala, and Harmony, but I decided against Maia since that is my friend's kittens name, and I don't want to be a copy cat (pun intended!)

Please everyone send a quick prayer out for our little munchkin, and hope that she feels better soon!

06-17-2007, 10:59 PM
I sure hope that she'll feel better soon and that she won't end up needing any antibiotics. A vet told me once that even though kittens get their vaccinations, their immune systems are still much weaker than adult cats so they're more likely to get URI's and other nasty bugs. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. I'm sure that whatever you end up naming her will be a wonderful name for her.

06-18-2007, 03:45 PM
She is already seeming way better, after just 1 day on the antibiotic eye stuff. Very little goop in her eyes this morning, and they are not swollen or squinty at all any more.

The vet said the response to this stuff is usually "dramatic" and it has been - yay :)

He also said after just a few days on it, she will not be contagious anymore, which is good. So far, Maximus isn't showing any signs of feeling sick, we're keeping a close eye on him!

If the next "batch" of kitties does arrive on Friday night as planned, the vet said it should be fine to let them around her - but I might keep them separated just to be on the safe side, unless she's literally showing no symptoms for the next few days. One sick kittens stinks - 12 would be a nightmare!

06-18-2007, 04:52 PM
Wait....What?!?! :eek: You are getting 12 more kittens on Friday?? You ARE amazing. I want to foster so bad, but kitties wouldn't be possible with my old man Taz. Although, I have been looking into fostering a dog. :)
I'm glad to hear Linayah (that's my vote for the spelling:)) seems to be healing up quickly. She's too cute to be feeling icky. (But they all are, aren't they? LOL)

06-18-2007, 05:00 PM
I Say Helen As She Is The Dear Lady Who Is The President Of The Animal Welfare Association Who Help Hundreds Of Homeless Cats Every Year.

06-18-2007, 05:13 PM
Yeah.....12 more lol

They will be here either Friday or next Wednesday, depending on when the next transport is able to come. We'll find out for sure either tonight or tomorrow. I figured the last group of kitties was gone so fast, why not help some more, right? :)

06-18-2007, 06:37 PM
I had to vote Vala because I'm a Stargate fan! lol

06-18-2007, 06:59 PM
I absolutely LOVE the name Linnea. It's also the title of one of my favorite books... Linnea in Monet's Garden. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Linnea-Monets-Garden-Books/dp/9129583144/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-6259081-4732113?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1182210922&sr=8-1

I love Monet, and I love the name Linnea, and being a librarian, the book just sealed the deal for me!

06-18-2007, 09:52 PM
Baised on her personality, I'd say Helen is the best of the names you've chosen for her.

However, I would suggest Cleopatra simply because this little kitty sounds like she is Queen of the House. That in mind, she needs a name that suggests royalty. Plus, there's the whole Egyptian-Cat tie inn.

06-21-2007, 09:18 AM
Wait....What?!?! :eek: You are getting 12 more kittens on Friday?? You ARE amazing. I want to foster so bad, but kitties wouldn't be possible with my old man Taz. Although, I have been looking into fostering a dog. :)
I'm glad to hear Linayah (that's my vote for the spelling:)) seems to be healing up quickly. She's too cute to be feeling icky. (But they all are, aren't they? LOL)

We've been calling her Linea, and spelling it that way, but may change the spelling, we'll see.

The transport was delayed this week, so no kitties until Wednesday of next week (the 27th). However, when they do get here, there will be 25 of them - not 12. Yeah....25 kitties. I'm crazy, I know. But I already have homes for so many of them, I figured why not right?? :rolleyes: