View Full Version : What do you collect??

06-15-2007, 04:22 PM
Ok I am sure this has been done before but I can't remember seeing one atleast not recently. What do all my fellow PTers collect.

Me - I collect: stuffed animals (wild animals & cats)
cat themed items
volcanic rock

I think that is it. So let's hear what everyone else collects and hey add pics if you want. :)

Looking forward to the replies. :)

06-15-2007, 04:35 PM
I tend to collect:

Stylin Sunglasses
Anything to do with Wrestling!! :)

06-15-2007, 04:36 PM
Ever since I graduated from highschool in 1972, I have collected little boxes :D For this mother's day, hubby got me a "Willow Tree" statue and now I hope to collect several of them. I don't usually like statues, but I LOVE these. I will look for some pix...

I also guess I collect mugs and dinner plates because I can't resist them :)

06-15-2007, 04:42 PM
Anything Snoopy :D

06-15-2007, 04:58 PM
I tend to collect:

Stylin Sunglasses
Anything to do with Wrestling!! :)

OMG how could I forget purses and shoes!!! Here I am in the land of fashion and forget 2 of my favorite things.

And I also just recently started on the 'posh' sunglasses. I just love the big designer sunglasses. :D

06-15-2007, 05:04 PM
I collect stuffed animals and Pirates of the Caribbean stuff.

I have over 200 beanie babies and a lot of PotC stuff.

06-15-2007, 05:16 PM
I collect:
rubber bracelets [[like the livestrong one type of bracelet]]
anything that has frogs
anything that has turtles
guitar picks

that's all i can think of..

06-15-2007, 10:45 PM
Spoons from all over the country and other parts of the world. :)

I believe I have around 80.

Laura's Babies
06-15-2007, 11:21 PM
I collect recipes, good tried and true ones that will hurt a person. Anyone have any?

I also collect Hall's Jewel Tea, Autum Leaf dinnerware. Use to be sold door to door back in my Mama's day... collectables now..

I collect cat hair, I wear it on all my clothes, decorate all my furniture and carpet with it... it really looks great on a pair of black pants and even wear it in my nose from time to time.

Everyone I know thinks I collect cat figurines so I have a real nice collection of those too.... to many to set out, not enough room anymore for all of them.

06-15-2007, 11:37 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean merchandise. I can't even begin to name all of my stuff. :o

Suki Wingy
06-15-2007, 11:45 PM
trash, crap, and a whole lot of dust! No, really I try not to collect, just another way to spend money but I have a lot of tv show t-shirts like angel and firefly, and a lot of bumper stickers (a pittie, spongebob, tyedye yin yang, manic panic, the key from potc dmc, and others.) I have quite a few potc things including 4 shirts. :)

06-16-2007, 12:03 AM
I collect bells. Like souvenirs you get when you travel. I have over 100 and have been collecting them since I was 12. My grandma used to get me several each year when she was alive and traveled to visit family. Now my mom gets me at least one each Christmas. And friends always get me one when they travel. :)

06-16-2007, 04:45 AM
animal cards and pics
dog collars and cat collars (i dont even have a dog! :o )
small boxes and ring/earing boxes
a lot of things to do with animals
enid blyton books
animal care books
dog treats for my friends dogs
little ornaments
rabbit/cat/dog/ferret/every other animal ornaments
guitar picks (spelling?)
stickers of pets
and general crap

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-16-2007, 12:11 PM
Anything Snoopy :D

He he, my lovely Snoopy is not for sale :p :D

I collect cat figurines, euro coins, hotel items, cat mugs, masks, cat magnets, animal soaps

http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/masks%202.jpg http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/masks%205.jpg

06-16-2007, 12:34 PM
dust! :p


stuffed animals


anything animal related especially dog stuff. :) and cat stuff too. :D but I have more dog stuff than cat stuff. :p

06-16-2007, 12:35 PM
He he, my lovely Snoopy is not for sale :p :D

I collect cat figurines, euro coins, hotel items, cat mugs, masks, cat magnets, animal soaps

hehehehehe...you know Lut you would never tell by your collections that you were a kitty person. :p

I have to say though that I just love the 2 cat staute in the 5th picture. They are beautiful. I just love the colors and how content their expression is. :)

06-16-2007, 12:46 PM
Dragons! :D

If it's a dragon, I've gotta have it. ;)

06-16-2007, 04:47 PM
cat hair?

Suki Wingy
06-16-2007, 09:45 PM
Well, if cat hair counts then I have you all beat on the dog hair. I can put something in the washer twice in a row (and have) because it was still roan looking from all the little white Niņo hairs, then I gave up and wore it.

