View Full Version : Pregnant women and long car rides

06-15-2007, 12:23 PM
Alright I need to know lol although maybe I don't :D

We are going up to Canada this weekend for a couple days. it's a 9 hour car ride. Did you have any trouble with long drives during your pregnancy.... I don't want to get unbearably comfortable half way there lol any tips on how to stay comfy?

We are going half way tonight and stopping in NY to get a hotel and then doing the other half of the drive tomorrow morning.... but on Monday we will be doing the full drive.

06-15-2007, 12:30 PM
Do you have issues sitting for a long period of time? Do you get carsick? If the answer is no to both of these questions, you'll be fine. Just take a break every couple of hours and you should have no issues.

Hubby and I drove from Cleveland to Toronto in one day for a long weekend when I was about 20 weeks and had no issues.

06-15-2007, 12:37 PM
Do you have issues sitting for a long period of time? Do you get carsick? If the answer is no to both of these questions, you'll be fine. Just take a break every couple of hours and you should have no issues.

Hubby and I drove from Cleveland to Toronto in one day for a long weekend when I was about 20 weeks and had no issues.

I had some car sickness at the beginning but I think that was due to the morning sickness lol.

My only issue is that my tailbone starts to hurt sometimes when I sit too long.... but I figure I will need a bathroom break quite often lol so I will be up moving around and that should offer relief....

Any issues with leg swelling? My mom had some terrible issues with swollen ankles and stuff when she was in a car for a long time (not even when she was pregnant). I haven't had any ankle swelling yet unless I have been on my feet for 8 hours.

06-15-2007, 12:45 PM
my sister had a long car drive while preg and she had to be in bed for a while as she was developing contractions...... due to the car movement and all.....

maybe making a few stops on the way......so you can get relaxed, stretch your legs and all......

I had made 4 hour trips while preg adn no problem at all and I was like 7 I think.....:p ...... and besides the drive we were shopping so I was walking, driving, shopping, walking, driving, shopping aaaaallll day!!

06-15-2007, 12:47 PM
Since we are military, we have always moved often. My biggest pregnancy move was in late July before my middle son arrived in September. We had to drive from Texas to South Dakota and it took us 2-3 days. I know we made a point to stop every 2 hours or 100 miles to go potty and walk around a bit :) Now, I still like stopping that often because it makes long drives more bearable :)

06-15-2007, 12:51 PM
Since we are military, we have always moved often. My biggest pregnancy move was in late July before my middle son arrived in September. We had to drive from Texas to South Dakota and it took us 2-3 days. I know we made a point to stop every 2 hours or 100 miles to go potty and walk around a bit :) Now, I still like stopping that often because it makes long drives more bearable :)

LOL that certainly makes my 9 hour car ride look like a walk in the park.

I figure I will have to pee every half hour anyway lol so a quick walk around should help.

Husky mom, I never heard of that happening... that is scary.

06-15-2007, 02:18 PM
nothing bad happened, it was from the vibrations of the car *I think*... but a good rest took care of it...... like I said I had no problems at all so any case is individual but I thought I should post them both so you have both sides of the coin.... and like deb said..... plan mini stops to make YOU and baby more comfortable........