View Full Version : it's horrible!!!!!!!!!!!

07-18-2002, 07:11 AM
i have friend who has a cat that just had kittens... and her dad killed one of them!!:mad: because it was black!!!!!!! isnt that sad!?!?!?!?!??

Former User
07-18-2002, 07:25 AM
As an owner of a wonderful black cat, I say yes! What's the matter what the color is, it's not like black cats bring any bad luck (I presume this was the reason why he killed that poor kitten?). Amazing that this kind of people still exist :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-18-2002, 07:33 AM
This past week there have been several news reports about animal abuse here in my area also. One was with a man who beat his daughter's 3 mo. old kitten to death right in front of her. The little girl is 10 years old. The other was yesterday and the headline just read "Cat Mutilation". I can't tell ya about the article because I just can't bring myself to hear or read about something like that in detail. It really does make me physically ill to read and hear about this kind of abuse. It brings on depression so severely that I just can't function. I just get so upset with humans' inhumanity that it scares me and if I dwell too much, I just can't handle it:( :(

07-18-2002, 07:42 AM
It's so sad that animal abuse seams to be increasing.

And yes GP girl I think what you friends' father did is horrible. It appears that in some countries (mine included unfortunately) black cats are the ones that have the worse deal as they supposedly bring bad luck. That's a load of rubbish I've had black cats most of my life and I consider myself lucky to have them.

07-18-2002, 07:53 AM
Purley, I feel a lot like you do, when I hear about these things and I don't read the details either. It's so very sad that some people can bring themselves to abuse defendless animals! :(
They must be very sick in their heads!! :mad:

07-18-2002, 09:25 AM
That's disgusting and I don't care what country anyone is from, it is STILL considered animal abuse! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I have a beautiful formerly feral black kitten who is an absolute lovebug! He was once very untrustful of humans. He now loves me and gives me head butts. To do something as hideous as that is barbaric. I hope that man rots in hell!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I too have had a black cat who was named Marina Mar. She was the most beautiful little girl in the world. The myth that black cats are bad luck is BS.

07-18-2002, 09:31 AM
I have a black cat and it gives me the best luck there is in the world: arriving home and finding a loving creature sooo happy to see me that makes me happy aswell.

I can't say any more on this subject... makes me feel so sad and frustrated... :( :(


07-18-2002, 09:57 AM
It's for this very reason that we keep our cats in the house, especially Reebok, our black cat, around Halloween.

There are some VERY sick people out there.

07-18-2002, 01:05 PM
That is terrible, people are so ignorant.:mad: