View Full Version : I'm losing track of the days...

06-13-2007, 11:53 AM
Its 9:44 am here and I am just about ready to go to bed. I've been up since 6:30 pm last night.

Normally I would atribute this oddball sleeping schedule to my rampant insomnia, but not this time. For almost a month now, I've been working from 8 pm to 6 am (same job, putting down crosswalks but at night as to prevent our getting run over)

I have to admit, this schedule is more attuned to when my body naturally wants to be asleep but I find myself not remembering what day it is. It's kind of a pain getting things done, as it is a matter of staying up longer to catch things like the bank open. I also find that people who have "normal" working schedules tend to give me funny looks if I mention that I go to bed right around 10 am lol. Have any of you worked the "graveyard" shift or are working it currently? Does it make you go just a little nuts?

:D random I know

06-13-2007, 12:09 PM
Great minds think alike indeed. ;)

I confuse the days as well. I went from a Monday-Friday to a Sunday-Thursday shift. Monday feels like a Tuesday still.

And I'm surrounded by sleeping animals that don't want to play. :rolleyes: :D

06-13-2007, 12:16 PM
I used to work the midnight shift and evening shifts when i was still doing computer support -- either 2pm-midnight, or 9pm-7am depending. Even when i was on the evening, by the time you get home, eat, play some video games to try and keep to the midnight schedule (i was more of an avid gamer than I am now), it would be going on 9am and time for bed, then wake up and repeat.

I think i was generally getting to bed anywhere from about 6am - 9am, and sleeping as much as I could before work again -- makes having a social life difficult unless you end up buddies with people at work or on the internet.

Its taken me almost 4 years of being on 'day-shift' to get used to not going to sleep at what everyone else considers 'strange' hours. Now if i manage to stay up past 11pm I consider myself lucky. Getting up early in the mornings now allows me to see the sun rise from the other side as it were ;)

Edit: To answer the original question, yes -- every day ran into each other. Either it was a 'Work' day or a 'Sleep' day (weekends and days off) -- and it does kind of cause confusion sometimes. I had to ask people often 'what day is it today ... no, not the 14th, what day of the week' and get strange looks sometimes :D

06-13-2007, 12:29 PM
Ive always been a night owl. Im suprised I did any good in school because if I didnt have to be on a day schedule I usually wasn't. Back then days kind of ran together too now that I think about it lol.

I started my current job on day shift. I felt out of whack as I had spent a few months working nights at various places (even doing a few stints as newspaper delivery of all things). I guess switching to days and then back to nights has made me more aware of how opposite from most of humanity my schedule is. :D

06-13-2007, 01:32 PM
Yeah, i used to be a total night owl, and still can be -- but its harder since I have to be up at 6:30 to get to work ontime for my job. I hate mornings with a passion, and will sleep until the last possible minute, and really do miss the late nites.

All through Highschool, College, and my first years working i was a total night owl as well -- i much prefer staying up late and getting up late. I guess it has a lot to do with the schedule you end up with for work too -- i'd be much happier working even 11-7, but that also cuts into 'domestics' (ie. using the community laundry that closes at 11, food shopping, visiting family and friends, etc.) :)