View Full Version : Luna goes visiting (pics)

06-12-2007, 06:05 PM
Today Miss Luna Cat was in "Super demand LOTS of attention overdrive", so I took her visiting to my friend Michelle's new metaphysical shop. And what a little socialite she is! (Howard is very much the opposite: a homebody) She explored all over, demanded attention from everyone in the shop, talked loudly to everyone, crawled into laps (of those who would let her), let herself be picked up and cuddled.... she was in her absolute glory!!! Definitely charmed everyone she met. She even got a small treat from Michelle. Fresh catnip!

She's now back home, asleep on her favorite tiger-print blanket. What an exhausting (but fun) afternoon!

I've attached the two best pics from the visit:

1. "Don't you hate it when someone takes a picture when your mouth is open?"

2. "Hmmmm....I wonder what's in this here cubbyhole?"

Laura's Babies
06-12-2007, 06:09 PM
Miss Luna, you are darling with your mouth open and MY :eek: what nice teeth you have! You should get Meowmie to take you to that shop more and you could become the door greeter there. People LOVE shop pets!! All the attention and treats a girl could want!

06-13-2007, 10:22 AM
Miss Luna, you are darling with your mouth open and MY :eek: what nice teeth you have! You should get Meowmie to take you to that shop more and you could become the door greeter there. People LOVE shop pets!! All the attention and treats a girl could want!

Thank you :) Looks like I'll have no choice but to take Luna back for a visit. She made so many new friends, and the shop owner is in love with her. :)

06-13-2007, 10:53 AM
hmm. does her metaphysical shop happen to have a website?

And I think that first picture is priceless! What a beauty!

06-13-2007, 10:56 AM
She looks like a kitten in the first photo and older in the second! How old is this beauty? :)

06-13-2007, 11:01 AM
I can see why everyone was taken with her. She's simply GORGEOUS! :)

06-13-2007, 11:30 AM
She looks like a kitten in the first photo and older in the second! How old is this beauty? :)

Catty: Luna is just a couple weeks over one year old, although her Gotch-ya Day isn't until the end of July. So she's still considered a kitten. Although both her parents were smaller cats, so Luna might not get much bigger than she is now.

Trinity: I don't think there is a website...yet. The shop's still pretty new (they just opened the beginning of June) and they're still trying to get everything for the physical shop together. I did suggest to my friend she get a Myspace account, though.

And on behalf of Luna (and me too), thank you all for your compliments. I'm very proud of my pretty girl that she's so social and friendly to everyone. Now to work on helping her older brother overcome his shyness...