View Full Version : Any nurses...

06-12-2007, 08:04 PM
I have a question about birth control patches...anyone know about this that I can ask a question??

06-12-2007, 08:09 PM
what do you want to know about it?

06-12-2007, 08:26 PM
sent a PM

06-12-2007, 09:25 PM
I was on the Ortho Evra patch back before Tyler and loved the convenience of it. If you need anymore help feel free to PM me :)

06-13-2007, 10:02 PM
I was just curious about skipping a period but wasn't sure if I should ask about it here lol (as in a want to skip it not I have skipped it lol)

06-13-2007, 10:07 PM
I did that several times so that my period wouldn't interfere with special events and things. As long as you don't make a habit of it it doesn't hurt a thing. It is possible to have a little bit of breakthrough bleeding though so if you do decide to skip make sure that you have pads/tampons on hand just in case :)

06-13-2007, 10:44 PM
Well I wasn't sure how it worked seeing as I missed putting it on last month..I was suppose to start today or tomorrow so I put it on last night hoping it would skip...I'm not sure if it's too late now or what. What happens if I start should I just take the patch off?

06-14-2007, 09:26 AM
nah, it doesn't hurt to have it while wearing the patch. Using the patch to skip will only work if you wear it straight through though. For example, change each week for a month as usual and then when it is time for your week off just keep going with the weekly patches for the next month. Just starting the patch the week before you get your period won't make your period go away though.

I hope I'm making sense... didn't get much sleep last night :p :D

06-14-2007, 09:47 AM
Look, if you want to skip a period, I have a pretty fool proof way of doing it for 9 months. PM me for details. :D

06-14-2007, 10:44 AM
Never use the patch for longer than three months without having a period, same applies for the pill. You need to have a cycle at least 4 times a year or risk other issues. Also, I probably wouldn't do it all the time for a prolonged period if you want to have kids later in life, doing things like that can cause fertility issues later, though of course it doesn't always.

06-14-2007, 01:09 PM
Look, if you want to skip a period, I have a pretty fool proof way of doing it for 9 months. PM me for details. :D


06-14-2007, 01:39 PM
Do you ladies know about the law suits going on about that patch?
Clicky (http://www.onlinelawyersource.com/birth-control-patch/ortho-evra-lawsuit.html)

I use to be on it... not only did I spot like mad & feel like crap.. I developed skin problems.. my skin started to turn rough, bumpy & sores developed & became itchy... Several parches aslo removed skin, I had to shower in hot water to get it off, with out ripping my skin off too. My periods also started to get darker & darker & darker & shorter & shorter & shorter...

I haven't been on it for over a year now, & its been the past 8 months that I've started to feel more & more normal...

I was on the pill for 5years & the patch for 2years.

Just wanted to share my exp. with it