View Full Version : Frankie and the laser

06-13-2007, 10:28 PM
In the games section I mentioned that Frankie goes absolutely nuts for laser pointers. Here are some videos proving it. Sorry for posting so many, they're pretty short. :)

I was trying to get the cat to play, but made the mistake of making a "kissing" noise that got Frankie's attention:
http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/th_CatandFrankielaser.jpg (http://s94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/?action=view&current=CatandFrankielaser.flv)

I did encourage her to go up the wall, so it's not a big deal. Normally I don't let her do this, but she was having fun and I wanted to see if she would actually do it. I know she'll follow the dot when it's on the ceiling. Also ignore the mess, the boxes are new fixtures for one of the bathrooms that we're remodeling.
http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/th_FrankieandtheDotpt1.jpg (http://s94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/?action=view&current=FrankieandtheDotpt1.flv)

And the last one:
http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/th_FrankieandtheDotpt2.jpg (http://s94.photobucket.com/albums/l81/cmayer31/Video/?action=view&current=FrankieandtheDotpt2.flv)

06-13-2007, 10:42 PM
Frankie is sooo cute!! I love the first video!

06-13-2007, 10:47 PM
She is so funny!

Kiara and Moo are the same way about their laser pointer. I keep mine at the table beside my bed and I let them chase it around my room everynight before bed. Kiara will stare at it on the table until I let her play with it.

If I even put my hand near it she jumps up. :rolleyes:

Sadly, the battery is almost dead. I need to find batteries for it or buy a new one!

06-13-2007, 10:54 PM
Hhaha what a funny girl. I have never used one of those for my three but she sure seems to love it. Glad to see you posting more!

06-13-2007, 10:59 PM
I love these videos Craig. :D Frankie is crazy about that red dot, it cracks me up how she tries to bite it too. I wish my two would go after it like that.