06-16-2007, 10:24 PM
Well, if cat hair counts then I have you all beat on the dog hair. I can put something in the washer twice in a row (and have) because it was still roan looking from all the little white Niņo hairs, then I gave up and wore it.

My clothes stay permanently embedded with cat or dog hair. :p

06-18-2007, 02:48 PM
gently bump for other to add

and my own here too

anything HUSKY!!!! or WOLF.......(no brainer there huh?)

I collect calendars, and anything with an animal on it either plush, sticker, magnet, key chain, whatever you name it...... so itīs not a particular objets itself.......

and I collect the most like Suki......LMAO...... plain īol junk......LOL.....

Good one Lauras Babies you had me LMAO with the "I wear some on my nose from time to time" LOL.......

Maya&inkas mom: did you get my magnet? I didntīsaw it in your pics

06-18-2007, 02:51 PM
stuffed animals :D

06-18-2007, 04:57 PM
Glass animals, Stuffed animals, and rubber duckies. :D

06-18-2007, 08:27 PM
quoted by taz zoee
I collect bells. Like souvenirs you get when you travel. And friends always get me one when they travel. :)

same here, but magnets. :) from any attractions or amusements I went as well too. I think I have about 50 now since I started two years ago, and from every ZOO I went too! :D

06-18-2007, 08:31 PM
quoted by taz zoee
I collect bells. Like souvenirs you get when you travel. I have over 100 and have been collecting them since I was 12. And friends always get me one when they travel. :)

same here, but magnets. :) from any attractions or amusements I went as well too. I think I have about 50 now since I started two years ago, and from every ZOO I went too! :D

I actually had started a collection of magnets and also pins. My mom has carried on the pin collection. They own a cleaners so she finds those kinds of things occasionally and adds them on a blanket hanging on the wall in what used to be my bedroom and is now her office. My brother and SIL collect magnets too. :D

06-18-2007, 08:39 PM
lol, I think bells are pretty - I see them everywhere too. now I guess I'll think of you everytime I see bells. :p

when I first went on my short roadtrip (two years ago), I thought to start a new collection - I pondered over mugs, magnets, keychains, and shot glasses... I didn't want anything breakable and lose one so I chose magnets. :D I almost started with pen with my name on but I knew there weren't many gift shops that has my name! :rolleyes: and ink would run out in years also..

one of my friends collects keychains and she has over 400 all over her walls. :eek: and other friend collects pens too... he has about 2,000 or something!

06-18-2007, 09:09 PM
post cards and stamps

06-18-2007, 09:35 PM
Dog training books
Dog collers
Dog nick nacs
Everything dog I guess!

06-19-2007, 07:12 AM
I live to collect:

Cookery books
Spices (which I do use)
tribal pipes (when travelling)

And occasional lots of tiny kittens that swirl when you pass (like minature cat hair tornados!)

06-19-2007, 09:20 PM
I have loads of cat figurines, so many I don't have enough space to display them all... cat pictures (photographs and paintings and prints)... lots of magnets, mostly cats but also ones from places I like or that otherwise appeal to me.

Here are pictures of some of my little critters. (Incidentally, the cat figure on top of the bookcase to the left in the first picture is not a ceramic but a real live cat! [my Poppy].)


06-19-2007, 09:58 PM
Back when I was a kid I would collect bookmarks, but as for now, I don't collect a single thing. I'm really quite a minimalist and knick-knacks are just not my thing. I just don't like 'stuff' :) Oh, but on my computer I have about a zillion pictures of Quinn....so perhaps I collect digital photos of my real-live baby doll? :D :D

06-19-2007, 10:59 PM

06-20-2007, 06:51 AM
Doggy Collection Magazines and stuffed dogs (must take a picture of my doggies)
Mugs (unusual shapes & from cities)
Oh and odd friends (sorry Wom)

06-20-2007, 07:03 AM
I collect..........um,..........
Chinese watercolour art,
Chinese hand painted pottery
Irish legal secretaries

06-20-2007, 09:24 AM
How many of us do you have now Wom? Or am I still your one and only?

06-20-2007, 06:00 PM
How many of us do you have now Wom? Or am I still your one and only?

You're the 15th JMM....LOL

06-20-2007, 07:38 PM
Oh, and I forgot the other things I've been collecting the last few months:


From my kitties, the shelter kitties, friends' kitties.. any I come across. They go into a little heart-shaped box with a picture of a cat on the top.


06-20-2007, 08:40 PM
Shotglasses and anything Schnauzer

06-20-2007, 08:52 PM
I collect keyring stuff, dog and gerbil hair, dog toys, about 500 digital pictures, physical and digital dirtus, and dust.

06-21-2007, 02:20 AM
Phesina you are right!

I collect the whiskers too! With the intention that someday I might need to use on someone who wants to dress as a cat in carnival or at the Theater!